Hi doubtfull1799, your post hit a chord with me. I know what you mean, i went through a really difficult time a few months after i left (my post was here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5658435402072064/help-please-finding-hard-adjusting-real-world). Getting used to the real world and seeing the society for what it is and not being able to tell anyone because they wont look at the evidence is frustrating and can knock you emotionally. Personally, i have to just let people (JWs) make their own mistakes. More and more will come out of the cult on their own eventually.
The propaganda, black and white thinking and cult-speak are difficult to rid oneself of but we'll get there.
This forum has been such a support to all of us, i dont know what i'dve done without it. Maybe i'dve fell back into the borg.