Waste your time preaching about how bad us JW'S are. Most of you are or probably have been DF'D. And no doubt deserved it.
I was DF'd because i tried to leave. I tried to disassociate and was "lovingly" called to meet with the brothers to see what the issue was... when i turned up it was a Judicial Committee. Why all the trickery to get me there?
I tried to leave because i actually read all of the JW material from Rutherford and noticed how you dont reprint even a single sentence of what that man ever written or said. Why? He wrote A LOT of your books. Was he wrong? Wasnt Jesus directing him as his mouthpeice?
The fact is this is the only religion that has a LONG track record of getting every - single - prediction - they've ever made wrong and had to retract it under the banner of "new light".
Can you explain where Jesus taught about an overlapping generation please?