Makes you wonder, if Jehovah supplied manna in the wilderness, and made it so their sandals and clothes didn't wear out, cant he do the same trick when the big A strikes? Apparently not. Maybe he's like a cheap conjurer. Never does the same trick twice in case you see how he does it.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Go bags?
by punkofnice ini heard recently that there was a talk given at the kh about having a 'go bag' ready because the big 'a' must be soooo close as evidenced by syria and the russian jobo thing.. does anyone know if this 'go bag' thing is substantiated in publications or just a local nut job being paranoid and attention seeking?.
i also wonder about this 'go bag' thing, apparently, you need to make sure your biscuits (that's cookies to my over the pond friends), are not out of date.
don't carry water, it's too heavy.. too many questions do i have.
Go bags?
by punkofnice ini heard recently that there was a talk given at the kh about having a 'go bag' ready because the big 'a' must be soooo close as evidenced by syria and the russian jobo thing.. does anyone know if this 'go bag' thing is substantiated in publications or just a local nut job being paranoid and attention seeking?.
i also wonder about this 'go bag' thing, apparently, you need to make sure your biscuits (that's cookies to my over the pond friends), are not out of date.
don't carry water, it's too heavy.. too many questions do i have.
This was announced as far back as 2014, i remember it being announced and thinking it was crazy. No one i know actually did it. It's either the GB trying to add another splash of fear to keep the R&F on the toes or the GB genuinely believe the big A is imminent, proving they're as mad a balloon.
Animals, Blood, Food, and JW Beliefs
by dubstepped ini'm just thinking aloud here.
i watched a show yesterday and they were talking about how the largest mammals of the sea (whales) fed on such small creatures (plankton) rather than eating some other large creatures.
anyway, it got me thinking about how as jws we thought that in paradise animals would all be herbivores, that they would no longer eat other animals.
What always stumped me was spiders. What will they do? A spiders web is always touted as proof of creation by the WT because of it's strength and engineering mastery... but it's sole purpose is to catch live prey, wrap it up and suck out the insides of the poor creatures.
In the end i had to just not think of it.
The 1917 Espionage Act
by Tom Harley intoday, ran an article likening trump's being drawn into syria to wilson's being drawn into world war i, 100 years ago.
in the article was a mention of the 1917 espionage act, its purpose and consequences.
the espionage act was famously used against jehovah's witnesses back then, sending leaders to prison.
Not just the witnesses though Tom. The anti-extremist angle is being used on evangelical religions. They want the Russian Orthodox church to me the main church in Russia.
That means those annoying people who shout about Jesus in the street, Mormons,Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses etc - you know, most cults.
When You See a JW Do You Get Flustered?
by minimus ini used to dread seeing a witness coming toward me.
now i am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... does your blood pressure rise when you see a jw coming toward you?
I find they seem to get flustered though. Since leaving i've had the following:
A bus driver from my old hall, he was with the inspector so HAD to be nice pleasant to me. I smiled and said hello and he did the same back.
My mother in law, she saw me then stopped in the street, took out her mobile phone and pretended to text someone.
My sister in law, saw me in the street too late to cross the street to avoid me, she took out her phone and pretended to talk to someone.
A brother from my old hall stared me down at a bus stop. I smiled and said hello, he kept staring with a serious face. His 20yo daughter was with him... who's inactive with 3 children from different dads and smoking a cigarette.
No love lost there. Im not the one in a mental prison.
What will you be doing on the evening of the 11th ?
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
It shows how well their campaign went when i never even got an invitation through my door... nor did any of my friends.
It's not until you're on the other side of the door you realize how rare it is for JWs to knock on your door.
I'm 90% PIMO but events in Russia made me stop and think maybe Jehovah is real and helping
by Isambard Crater ini'm at the stage where i'd love a big scandal to come along showing clearly that the j.w's are not the true religion, but sometimes i get touched inside by various thoughts or events, the russian court trial being one of them.. i mean, j.w's are understandably fixated with attending the memorial, so why didn't the court say it will resume on monday or tuesday, instead setting wednesday 12 april as the date?
part of me believes the comments from pro-j.w's that jehovah moved events so they could attend the memorial.. it seems the j.w's will not be banned, which makes my mind and heart wrestle between thinking jah's behind it, or maybe the ministry of justice is just woefully prepared compared to the superb australian royal commission team who did their homework.
it surprises me the russians seemingly haven't done any homework..
