Haha... your post about the circus savant demonstrates that I am not alone... while being grey.
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
Mid-Week Circuis Serpent's "Talk"
by FedUpJW inso i suffered through another one of these idiotic "encouraging" talks by tony vives.. he prattled on about loyalty, and pretty well concentrated on three areas.
loyalty to ones marriage mate, which is no problem.
if one is married they really do owe loyalty to their husband or wife.. second, he hammered on "loyalty" by having nothing to do with a df'd family member, even a child!
Financial bubbles....
by mikeflood inall of those doomsayers about the central banks throwing money in the economy of the countries through quantitative easing (qe) ....and eventually making cash worthless.....is that for real?.
Absolutely. Does that spell Armageddon..??? NO! Not Watchtower style anyway.
The USD is supported by the fraud of the FED, like Bernie Madoff on steroids.
The CIA is also employed, to destroy the currencies of other nations, creating a vacuum that is then filled with the USD in order to create a false demand.
It all comes apart in the end. The only question is, what will fill THAT vacuum when the USD finally falls apart.
March 2018 Study Watchtower
by Listener inthe first study article is about getting bible studies and children baptized.
there is much more emphasis placed on parents to get their own children baptized rather than focusing on bible students.
they try to impress on others the need for urgency.
Was it the April or May broadcast where tight pants Tony or Morris the Dufus, talked about the prior counsel, from years back, from the Slave LOL, where he said they went “well beyond the intent of the Scriptures “
There are no Scriptures used to establish their main point, that kiddies can understand and hence should get dunked...
More “beyond the Scriptures “...
Pro-Blood Transfusion Directives for the Ex-JW
by Cimarrona inhey everyone, i have a question... all of my family members are jehovah's witnesses, save my son and me.
if something were to happen to me and i lost consciousness, my parents would be the best of kin called on to make medical decisions.
how do i ensure that if a transfusion is needed, hospital/doctors are clear that i do indeed want a transfusion and that my parents cannot override that decision?
Put your precise thought in writing, and make mention of your past with Jehovah’s Witnesses and your current family situation with Jehovah’s Witnesses and then spell out clearly that you do not adhere to what Jehovah Witnesses and Watchtower believe and teach and that you want Hospital to save your life including blood transfusions.
Go before your lawyer and sign it as part of your Living Will. Make sure his witness is present and also signs it. It is then part of your will.
Take a copy to your family doctor and have him keep a copy and have it scanned and included in your online medical files.
Higher Education
by Brian J injust spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
I recall a few years ago hearing the same thing here. There was a two part symposium, the CO did half and the DO the other half. The DO started and said that the following information was direct from the governing boobs.
Since my kid was in a 4 yr University program, I fully expected that I was about to get a talking to.
Nothing happened. It was a scare tactic.
Bottom line is, if a bro is sending little Johnny to U, then that bro is a bro with means.
So, are they going to dispose of all the bros with dough? I don’t think so.
This BS is unenforced.
... and after all, should Bro Witdadough be spending 60-100 large on U when he could be givin’ dat to da ORG
Another Silentlamb
by LittleToe inthe following article was printed in todays "daily record", for those interested:.
Paul Gilles looks after Watchtower, he doesn’t give one thought to children victims. You can see his focus when you read the private email exchange between him and Stephen Bates back when the UN thing was going full bore.
He tries to ply Stephen and The Guardian editor into printing Watchtower’s lies, but Stephen was on to him big time.
Paul really shows his inner Satan in those emails. I think we can continue to expect the same from him in the future.
hi, I am new, God bless all.
by Daniel Ronjom inhi everybody.i am new to this forum.i have grown up as a christian in a christian family, but i recognized that jehovahs are more positive about peace on earth.
i believe in peace on earth too.
i believe in god and jesus and angels.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around this fella in his “sleepingbag on the beach in Marseillan Plage” building websites...
Did the Jehovahs offer to charge your laptop battery or bring you a generator? That would have been swell of them. You gotta be careful not to get beach sand in your keyboard. It makes the keys stick.
I was thinking about doing some website building on the beach myself, can you give me a tip on what kind of connection you find best. I was going to buy a 1000ft piece of fiber but I still need some hardware with that.
Thanks, and gawd blush.
by lastmanstanding inchristian legal fellowship (clf) seems to have a new member.
the jehovah’s witnesses aka the watchtower.the membership list does not seem to be public, but i am sure that with enough inquiries from the public -that clog the arteries of their email server- we can get at the truth.just like the watchtower affiliation with the un, it seems now the watchtower has affiliated with trinitarians.the clf brings legal action on behalf of the tower.. .
