Is there any way i can prove the translation in a way that a witness would accept it. Fx. from witness sources?
The video on FB is from a witness source. Someone uploaded it there to be encouraging!!
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
Is there any way i can prove the translation in a way that a witness would accept it. Fx. from witness sources?
The video on FB is from a witness source. Someone uploaded it there to be encouraging!!
we just realised that everyone has had it wrong!
the bible even got it wrong.. noah didn't build an ark that stopped in one place.
no my friends, it was actually more of a shuttle ferry that had multiple stops on its journey.
And he did all of this in just 1 year and 2 weeks.
What i want to know is, how did he manage to store a year and two weeks worth of food for himself, his family and all of the animals too? AND let them walk around for exercise.
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
Compare this with the Mormons who, not only allow higher education, but even have their very own University: Brigham Young University.
The GB are missing a trick here, imagine having members with degrees and doctorates. I'd have a lot more respect for a speaker on the platform with a degree in theology or ancient greek.
Where does this end? Why bother having that operation? Why bother taking medicine? Why bother eating? Armageddon could come tomorrow. Stupid reasoning.
Old Gerrit Losch says "imagine seeing a building with a sign saying "we're going out of business" would you apply for a job there?"... well Gerrit, it depends WHO put the sign there. You did! Not the business. The business is doing fine.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
I cant see the convention release downloads on anymore either. Have they taken them down? Where's Wifi bandit?
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
The video was posted directly to a Pro-JW Facebook page. I cant believe what I'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.
Didn't they say to the judge in the ARC that they dont discourage college?
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
Unfortunately, the bOrg is cracking down on their videos being on YouTube. My channel alone gets emails like twice a day trying to get me to remove the leaked elders training videos.
Now, you'd think if it was the truth, that they'd be glad that their stuff is being spread online for free wouldn't you? Not so. It's almost as if they dont want everyone to see these videos.
some may say gb , other may say popes , jesus he qualified as one and started his own religion.
terry on the forum he is up there.
it's that religious zeal against a former life.
In order:
Jesus - The Jewish apostate that started his own cult.
St.Paul - The apostate that started his own branch of Jesus's cult
C.T.Russell - The apostate that started a severely bastardized version of Christianity
J.F. Rutherford - The apostate who bastardized, an already bastardized version of Christianity.
Fred Franz - The apostate who used the Watchtower publishing house as his personal printing press which distributed the ideas he just "thought up" which everyone had to accept as truth.
The current Governing Body
But if we're going for "apostate" by who's the best ex-JW so-called apostate online? I'd say Zeb. That dude has some balls going into all those Kingdom Halls and doing what he does. do you think of this video?.
do you think they're imitating evangelicals?is this happening in other places?
Remember when Anthony Morris claimed Jesus was his big brother?
i was born in the religion but why on earth do people join this religion?
Even when i was "in" i used to say "this religion attracts nutters".
If someone you love dies, be it parent, child, sibling, friend... and someone sells you a fantasy of seeing that person again on earth and you living with them again people sometimes buy into it. Because they want it to be true.
Also, a lot of people have respect for the bible, or think that it's holy even though they dont follow it. So when a cult comes along and shows them that the bible really says x, y and z and not many people know this you feel special and enlightened.
Im a 2nd generation born in, although my grandad did convert after my dad did. My dad came into it because he saw positive traits such as honesty, unity and all those smiling faces. My mum came into it as a 15yo girl after being abused at home, growing up in foster homes from age 5 and no one ever caring about her. Along comes the JWs and instant friendships and suddenly a purpose and goal in life. This is why mum will never leave. Even if she see's it for what it is. The org is her parent now, and it has been since she was 15.
i come from a catholic background, but most recently had been with the churches of christ.
i have contacted my local congregation and will be talking with someone tomorrow, hopefully setting a study up for next week.
i want to study scripture, but also want to immerse myself in everything jw publishes.
Hello Rob
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