"Will this Memorial be our last? (1 Cor. 11: 26) We do not know."
Then why ask?!!
i went with my husband tonight for the first time.
it was pretty appalling how they lied about the 144k and everyone else.
then passing the wine and bread for nothing.
"Will this Memorial be our last? (1 Cor. 11: 26) We do not know."
Then why ask?!!
i used to dread seeing a witness coming toward me.
now i am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... does your blood pressure rise when you see a jw coming toward you?
The first few were positive flamers, but then some came by with warm greetings and tried to keep the flamers in check. But they will not be able to do this, for upon leaving Jehovah's organization, persons quickly shed whatever unity they once had
The unity was conditional that we all agree with whatever the GB currently think. Any deviation from the Watchtower magazines or thinking for oneself and your best JW chum would drop you like a hot brick. Hows that for unity?
In fact, it is likely that some who flame me also flame each other under different usernames on other forums, perhaps in the Hillary/Trump forum, or the atheist/believer forum, or the science-based-medicine/alternative forum. In other words, unruly as persons can be here, it is par for the course elsewhere, too. It has gotten to the point that many publications have discontinued their comments section because the nasty trolls immediately abuse it. That's the world anyone is happy to embrace? I prefer our website.
Yes, you'd prefer a website that doesn't allow debate. Imagine a world like that, were debate and sharing views is considered bad. It'd be a dictatorship. Not everyone trolls. Most trolls on here happen to be active JW's trying to defend their GB's blunders.
Nonetheless, this is not staying on topic. This is: since it gives some the willy-nillies to see Jehovah's Witnesses approaching, one would think they would welcome cart witnessing and the website as alternative, not-in-your-face methods of doing the work Christ said should be done. Instead, everyone I have seen here blasts at that means for spreading the Kingdom message as well.
I dont know anyone on here that gets "the
willy-nillies to see Jehovah's Witnesses approaching", the other way round in fact. Personally, im not opposed to them preaching their trash. I look forward to them knocking on my door so i can show them the publications were Rutherford says vaccinations are of the devil, that the prophets will be resurrected in 1925 and that people of color shouldn't be given literature because it'd be a waste.
Our website, however is getting huge publicity these days because Russia is insisting it is extremist and trying to ban Jehovah's Witnesses on that account. The Governing Body just once invited and encouraged individual Witnesses to write Russian authorities. From what I've seen, I'd be surprised if every Witness in the world does not write, for we care for each other. That's eight million personal letters to Putin or his associates, but with 6 officials listed, persons able to compose more than one letter if they choose, non-Witness human rights people joining in, opposers chiding Putin for not going far enough, one can easily imagine 50 -60 million letters within a two week period. Putin may sink them all at sea and never read one, but he cannot fail to know they exist.
Im willing to bet that the vast majority of JW.org visitors are active JWs and ex-JW apostates keeping up to date with the indoctrination their loved ones are being fed. Your GB hasn't realized that if Putin does indeed ban the Witnesses then he now has the personal address of each one of them.
He will know that there is one nation on earth in which every citizen cares deeply about every other. He has never seen anything like it. He will not forget it, regardless of the trial's outcome.
What with extensive media coverage, Time and the New York Times, for example, one can reasonably expect that millions will visit jw.org to see whether it is extremist or not. We can only imagine what may happen when they discover it is not, and perhaps that is the biggest contribution our Russian brothers make to the worldwide ministry.
Most people dont know what JW's believe. And they dont care. All one has to do to send them to the Australian Royal Commission website and read all of the child molestation cases they are embroiled in. The fine the WBTS pays daily to keep their list of child predators out of court. Their failed predictions with a 0% sucess rate since their inception. Rutherfords praise of Hitlers regime prior to WW2 i could go on.
But all that aside, we'd love to hear your story of how/why you became a JW and your current stand. Do you believe all of what the GB say? Are they directed by holy spirit? How do they receive new light?
i used to dread seeing a witness coming toward me.
now i am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... does your blood pressure rise when you see a jw coming toward you?
Tom, did you read punkofnice's post? The quotes are there to show you the facts. We are not enemies of truth. We seek the truth no matter how uncomfortable it may be. That's why we're no longer Jehovah's Witnesses. We researched properly, using their own magazines and books. That's what all those quotes from Watchtower publications are for. So any active witness can read them without fear of it being "apostasy", because it's from your own publications.
We'd love to hear your story. We've all posted ours on here.
