JWfacts. It's a popular website here. I haven't even studied a lot of the Bible but I can debunk a lot of it none the less Elders can.
WHAT?!!! How can you be a bible student without reading it?
it really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
JWfacts. It's a popular website here. I haven't even studied a lot of the Bible but I can debunk a lot of it none the less Elders can.
WHAT?!!! How can you be a bible student without reading it?
it really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
A Believer, you're not baptized ALL OF US on here were. The stuff you're spouting out (or copy and pasting from JW.org) is old news to us. We know it. We studied it and believed it too at one time.
Your reasoning that "people laughed at Noah in his day and they laugh at the GB today..." doesn't hold water because we're told in the scriptures not to believe everything we hear. There's a sect in Russia were they all live in a commune and follow a long haired ex-USSR soldier who thinks he's Jesus. Everyone else laughs at them. Are they like the people of Noahs day? Are we to believe this Russian messiah is true simply because people are laughing at him? https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2015/aug/19/russian-siberian-sect-vissarion-in-pictures
They too believe in an impeding disaster ( a global flood).
You're not baptized so you're knowledge is wayyyyyyyy below ours. You're talking to ex-circuit overseers, ex-elders, bethelites (some still active bethelites), ex-pioneers. The majority of us didnt committ any sin, we just wanted to leave.
Now, if you do choose to get baptized, you'll see that it's impossible to leave with your reputation in tact. We're here because we know what will happen when you get baptized. You're life wont be your own, nor will it be Gods... it will belong to 6 old men in Brooklyn with no theological training who, by their own admission, are uninspired and prone to error and who change their mind all the time. So WHY is their opinion any more valid any anyone elses?
i've been noticing lots of these pins on lapels.
i could almost understand the jwdotorg pin because the new mantra is to go to the website.
but why on earth are they sporting a building?
Meanwhile, in Awake! No 2, 2017...
i got reinstated in the last month and had my record cards sent to a new congregation.
i went to a few meetings until i heard the cards had been sent and now i am looking to do a complete fade, no longer go at all.
the new congregation does not know me well and further away from where i live so i am hoping they will give up trying to make contact quickly.. any advice on do's and dont's and what to expect?.
Or you could claim to be anointed and have some fun with that. I bet it'd drive the elders crazy seeing you, a newly reinstated person, drinking the bood of Jesus at the memorial.
who are looking after the aged and infirm jehovah`s witnesses ,?
its certainly not the organization known as the wtb&ts ./jehovahs witnesses religion .. and why is that ?
satans system of things with jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the dole for unemployed ,medical assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks.
Gotta say, I'm completely sick of JWs deflecting criticism onto Catholics all the time.
I used to do it myself when i was "in". Or the born agains, they were hated even more i think. I think there's jealousy there because the Catholic church is so rich, more members and has a rich history. I dont believe in any religion but you cant just highlight negative aspects of another religion just to move focus away from ones own.
who are looking after the aged and infirm jehovah`s witnesses ,?
its certainly not the organization known as the wtb&ts ./jehovahs witnesses religion .. and why is that ?
satans system of things with jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the dole for unemployed ,medical assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks.
There's a chain of care homes here in the UK called Jah Jireh. They're notoriously poorly ran and the staff have absolutely no other qualifications other than being JW's. My wife used to work there and they pay minimum wage and work you like a dog.
It's not ran officially by WT but by filling a gap in the market elderly JW's are pretty much stuck for anywhere else to go.
the watchtower (study edition) april 2017 .
“you must pay your vows to jehovah.”—matt.
5:33.. * to all intents and purposes, he presented himself as one who was wholly dedicated to god.
Hmmm... but remember folks, for those who still believe the bible if you were baptized as a JW you were never baptized in the name of the Father the son and the holy spirit as Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19). (or if you're a hardball Trinitarian, simply in Jesus name). You were baptized in the name of the Father, the son and - gods spirit directed organization. So that baptism don't mean shit.
man faces deportation after fondling young boy he met through church.
(full article at link).
fiscal depute ross carvel had told the court that komorowski became friendly with the parents of the child as they were members of the same church and were jehovah’s witnesses.“they became concerned about the behaviour of komorowski when their son’s behaviour changed.
“There was a confrontation with Komorowski who spoke with a number of elders at the church. He admitted the offense. Then the father told the police after Komorowski was expelled."
After? Hmm... sounds like the elders have been reading their Shepherd The Flock Of God Book rather than following common sense.
it was announced this week that the theme for the 3 day convention is "do not give up".
these are the words that are spoken to someone who is struggling and is in the process of giving up.
this theme tells me that many in the organization are tiring out and slowing down.
Lets be honest now, how many young non-born in members are there? Very few. Even 33% of the born in's leave eventually.
Once the 1970s/80s generation die off or leave then who's there? I really hope i see the downfall with my lifetime and im only 32.
I hope there's a follow on to the BUNKER VIDEO - Kevin and his mates are still alive and well and decide to check up on the witnesses in their bunker:
you're not likely to see this in an awake!
magazine, but here goes.
for those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:.
You're not likely to see this in an Awake! magazine, but here goes. For those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:
Dracunculus Medinensis, otherwise known as the Guinea Worm, native to certain countries in Subsaharan Africa.
This worm is a parasite that enters the human body at the flea stage through contaminated drinking water, bores its way through the human stomach and and then grows and grows until they leave. Their head protrudes through the human body, usually the leg or foot, causing so much pain that the victim usually wants to get near some water - the perfect place for the worm to spit out its babies, after which having completed its purpose, the worm dies.
They exist purely to take advantage of homo sapiens (us). Scientists are currently working to make them exstint due to them causing the deaths of so many little babies that simply wanted a drink of water.
The disease rarely causes death in adults, but the worm tends to stay in the body for a year and it takes an excruciatingly painful period of several weeks for the worm to leave the body. If present in joints it can do permanent damage and in the spine paralysis.
So, please explain why Jehovah decided to create such a little beast with no other purpose than to infect us humans and cause us pain and, in the case of babies, a painful death?