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57503f9022482e2aa29ab3af/t/59d6a60ba8b2b09201dd26bf/1507239436646/clf+-+wall+-+intervener+factum.pdfhttp://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/blog/2017/8/10/clf-applies-to-intervene-at-scc-in-religious-autonomy-caseto be a member with the clf, the watchtower... "must be able and willing to sign the statement of faith...."http://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/new-page/see item 2 of the clf "statement of faith"http://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/statement-of-faith2 "there is one god, eternally existent in three persons: father, son and holy spirit.".
Morpheus, thanks for the post. Yes, I know the score.
Tell me, did WTBTS get involved with Jimmy because they felt, "hey.. this guy is getting picked on and he has the right to preach his message"..?
Did Watchtower feel some overwhelming responsibility to ensure Jimmy could continue to sell his very valuable spiritual insight?
Doesn't Watchtower preach against all other religions, that they are all from the devil? Wouldn't Jimmy be getting what he deserved, if the court stopped him from selling his junk?
Didn't I read two instances where the Awake magazine mentioned Jimmy Swaggart, by name, and condemn him?
How is it not hypocrisy to help him in any way?
by lastmanstanding inchristian legal fellowship (clf) seems to have a new member.
the jehovah’s witnesses aka the watchtower.the membership list does not seem to be public, but i am sure that with enough inquiries from the public -that clog the arteries of their email server- we can get at the truth.just like the watchtower affiliation with the un, it seems now the watchtower has affiliated with trinitarians.the clf brings legal action on behalf of the tower.. .
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57503f9022482e2aa29ab3af/t/59d6a60ba8b2b09201dd26bf/1507239436646/clf+-+wall+-+intervener+factum.pdfhttp://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/blog/2017/8/10/clf-applies-to-intervene-at-scc-in-religious-autonomy-caseto be a member with the clf, the watchtower... "must be able and willing to sign the statement of faith...."http://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/new-page/see item 2 of the clf "statement of faith"http://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/statement-of-faith2 "there is one god, eternally existent in three persons: father, son and holy spirit.".
John Davis4 hours ago4 hours ago... I understand that you are making the innuendo that because other churches filled interveners...
But u also are making an accusation with no evidence...
The accusation was made over 15 years ago, that the WTBTS was an affiliate with the UN. Because people hammered on that door en masse, the UN made the evidence available. I am calling for the same here based on the available evidence.
I have made, not an accusation, but rather an observation that WTBTS is a hypocrite. I don't have to prove that again. Once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite. It was plastered in the Guardian in big letters. Hypocrite Religion...
The Watchtower MUST practice hypocrisy. It is the only way it can operate because it is a scheming Machiavellian devil. I am suggesting that the Watchtower crawled in bed with christianlegalfellowship and that is where this is stemming from.
Their members list is not public, so far as I can see. But we have proof that the WTBTS has crawled in bed with others. And quite frankly, Watchtower and Jimmy Swaggart were practising the same garbage, selling religion. In my opinion, they are in the same bed through conduct. Once they appeared in a courtroom together, fighting for the same thing.. to be able to continue to fleece people with their refuse, they share the same STD's.
There's the law. Then there's the spirit of the law. I have read of individuals who's lawyers made the same kinds of arguments... we really didn't do insider trading because... And Martha Stewart still went to jail.
I don't like to mince words. We all know what they are. Scheming lying b tards. And we have even seen Gnam lie his arse off already.
Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v. Randy Wall
by TerryWalstrom inhttp://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/webcastview-webdiffusionvue-eng.aspx?cas=37273&id=2017%2f2017-11-02--37273&date=2017-11-02.
Sharia Law. “theocratic tyranny”
That is where this is going. And it would not already be where it’s at except for Watchtower’s long list of court actions to date.
What can a religion do to you? Can a religion shove you in a wood chipper to silence you and call it “sacraments”?
Not yet, but it seems to be coming...
What can they do right now?
They can humiliate you. That’s legal.
They can destroy your familial relationships. That’s legal.
They can destroy your social network. That’s legal.
And in this case, they can wreck your business. So far, that’s legal.
They can rape your children and threaten you into silence. That’s legal. They’ve been doing it a long time. Still doing it.
They can’t yet murder you. Although Watchtower did bemoan that in an article.
And the Sharia Law activists are watching... I wonder why they are not here, also a “friend of the court”