A black suit and skinny black tie with a white shirt has never failed me. You'd look suave anywhere wearing that. (Love the ceremony outfit by the way).
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Does anyone have any fashion sense? Getting Married. Help?
by RavenPearl ini am a man and i have roughly 10 months to prepare for my wedding (including raising the funds etc... my fiance is caught up in her affairs associated with the wedding.
now i do have a pretty good sense of fashion when it comes to 'dress to impress' when required.
however, i'm not familiar with specific clothing lines.
The con is completed - comments from the US branch's LDC chief
by sir82 inrecently attended a special assembly day.. guest speaker was thomas chicky, a member of the us branch committee and the head of the us ldc (which has replaced the rbcs).. the last talk of the day is scheduled for an hour.
it was the usual boring mumbo-jumbo.
he appeared to have blasted through his hour-long outline in just about 45 minutes, so he "treated" us to informal comments on recent developments.. he commented on the new wt complex in fishkill ny.. then he dropped the bomb (well, to anyone with ears and at least 2 functioning synapses).. the following is not a word for quote, but presents the gist of his comments:.
Ok, so they said one thing and did another. There's a word for that, it's called lying.
Or maybe they didnt lie. I mean they couldn't possibly have anticipated the future because they're not inspired or infallible.
So once again their incompetence is thrust to the foreground. Do they issue an apology? Give the money back? Use the money to build much needed KH in Africa or Asia?
Naaaaa.... they just keep it.
JW eBay Feedback Comment "Time Is Running Out!"
by pale.emperor inso i did a huge book clearout before i moved house a few weeks ago.
among the books for sale were some watchtower books that had become obsolete, old light or had since been "clarified" by the society.
so i thought they'd be wanted by ex-jw's or active apostates for their research.. unfortunately, it looks like an active jw is so brainwashed that they not only bought the "old light" version of gods kingdom rules but they even suggested that i read it because "time is running out".
"should have read it yourself" was a little insulting. It's exactly because i read it myself, along with the other trash they printed over the years, that i wanted to leave.
JW eBay Feedback Comment "Time Is Running Out!"
by pale.emperor inso i did a huge book clearout before i moved house a few weeks ago.
among the books for sale were some watchtower books that had become obsolete, old light or had since been "clarified" by the society.
so i thought they'd be wanted by ex-jw's or active apostates for their research.. unfortunately, it looks like an active jw is so brainwashed that they not only bought the "old light" version of gods kingdom rules but they even suggested that i read it because "time is running out".
So i did a huge book clearout before i moved house a few weeks ago. Among the books for sale were some Watchtower books that had become obsolete, old light or had since been "clarified" by the society. So i thought they'd be wanted by ex-JW's or active apostates for their research.
Unfortunately, it looks like an active JW is so brainwashed that they not only bought the "old light" version of Gods Kingdom Rules but they even suggested that i read it because "time is running out". I held back my retort. I mean, what does one say to a comment like that?
JWs and taking blood
by dogon ini have a brother who works in the medical profession and in particular surgery rooms.
he had a jw woman who needed blood.
while the jw elders were there she said no blood.
I think most witnesses think the blood issue is complete rubbish but go along with it hoping they'll never have to be in that situation. If they made it personal choice and "dont ask - dont tell" as it should be then there'd be no problem. -
Im Going To Approach A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inthe city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
I'd like to hear more on the Bible is scientifically accurate portion. That's always a funny conversation.
Usual bull i used to spout:
"circle of the earth",
Plants and animals according to their kind meaning adaptation but not evolution
Israelite's having laws on washing and sanitation without any apparent knowledge of germs.
Has waking up ever made you physically ill?
by fizzle inhas waking up ever made you physically ill?
perhaps because of the emotional strain etc..?.
if if so what were / are the symptoms?.
Quite the opposite actually. I've never been so healthy, happy and friendly in all my life since leaving.
Im Going To Approach A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inthe city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
Im back!
I found a cart, this one was manned by an elder (i recognized his face from assemblies) and a woman i presume was his wife. I stopped and looked at their cart at the mags and books.
ELDER: Hi. Would you like to take one?
ME: Im just looking thanks. Which religion is this?
