I’m suspecting that there will be several congregations in Ontario that will have a bank account, unbeknownst to them, containing tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars.
The Watchtower, through their yes-man the CO, will manage the money for “a return”.
The money will still be under the control of the g-boobs, but any legal victory against Watchtower will not touch these now separated funds.
Same spiritual control that began in 2000yr.
That year, the g-boobs recused themselves as the legal controllers of the Watchtower. They were the board of directors and would have been legal targets.
Now, the new board of directors, the new legal targets, are nobodies. The new BOD is under the full spiritual control of the g-boobs.
So, the g-boobs are behind a protective wall, yet firmly in control.
Same thing can now be done in Ontario with the loot. Individual Congo’s will be in control of the loot by means of the CO, and the CO is under spiritual control by the g-boobs.
The money is there, right there... but so far away from any lawsuit.
And now, that loot is earning income legally.