We Pass the Bread and the Wine Just like in the Bible! But, why is forbidden to eat?
by lusitano o tuga 63 Replies latest social humour
lusitano o tuga
what do you think about this ?
lusitano o tuga
who is B. Azaz ????
because wt reverses everything.
At the last supper, all the people with an earthly hope were served and commanded to eat & drink, "all of you !!!" but
the only anointed present, Jesus, ate not, drank not at that point. . and thats the point, remember it!
At one time, in the RCC. only the priests could partake of BOTH bread and wine.
The Watchtower evolved the same way, from a brotherhood to a ecclesiastical power.
1 Cor 10 shows no exclusiveness for baptized believers-
2 and were *ALL* baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea
3 and did *ALL* eat the same spiritual food
4 and did *ALL* drink the same spiritual drink
for they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them- and the rock was Christ
let's review.. the WTS is a cult based on failed end time eschatology
WATON says "At the last supper, all the people with an earthly hope"
what scriptural proof do you have for this opinion ?
what scriptural proof do you have for this opinion Id:
please read the context. even in Acts chapter 1, these first partakers still expected (not contradicted by Jesus) to have the kingdom restored to Israel, with them as promised rulers on earth, Further,
only the anointed (according to wt) have the heavenly hope, the partakers and 109 others became anointed only at pentecost, they were of the earthly class before that. right? interestingly,
All anointed, including Jesus, had the earthly hope (the one he sacrificed) before getting the upward call , the "spirit anointing" so to repeat:
At the last supper, the Anointed abstained, the Earthly Class partook. my, how times have changed .
of course, the bread & wine pictured the ransom, a redemption which the "perfect"Jesus did not need, and communion is achieved by eating and drinking together. That is why
WT is wrong to call the earthly class sheep "companions".-- wt leaders have no intention to share the pane, bread with the lover species.
This is the order of the Passover Seder and the story behind why the biblical text shows Jesus may not have partaken of ONE of the cups of wine. His disciples wouldn't have partaken of THAT cup either. Jesus and His disciples would have observed the Passover according to the custom of that day which included a "Cup" that was not mentioned in the OT texts but is spoken of in ancient Jewish texts that instruct that a cup that was to be drunk from 4 times. (Pesahim 10:1..."On the eve of Passover from close to the time of the afternoon offering, on one must eat until nightfall. Even the poorest person in Israel must not eat on the night of Passover unless he reclines. And they must give him no fewer than four cups of wine, even if he receives relief from the charity plate"
The Last Supper
At evening Jesus gathered with His disciples and reclined at the table. He said, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." Luke 22:15.
The Seder began as usual with the blessing of the First Cup of Sanctification. This cup has nothing to do with earthly or heavenly hopes.
everything appeared to be in order as they moved on to the blessing of the Second Cup of Remembrance and recounted the Passover Story referred to as the Haggadah. This cup has nothing to do with earthly or heavenly hopes.
After the meal
Jesus continues to the blessing for the Unleavened Bread, but as He breaks it and passes it to His disciples and says,"This bread is My body which is given for you, do this in remembrance of Me." Luke 22:19. This bread has nothing to do with earthly or heavenly hopes.
They may have reminisced of His earlier mysterious teachings as they heard these words before. "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." John 6:51.
Then He lifted the Third Cup of Redemption, and after the blessing He said, "This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew 26:28.
Everyone who celebrated the Passover took the Third Cup of Redemption. However, Jesus took this opportunity to institute a new covenant; a covenant of grace and salvation because the breaking of the old covenant of Redemption by Israel would incur a "Cup of Wrath and Judgement." (Jeremiah 31:32-34). This cup has nothing to do with earthly or heavenly hopes.
The Fourth Cup of Praise was the cup they were not to drink until Elijah returned under the usual circumstances but Jesus had already told them John the Baptist was the Elijah to come and the text doesn't say that the disciples partook of this cup or not. It is also unclear whether Jesus partook of it or not either as His statement, "I will not drink again from this fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." (Mark 14:25) could have been made after drinking from the fourth cup. Either way it has nothing to do with earthly or heavenly hopes.
The disciples were not yet able to understand everything Jesus was saying to them (John 16:17) but instead of questioning they proceeded on to the regular order of Seder and began singing the Psalms of Praise.
The Passover Meal is eaten in the evening and is directly followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
myelain - your comment arouses my interest in this subject.
In the church it was originally usual for all christians to drink consecrated sacramental wine / Altar wine not only for the priests!
In the Early Church both clergy and laity received the consecrated wine by drinking from the chalice, after receiving a portion of the consecrated bread.
Due to many factors, including the difficulty of obtaining wine in Northern European countries where the climate was unsuitable for growing grapes, drinking from the chalice became largely restricted in the West to the celebrating priest, while others received communion in the form of bread only. This also reduced the symbolic importance of choosing wine of red colour.[2]read further in
The church had special wine cultivated in special vineyards! And it was perhaps expensive to serve wine for all churchmembers at each church service.
So it is not true that wine is only drunk by priests to show that they have a special relationship with god as some may argue.!