Let’s see.
- Anglican Church burns to the ground, all items inside lost.
- JW Kingdom Hall engulfed in flames...
paying for the sins of their church.
australians are becoming less religious so congregations are getting smaller.
that means there are fewer parishioners to contribute money.. ..."they're simply looking at the dollars they can reap from the sale of this wonderful old building and i simply don't feel that i should be spending my weekends keeping the view clear," mr thomas said.. ...the royal commission into child sexual abuse exposed widespread paedophilia within religion and concluded that its leaders were at times weak, ineffectual, and even complicit.. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-30/paying-for-the-sins-of-their-church/9586602.
Let’s see.
most jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with privileged communication between a clergy member and a lay person. Nothing.
If a JW child says “mommy, brother Bastard stuck his blah blah blah” then that Mommy needs to call the police, period.
I don’t care what brother Bastard said or didn’t say to brother elder idiot at the kingdumb Hall or any other place. It’s irrelevant.
What does matter is JW elders preaching and enforcing the Watchtower’s dogma and dictates, using undue influence in convincing JW rank & file that they should stay silent when they have knowledge of a crime.
What does matter is Watchtower threatening to bust up your family if you do the right thing and inform authorities of crime.
What does matter is the lame ass governments and the law unenforcemnt cowards who allow religions to get away with cowing their members into silence when crimes have been committed.
most jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
How is it that Watchtower is allowed to decide what the FBI or the RCMP should or should not investigate? That’s some kind of religious freedom eh..
most jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
As Phizz says... the Watchtower can use whatever 2 Witness or 30 Witness rubbish they want for matters pertaining to their organizational mumbo jumbo. Who cares. They can say ah ha no Witnesses, and make the bastard an elder, they can make him a governing boob, who cares.
But when they hear that a crime has likely been committed, they must inform the authorities. The relationship between police and criminals is unaffected by their personal feelings or judgements.
I was exposed years back to a case that involved illegal wiretap. I was told not to report this to police. More recently I was exposed to a case that involved financial fraud over $50k and I was told not to tell police. All crimes are hid in Watchtower land.
I wonder how elders would react in the case of murder. Now, murder is a capital offense. I will imagine that elders would not report it, but would understand that there is a body and the police will certainly be involved. So their reaction would be to disconnect and run. They would later tell police that they had no knowledge of it, like at the ARC... “I don’t recall”
i kind of expected it.
this is an event that even satan himself could attend.
yes, if the wt don't quit blaming satan for everything, soon he will be more qualified for mercy than the f&d slave himself (or themselves).
The whole dog and pony show is so utterly ridiculous. There’s an “anointed” claimer in our area and I wanted once to ask him, (but I didn’t because it would have been ugly), a question. It goes like this...
If you are sitting in the row at the hall, and the wine is coming down the row towards you, and there’s an invited ‘study’ (person) who is Catholic and belongs to “apostate Christendom” (as Watchtower calls it) who gets the cup first and who drinks from the cup... are you going to share with them in the cup? Does he share in Christ’ blood with with you?
Or, if you drink from the cup, and pass the cup along, and such a person shares in the cup after you, do you feel one in Christ with such a person?
With whomever you have gathered to share the cup and the bread, it is with these you are yolkfellow in Christ. You share the blood and the flesh of the Christ, you brothers.
page 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
- Who really is the faithful... Slave. If a Slave has produced error and has not given God’s direction faithfully, then he is NOT a faithful Slave. Error is not faithfulness. The eight little gods in Warwicktown claim to be more than men, they claim to be faithful repeaters of the divine will. There is no room for error in this claim. If there is error, it is their own and they are not faithful.
- God gave those Watchtower leaders perfect direction and they failed to convey this faithfully???
i keep saying this is a bad place/policy to put all the time, energy and resources if you really do in fact care, or if you are just riding the agenda bandwagon: .
an assault-weapons ban is irrelevant to suicide deaths.
the large majority of gun deaths are suicides, and there is no credible argument that an assault-weapons ban will have the slightest effect on suicide.
A ban is only for the front door. The back door of a weapons manufacturer is another story.
The most dangerous segment of society will not be affected by any ban. Those who are responsible for the majority of killings using guns are not even in the gunsights of they who advance bans.
In Canada, the government doesn’t even take an interest in “gun ban” discussions. No need. Here, the government follows every round of ammunition within its borders.
What good is a gun without ammunition?
The US government could ban the automobile and that would save millions of lives. LOL
But as long as gasoline is available, people will find a tank to “load” it into.
What really is this gun discussion about? The US government doesn’t give a rats posterior about guns killing school kids. There could be a ban on assault rifles tomorrow, and crazies could still buy any of hundreds of small arms legally or otherwise that could be used in a mass shooting.
The reason assault rifles are the target of the governments actions is simple. These weapons are the ones that American militias will use against government controlled forces because of the specific kinds of ammunition that is available to fill their magazines, rounds that are designed to pierce personel armor. And the government is using the MSM and now children to advance their agenda.
Now, before you crawl all over me, personally I hate guns. All of them.
Maybe we should ban all guns for everyone.
But keep the nukes, keep ‘em hot and ready, prepared to fly on a moments notice. Keep a lunatic hovering over the big red button, shaking in a cold sweat. And make it mandatory that every city in the free world have a method of informing the public daily of the minutes to oblivion remaining on the clock of doom.
hey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
I had a publisher brother over to the house the night of the broadcast. His wife wants to stop pioneering because she is wiped out. The brother said they are worried about how others will view them when it is announced, so he said that he wanted to tell us in person.
And he did.
He needed consoling. So we consoled.
I told him, good for her... and that she didn’t need elder’s permission to stop, just STOP.
But, I said don’t do it tomorrow (Sunday)... wait a week.
He was puzzled.
I told him this because at our last meeting with the CO, the CO asked the elders if there were any troubles in the congregation because of the program that aired on TV, meaning a program months ago. Elders all shook heads.
In any case, this poor deluded bro and his wife already have the entire Watchtower world on their backs, they don’t need suspicious elders thinking that she quit because of the W5 program, because they are indeed likely to query her as to why, and that much harder if they suspect that the W5 program is to blame.
Maybe, just maybe, he will get wind of it and connect the dots.
look at the picture for yesterday's watchtower study.
see the good jw folks sitting around the campfire..... zoooom in on that campfire.
have a good look..
I made a valiant effort at posting a pic but the site wouldn’t take it. I think I had the wrong format.
I think a few of you recognized it, but I will say that there is no excuse, none, for producing a drawing like this. There are so many good ways to paint it, that to have used this is ridiculous.
As is so often the case, if you zoom in on Watchtower illustrations you see the unacceptable.... and if you put a mirror up to them in various ways, you see something horrific. If you zoom in on this one and put a mirror on it, OMG.
look at the picture for yesterday's watchtower study.
see the good jw folks sitting around the campfire..... zoooom in on that campfire.
have a good look..
Look at the picture for yesterday's Watchtower study. See the good JW folks sitting around the campfire....
ZOOOOM in on that campfire. Have a good look.