I was explaining to someone yesterday about JW love. I used my mother as an example. She, and the rest of my entire family (uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews) are all shunning me. I dont hold any hatred for them because i know that they're under a bad influence. My siblings and i were raised with a distorted idea of what love is.
My mother was raised in foster homes, her parents didn't look after her at all. Her parents were selfish and uncaring. At 15 my mum found "the truth" and it became her family. She had never experienced real love in the first place from her own family. Then she's introduced to the witnesses and they tell show her their version of love. Love for Jehovah and his organization is the absolute pinnacle of love. Anything else, family, friends, children come after it. Love for family is disposable. It can be taken and re-applied like a sticker for good behavior.
You only have to listen to what GB member Stephen Lett said in the March 2017 Broadcast "The Governing Body love you... non witness friends dont really love you". This kind of crap sums it all up. The Governing Body, who've never met me nor anyone i know, apparently love me more than my actual friends that i've known for years and hung out with and gotten to know. The indoctrinated JW doesn't know what real love is. And when they're shown it by non JW's they dont trust it. Thinking it must be some sort of trick or fake.