ELDER: We're Jehovah's Witnesses.
ME: Oh right. Ok. I've spoke to you people before. On my door a while back.
ELDER: Oh yes? Have you read any of our magazines before?
ME: I study religion in generally actually. I have a copy of your bible at home. It's a new one isnt it? I collect different translations of the bible.
ELDER: Oh thats good. So do you have a belief in god?
ME: I used to. But when i studied it after a number of years i concluded that Jesus was a very wise and good man but only a man. And i dont think he started a religion. To me, it looks as though he gave some great lessons for life and thats great. But people shouldn't be made to follow him. I mean Buddha and Lao Tsu said some profound things too dont you think?
WOMAN: Well we believe that the bible is inspired of God. Have you seen this scripture? (She reads 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is inspired of God..."
ME: Yes but that doesnt mean it's true does it? The bible cant claim to be true because it says it is.
(I wanted to steer the conversation to "shunning" so after some blah blah about the bible being scientifically accurate (ha!) i said:)
ME: It's good that you feel zealous enough to preach. I mean im sure you're not compelled to do it or anything. But is it true that you people shun people who leave?
WOMAN: ... (thinks)
ELDER: People who want to leave a free to leave.
ME: I know but would they be shunned for leaving? That's what im asking.
ELDER: Well we have a responsibility to keep the congregation clean, and that means cutting off association with those who dont want to serve Jehovah.
ME: What if, for example, a person genuinely didn't believe it. They say "i love you, i respect you, but i just dont believe this is the truth so im gonna go join another religion" would they be shunned? Because they're living the same morals and want to worship their god in the way they feel is right.
ELDER: I know it sounds harsh. But usually this wakes the person up and rekindles their love for Jehovah and they return. If they return they're welcomed into the congregation and accepted back again.
ME: Well thats good. So they could come back like a week later and everything would be ok again?
ELDER: Well... it depends.
ME: Can you show me a scriptural reference for this by the way?
(They get out their bibles and shuffle some pages)
ME: Because i've read the bible many times and i know Jesus didnt sanction this.
ELDER: Here. 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 "blah blah blah remove the wicked one from among you"
ME: Wicked? Im not talking about a wicked person. I mean if someone doesnt agree that this religion is true.
ELDER: Maybe you'd like to read this book, it explains it clearly from the scriptures (Bible Teach Book)
ME: But you have the scriptures in front of you. Can you show me yourself?
ME: Look, im not trying to be funny with you or anything. It just seems to me like anyone who leaves your religion is considered "wicked". Now, am i wrong there?
WOMAN: No, not at all. We work with non witnesses, we treat them with kindness.
ME: So can you treat someone who leaves with kindness?
ELDER: Look, this is turning into an argument now. Lets just leave it there.
ME: Im not trying to argue sir, im just asking questions. I know shunnng isnt in the bible. And maybe you're getting a little embarrassed because you - deep inside - know it's not right.
ELDER: Embarrassed? Im not getting embarrassed.
ME: Well that's good because i dont want you to. Im a theologian myself and i wanted to ask a real JW rather than looking it up online or asking ex-witnesses.
They then just ignored me and pretended i wasn't there. Both holding the Watchtower out to... no one. I took my leave.
ME: Well, i hope you have a nice day. Merry Christmas.
Im Going To Approach A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inthe city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
The city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts. Today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe. Gonna try and record it if i can. My questions are going to be:
Is it true you shun people who leave? - (i think they'll lie or sugar coat this one)
Who's in charge of your "church"? (that word will make them think i was never a JW)
How do you know they're not just crazy?
So sometimes God get's it wrong?
If they're infallible then how is their opinion anymore valid than the average guy on the street?
Then i'll bring up the Royal Commision.
Mass JW exodus
by stockholm_Syndrome inmaybe there will be a mass exodus from jws when thinking people read feb 2017 watchtower telling them the governing body stuff up, shouldnt expect correct/ perfect information and basically make up guff as they see fit.....ya reckon?.
Hey, if shunning didnt exist at least 60% of active JW's would probably never turn up the the Kingdom Halls again. Keeping the JW label but not really practicing it.