I used to dread seeing a Witness coming toward me. Now I am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... Does your blood pressure rise when you see a JW coming toward you??
When You See a JW Do You Get Flustered?
by minimus 104 Replies latest jw friends
When You See a JW Do You Get Flustered?
They get all dressed up..
To knock on doors and tell people, they`re too busy to talk to them..
Stand beside a WBT$ Literature Cart in a public area and smile..
The smile is the JW way of saying "DUH"..
These Are JW`s On..
"DUH" Wedding Day..
Mickey mouse
I used to get anxious for about the first year I was out in case they asked me why we left. Not anymore.
When You See a JW Do You Get Flustered? - absolutely not.
I know how to deal with these brainwashed automata.
I live 200 miles away from my old congregation.
I can deal with local JWs by posing as an innocent householder who asks sensible (but awkward) questions.
If I ever bumped into JWs who know I'm a JW from my old congregation, I have the option of coming straight out with it and showing them why they're wrong on a range of issues, or of boxing clever and asking questions.
Either way, I can guarantee they'd get in a flap, not me.
Wasanelder Once
They remind me of the walking dead, all bite and no bark. I pretty much avoid them, I've better use for my time.
If they don't know me, I just smile.
If they know me, I just wave and smile. About 1% rush away, not sure what our status is after 17 years.
My husband has a beard now and one sister ran away looking frightened but she was always a little bit dramatic.
I feel bad for them. Knocking on doors cannot possibly be pleasant. For the tiniest split second, there is disappointment in their faces as the door opens.
--Or maybe it's just my ugly mug......
Introvert 2
Depends where I'm at and who it is but if any come to my door ( which I doubt as I'm DA'ed ) I look forward to getting right to the point and asking them awkward questions such as how many field service hours they have so far this month and how do they feel about having to report them to the WTBTS of PA Inc. Then to please show me in the Bible where it says why they have to. Hopefully this will lead or the subject matter of organization and a governing body where I can then show them a talk given by F. Franz given at a 1975 Gilead graduation disproving even the concept of one. All done with a smile and a handshake hehe.
Tom Harley
Outlaw says JWs do not concern him since they just stand around literature carts. He then ridicules those who do it, even inserting a $ sign where it doesn't belong, implying someone is making a buck off the cart's contents, when in fact, they are giving it away.
It is unkind to carry on about them standing at literature carts. That is, unless you applaud when they go door to door.
In general, literature carts are well-received. They offer a take-it-or-leave it option. People like that.
Outlaw says JWs do not concern him since they just stand around literature carts. He then ridicules those who do it, even inserting a $ sign where it doesn't belong,
implying someone is making a buck off the cart's contents, when in fact, they are giving it away......Tom Harley
Someone "IS" making $$$$$$ off the carts contents......
JW`s pay for the pay for WBT$ Literature and the Cart it`s displayed in..
Who gets the $$$$$ for the WBT$ Literature?.......The WBT$..
The WBT$ sucks every dime they can get out of JW`s..
The WBT$ will take your children's Ice Cream money, they encourage it..
In general, literature carts are well-received.
In general, JW`s and their WBT$ Literature Carts are ignored..
Like most JW`s..
I`ll bet you have a shit load of WBT$ Literature (you paid for..$$$$) stored at home, that nobody wants..