Ok, allow me to remind you of the following:
Jehovah allowed JW's in africa to be gangraped, chopped up alive, burned alive, put in prison and starved to death. He also allowed his people to end up in concentration camps during WW2. He gave C.T.Russell wrong information, Rutherford wrong information again, Knorr wrong information yet again and even now he's allowing his people in Korea and the middle east to be banned. He allowed his people in France to go to prison in the 1990s and ALL OF A SUDDEN decides to maneuver things this week so that his people in Russia can have their memorial?
If really does exist he's not worth of being worshiped. The incompetent fool.
I was explaining to someone yesterday about JW love. I used my mother as an example. She, and the rest of my entire family (uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews) are all shunning me. I dont hold any hatred for them because i know that they're under a bad influence. My siblings and i were raised with a distorted idea of what love is.
My mother was raised in foster homes, her parents didn't look after her at all. Her parents were selfish and uncaring. At 15 my mum found "the truth" and it became her family. She had never experienced real love in the first place from her own family. Then she's introduced to the witnesses and they tell show her their version of love. Love for Jehovah and his organization is the absolute pinnacle of love. Anything else, family, friends, children come after it. Love for family is disposable. It can be taken and re-applied like a sticker for good behavior.
You only have to listen to what GB member Stephen Lett said in the March 2017 Broadcast "The Governing Body love you... non witness friends dont really love you". This kind of crap sums it all up. The Governing Body, who've never met me nor anyone i know, apparently love me more than my actual friends that i've known for years and hung out with and gotten to know. The indoctrinated JW doesn't know what real love is. And when they're shown it by non JW's they dont trust it. Thinking it must be some sort of trick or fake.
Has Anyone Ever Just Gotten Mad and "Popped" an Elder?
by Cold Steel init has to have happened.
people get stressed out, an elder or overseer takes just two steps over the line and gets a fat lip for his trouble.. does that ever happen?
or maybe someone "counsels" a brother at the wrong time and tempers flare at the old kingdom hall?.
So why do the JWs believe the elders are appointed by God? It's a fundamental question for someone who can take away your wife [SNAP!], other family members [SNAP!], friends [SNAP!] and fellow worshippers like that [SNAP!] If GB members really were God's chosen and appointed servants, I could at least understand why they might revere them and their appoints, but the GB has been denying inspiration and revelation for years, right?
May active JW's dont actually believe that elders are appointed by God. I never did, and others my age in private conversation would openly say that they cant be appointed by God because brother so-and-so has been appointed even though we know he's still doing you-know-what with you-know-who. Many people put up with their bullying nature because it's safer not to rock the boat. In order to disfellowship and ruin your family bond they'd need a Judicial Committee of three elders. But a single elder would have some clout in influencing others to not associate with you. If you had an opinion of a scripture and and elder had another, everyone would go with the elders opinion. The congregation mistakenly think that elders have such a great knowledge of the scriptures, which really isnt the case (in my congregation i was the go-to person for biblical knowledge, even by elders. But i'd still tell them check up on what i tell them.)
My mum, for example, has a reverential fear of elders. She fawns over their wives and goes out of her way to be connected in any way to an elders family.
Thank you for helping me through the bad days
by doubtfull1799 ini'm sure that whatever stage we are at with our journey in leaving the corporation disguised as a religion, aka the watchtower bible & tract society, we have good days and bad days.
maybe young ones who have managed to escape mentally do not suffer quite as much, or suffer in different ways, but after 40 years of indoctrination, what i now like to call the "machinery of reinforcement" it is unavoidable that you don't have days where your head is messed with.
yesterday was just such a day for me.
Hi doubtfull1799, your post hit a chord with me. I know what you mean, i went through a really difficult time a few months after i left (my post was here: Getting used to the real world and seeing the society for what it is and not being able to tell anyone because they wont look at the evidence is frustrating and can knock you emotionally. Personally, i have to just let people (JWs) make their own mistakes. More and more will come out of the cult on their own eventually.
The propaganda, black and white thinking and cult-speak are difficult to rid oneself of but we'll get there.
This forum has been such a support to all of us, i dont know what i'dve done without it. Maybe i'dve fell back into the borg.