Dont forget the Q&A method of teaching they use in their literature. Any deviation from what's written in the paragraph is not allowed.
"Jehovah's people are the happiest people on the planet".
Question: Who are the happiest people on the planet?
last night i had jw broadcasting on in the background while i was working, i like to keep up to date with their crap.
which is strange because when i actually was a jw i hated reading or watching their material.. anyway, on the streaming section, anthony morris comes on screen telling me that higher education is bad and "the better the university, the greater the danger".
i never would have believed it if i hadn't seen him say it myself.
Dont forget the Q&A method of teaching they use in their literature. Any deviation from what's written in the paragraph is not allowed.
"Jehovah's people are the happiest people on the planet".
Question: Who are the happiest people on the planet?
last night i had jw broadcasting on in the background while i was working, i like to keep up to date with their crap.
which is strange because when i actually was a jw i hated reading or watching their material.. anyway, on the streaming section, anthony morris comes on screen telling me that higher education is bad and "the better the university, the greater the danger".
i never would have believed it if i hadn't seen him say it myself.
Last night I had JW Broadcasting on in the background while i was working, i like to keep up to date with their crap. Which is strange because when i actually was a JW i hated reading or watching their material.
Anyway, on the streaming section, Anthony Morris comes on screen telling me that higher education is bad and "the better the university, the greater the danger". I never would have believed it if i hadn't seen him say it myself. He then goes on to claim that one young person went to university and not only left "the truth" but his parents divorced!
Then he lays the blame at JW parents for allowing their children to go to university. When one person left "the truth" he claims he told them "well who dropped them off at the university?!!"
Oh but wait for this... "We wont need doctors or lawyers after armageddon, but we WILL need carpenters and plumbers!!".
It's the way he makes out that anyone seeking to improve their mind is selfish. Education is the finest investment anyone could make for themselves. No matter what it is. This guy is becoming more and more outrageous and unbelievable. I really hope JWs are seeing what we're seeing at are at least starting to doubt in secret.
dubs in a pro-jw forum are talking about the earthquake in kamchatka russia.
they are speculating that this is jehovah's warning to putin.
what kind of twisted logic is this?.
From my JW days, not one JW would believe something like that. But, if Jehovah would do something like that he's incompetent... because Putin is i Moscow, not Kamchatka. And he's a dick because those poor people in Kamchatka who've lost their homes/lives had nothing to do with the JW ban.
"all people in the world are currently considered enemies of god" gee i wonder where some poeple get the idea that we are an extremist organization.. " jehovahs chariot is moving forward at blazing speed!
" in what reality is contraction and downsizing moving forward?.
"it used to be that if a congregation reached 150 publishers we would split into 2 congregations now if we have 2 congs.
"All people in the world are currently considered enemies of God"
Which God? Thor? Wotan? Ba'el? Quetzalcoatl? Allah? Jesus? Or maybe the one in the old testament who says it's ok to stone people to death, ok to own slaves, ok to kill children when you invade a town that you want to steal from them. He sounds like quite a devil this "god" of yours.
"Jehovah's chariot is moving forward at blazing speed!"
Really? Any evidence to support this? You're hemorrhaging members, memorial partakers are going up and you're selling property to pay off child abuse victims.
"It used to be that if a congregation reached 150 publishers we would split into 2 congregations now if we have 2 congs. At 75 pubs.we now merge them into one!! Again in what reality is that a good thing?"
How can that possibly be a good thing? If this happened to a local church you'd laugh at them for losing members and take it as proof that God is not there.
"Don't believe negative media reports!"
What, all of them? There's no terrorism? There's no famine? There's no war? Ok. Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine...
so my parents continue to pester me about getting baptized.
the other day my dad told me that i was old enough to make a decision, and was wondering why i wasn't ready (assembly is in a few weeks) so i told him calmly that i have many doubts and if i were to get baptized it has to be 100 percent my idea.
he was a little annoyed by this, and now wants to study the "is there a creator that cares about you" book (which is complete bs) with me.
