Hello Collins and welcome. I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
This is What I Would Need in Order to Believe
by cofty insometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
I remember as i was trying to fade i said to an awake JW who cant leave:
"If i were God I'd make it very simple for my little creations to know if i existed and that i was the one true God. For one thing i would speak to them. Secondly I'd say "if you let me look after you, you will never grow old and die. (Notice that I didn't say worship, I'm not an egomaniac, i said "if you let me look after you""). Those who didn't want to let me look after them, well they'd see the results of that. You'd have my people in health, happiness and prosperity. And those who reject me living dull lives. But anyone could approach me and let me care for them."
Im no genius, but to me that just made more sense. And Jehovah never thought of it.
I've been awake 1 year today!
by pale.emperor init was a year ago today that my life changed completely.
i'll never forget it.
i had zero friends in the kh and was never included in the "guys" drinks, football games, parties etc.
It was a year ago today that my life changed completely. I'll never forget it. I had zero friends in the KH and was never included in the "guys" drinks, football games, parties etc. My wife was in hospital. I was looking after our little one on my own (which was actually really nice). I remember I was about a third of the way through Crises Of Conscience by Ray Franz and decided to take my little one to a park in Liverpool called St.Johns gardens. As she was running around picking up pine cones and running among the flowers it just hit me.... i cant keep making excuses for this religion. At this time i still believed in God, i still believed in Jehovah but i was 100% convinced that this religion isnt "the truth". And more and more things started to make sense.
1914 clearly was wrong. They've been wrong about many things before. In fact, every prediction they've ever made.
Blood should be a matter of personal choice.
Shunning is the exact opposite of Christianity
There's no way to leave with your reputation in tact
Although i have many "brothers" and "sisters" in "the truth", i dont trust a single one of them with my doubts
Maybe we're supposed to grow old and die. Everything dies. Plants, animals, even stars and planets.
As you will all know from your own experiences, i immediately felt sad, scared, angry, happy, free and worried. What would i do now? I cant just leave, my father in law is an elder. The things i've learned from Ray Franz, how can i explain to JW's what i know and where i learned it without being accused of being an apostate?
So i signed up to this site. I didnt post right away but i read and read and read. Many of you here helped me more than my actual friends and actual family did, who now shun me, (yes, i mean you Toesup, Mr Flipper, Dubstepped and Chook).
It's been a crazy year, but one i'll always remember.
Looking for my little sister.
by DeadmanWalking ini have a little sister havnt seen or heard from in 20 years she was da for attending a church she was 17 at the time she moved out and lived with a family not jw's in fact they are very a posed to jw's the past 20 years i've tried to make contact she won't respond all i know is she's got kids 2 or 3 of them she lives outside charlotte nc and works for a insurance company as an underwriter.
i think her husband is a police officer ?
being back in her life having a niece or nephew to watch grow up would be nice.
Look what this cult does. It's tragic. If this religion didnt exsist we wouldnt have to go through situations like this. Deadmanwalking i sincerely hope you manage to reconnect with your sister. Keep us posted.
How did you feel when you got baptized?
by Schnufti inback in 2005, i remember sitting in the stadium in the special rows with 42 others.
8000 people were looking at us - maybe even with a binocular - while listening to the speech.
my family and my friends among them, being all proud of me.. i don't remember being enthusiastic.
Im glad you asked this, when i was about to get baptized i was told that right afterwards you feel different. A clear sign that the holy spirit is upon you etc. After i got dunked i felt no different. Then as i was getting dressed, one of the brothers who did the baptizing said over the cubicle doors "can you feel the holy spirit resting upon you brothers?" to which the other brother who had got baptized along with me said enthusiastically "YES!"... i felt no different.
So i went through my JW life assuming that my baptism didn't count, that Jehovah hadn't accepted or recognized my dedication. Years later i asked a very knowledgeable brother who was very approachable and loving to the congregation if he felt different after his baptism. He replied "Yes! But then, i also felt the same right after i was baptized into the Worldwide Church Of God as a youth".
So i understood that that "feeling" the JWs were striving for was nothing more than a placebo. Like when you see faith healers making people feint off a single touch.
P.S. That day only three people, including myself, got baptized. All of us have since left the Watchtower. The man who was in the cubicle who shouted "yes!" was a zealous pioneer but left after his brother went through depression and the elders berated him for his ministry hours going down. The girl who got baptized that day left after her elder father ran off with his 19yo secretary. Both are living happy, fulfilled lives out of the borg.
Picture worth 1000 words
by ILoveTTATT2 in(matthew 25:41-46) 41 “then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 for i became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and i got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink.
43 i was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’ 44 then they also will answer with the words, ‘lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 then he will answer them with the words, ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46 and these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”.
I see this all the time in Liverpool.
I remember a few years ago I was out door knocking and a householder said to me she wouldn't accept any literature from JWs because they don't help the homeless like other churches do. I had no answer for her. That really made me think even back then.
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
My heart bleeds when any child even cries let alone passes away. Im so very sorry for your loss.
What not to say...
by joey jojo inhey guys.
i was recently talking to a old friend who is a very active elder.
i was talking about ' the truth' and he suggested i sounded like an apostate because i used terms like ' the society' and ' watchtower '.. i am aware that ' dubspeak ' has changed over the years and i am pretty sure that someone posted about it here but i can't find the thread.
I refuse to call it "the truth" even when it seems natural to. I simply say "your religion" or if they're trying to score points against me i just say "the cult" (they hate that, usually they get enraged).
Lots Of Whining And Complaining About Us JW's
by Deaconblues1914 inin reading these posts, it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the wt.
society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank.
jehovah has indeed blessed us.
Waste your time preaching about how bad us JW'S are. Most of you are or probably have been DF'D. And no doubt deserved it.
I was DF'd because i tried to leave. I tried to disassociate and was "lovingly" called to meet with the brothers to see what the issue was... when i turned up it was a Judicial Committee. Why all the trickery to get me there?
I tried to leave because i actually read all of the JW material from Rutherford and noticed how you dont reprint even a single sentence of what that man ever written or said. Why? He wrote A LOT of your books. Was he wrong? Wasnt Jesus directing him as his mouthpeice?
The fact is this is the only religion that has a LONG track record of getting every - single - prediction - they've ever made wrong and had to retract it under the banner of "new light".
Can you explain where Jesus taught about an overlapping generation please?
Warwick Tour Brochure
by konceptual99 inso we had this posted in the mega topic thread... wt: warwick world hq tour brochure.
the new world headquarters of jws, located at warwick, new york, will open for tours on monday, april 3, 2017.. in anticipation, a new eight-page glossy brochure about this facility has now been released:.
download pdf: https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_cmsassets/70/fo_s-whq_e.pdf.
At first glance it looks like a prison from the outside. But there's smiling happy faces and handholding so surely this cant be all bad. And a personal tour by the liar Gerrit Losch? Sounds like the kind of tour i'd wanna go on. I've got lots of awkward questions for him.