When an honest man is proven wrong, he either stops being wrong or he stops being honest. - Anon
i heard recently that there was a talk given at the kh about having a 'go bag' ready because the big 'a' must be soooo close as evidenced by syria and the russian jobo thing.. does anyone know if this 'go bag' thing is substantiated in publications or just a local nut job being paranoid and attention seeking?.
i also wonder about this 'go bag' thing, apparently, you need to make sure your biscuits (that's cookies to my over the pond friends), are not out of date.
don't carry water, it's too heavy.. too many questions do i have.
Makes you wonder, if Jehovah supplied manna in the wilderness, and made it so their sandals and clothes didn't wear out, cant he do the same trick when the big A strikes? Apparently not. Maybe he's like a cheap conjurer. Never does the same trick twice in case you see how he does it.
i heard recently that there was a talk given at the kh about having a 'go bag' ready because the big 'a' must be soooo close as evidenced by syria and the russian jobo thing.. does anyone know if this 'go bag' thing is substantiated in publications or just a local nut job being paranoid and attention seeking?.
i also wonder about this 'go bag' thing, apparently, you need to make sure your biscuits (that's cookies to my over the pond friends), are not out of date.
don't carry water, it's too heavy.. too many questions do i have.
This was announced as far back as 2014, i remember it being announced and thinking it was crazy. No one i know actually did it. It's either the GB trying to add another splash of fear to keep the R&F on the toes or the GB genuinely believe the big A is imminent, proving they're as mad a balloon.
i'm just thinking aloud here.
i watched a show yesterday and they were talking about how the largest mammals of the sea (whales) fed on such small creatures (plankton) rather than eating some other large creatures.
anyway, it got me thinking about how as jws we thought that in paradise animals would all be herbivores, that they would no longer eat other animals.
What always stumped me was spiders. What will they do? A spiders web is always touted as proof of creation by the WT because of it's strength and engineering mastery... but it's sole purpose is to catch live prey, wrap it up and suck out the insides of the poor creatures.
In the end i had to just not think of it.
today, rt.com ran an article likening trump's being drawn into syria to wilson's being drawn into world war i, 100 years ago.
in the article was a mention of the 1917 espionage act, its purpose and consequences.
the espionage act was famously used against jehovah's witnesses back then, sending leaders to prison.
Not just the witnesses though Tom. The anti-extremist angle is being used on evangelical religions. They want the Russian Orthodox church to me the main church in Russia.
That means those annoying people who shout about Jesus in the street, Mormons,Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses etc - you know, most cults.
i used to dread seeing a witness coming toward me.
now i am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... does your blood pressure rise when you see a jw coming toward you?
I find they seem to get flustered though. Since leaving i've had the following:
A bus driver from my old hall, he was with the inspector so HAD to be nice pleasant to me. I smiled and said hello and he did the same back.
My mother in law, she saw me then stopped in the street, took out her mobile phone and pretended to text someone.
My sister in law, saw me in the street too late to cross the street to avoid me, she took out her phone and pretended to talk to someone.
A brother from my old hall stared me down at a bus stop. I smiled and said hello, he kept staring with a serious face. His 20yo daughter was with him... who's inactive with 3 children from different dads and smoking a cigarette.
No love lost there. Im not the one in a mental prison.
mrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
It shows how well their campaign went when i never even got an invitation through my door... nor did any of my friends.
It's not until you're on the other side of the door you realize how rare it is for JWs to knock on your door.
i'm at the stage where i'd love a big scandal to come along showing clearly that the j.w's are not the true religion, but sometimes i get touched inside by various thoughts or events, the russian court trial being one of them.. i mean, j.w's are understandably fixated with attending the memorial, so why didn't the court say it will resume on monday or tuesday, instead setting wednesday 12 april as the date?
part of me believes the comments from pro-j.w's that jehovah moved events so they could attend the memorial.. it seems the j.w's will not be banned, which makes my mind and heart wrestle between thinking jah's behind it, or maybe the ministry of justice is just woefully prepared compared to the superb australian royal commission team who did their homework.
it surprises me the russians seemingly haven't done any homework..
Ok, allow me to remind you of the following:
Jehovah allowed JW's in africa to be gangraped, chopped up alive, burned alive, put in prison and starved to death. He also allowed his people to end up in concentration camps during WW2. He gave C.T.Russell wrong information, Rutherford wrong information again, Knorr wrong information yet again and even now he's allowing his people in Korea and the middle east to be banned. He allowed his people in France to go to prison in the 1990s and ALL OF A SUDDEN decides to maneuver things this week so that his people in Russia can have their memorial?
If really does exist he's not worth of being worshiped. The incompetent fool.