If it were me, i'd join another religion just to get him off my back. One that believes the bible. So he cant refute your bible based reasoning on a God of love, that there would be false prophets, that it doesn't matter if we live or die as long as we serve God in spirit and truth.
Of course im an atheist, so to me id just be playing the game.
The other day my Dad told me that I was old enough to make a decision, and was wondering why I wasn't ready.
Erm... maybe because her decision is that she doesn't want to get baptized?
yes folks!
it's an eight page printout from the cd-rom of the scriptures and wt reference for use during the midweek clam meeting.. 'references for life and ministry meeting workbook'.
I remember always being berated by my then girlfriend when i could never find Ecclesiastes. "It's after proverbs!!" she's angrily whisper to me and dig me in the side with her elbow. To be fair to her, to this day i never forget where Ecclesiastes is.
I remember when i first came to the KH with a kindle with all my books on there. I was the first one to use a tablet. The "cool" people thought it was a fad and im just showing off. Two elders almost demanded that i use actual books. One guy at the back in the middle of the meeting hissed to his wife "look! he's playing games!!" (i wasn't, i was just turning the page on the kindle).
Then it was announced that tablets are ok but DEFINITELY not on the platform. The reason being the the bible is "your sword".
Fast forward to now, almost no one in that hall uses paper mags and books anymore. No one on the platform does either.
So i like to think of myself as a trend setter
i dont know if this is becoming a national thing or even globally.
but im hearing more and more people i knew from my jw days have taken their kids out of school to home school them instead.
in my sisters case she's taken her 8yo and 6yo children out already and her 3yo wont ever start a school.
Ive dated two girls who were home schooled. One was very nice but very shy (that could just be her personality though) the other was very bible toting and quoting scriptures like Rain Man... ask her about algebra or physics and she'd say it's not of any use in the real world.
BOTH were very touchy on the fact that they were home schooled. Only had to ask about it and they'd bite your head off and defend home schooling to the hilt and try to prove to you that they're not stupid.
I dont think home schooling in itself is bad. JRR Tolkein was homeschooled and he was a very very clever man. But it's not in every stay at home JW mother to teach her kids. Or dad.
on another forum, a user posted that their partner is being hauled before a jc for asking questions and, that the jc will go ahead regardless if in attendance or not.. the post does not say what questions were being asked.
another user responded with - possibly viewed as 'brazen conduct'.
here is the link to - brazen conduct:
It would entirely depend on the elders holding the JC. Only in a cult would asking questions be considered a sin. They'll try to ascertain if the person is asking questions to cause doubts or is genuinely seeking answers from "gods word".
i heard that there is supposed to be a video shown in all congregations this week, preempting the local needs part .
anybody heard this?.
Could someone direct me to the site where we get to watch these videos before the congregations do?
Only way im stepping foot inside a Kingdom Hall again is to cover the walls in petrol before i light it up.
i dont know if this is becoming a national thing or even globally.
but im hearing more and more people i knew from my jw days have taken their kids out of school to home school them instead.
in my sisters case she's taken her 8yo and 6yo children out already and her 3yo wont ever start a school.
I dont know if this is becoming a national thing or even globally. But im hearing more and more people i knew from my JW days have taken their kids out of school to home school them instead. In my sisters case she's taken her 8yo and 6yo children out already and her 3yo wont ever start a school. It gets me worried. Educating children is a specialized field. Not everyone can do it or is up to it. I dont know how my sister is doing it. When i asked my sister why she's taken her children out she replied "The world is so bad now. And they wont finish school anyway because armageddon will be here by then". I reminded her that we both said that in 1989 when we were their age.
I heard yesterday that two families from my old congregation have taken their kids out of school too.
Going to mainstream school is, in my opinion, a must. Not just because they have actual trained educators that will teach our children, but also the child learns social skills with classmates in the playground and makes friends.