The op says “appreciate the unity in understanding“ at JW town.
yes, they all believe falsehood in unison.
how quaint.
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
The op says “appreciate the unity in understanding“ at JW town.
yes, they all believe falsehood in unison.
how quaint.
i remember when that came out, my mother didn't catch it in the original article in the wt.
it was in one of the review "do you remember" thingies that she caught it.
she asked me if it means what she thought it meant.
It used to be the case that dubs stayed or left based on scriptural reasoning.
The scriptures no longer matter.
Now it’s a full blown cult, and the cult figures that are followed are the dynamic 8.
Dubs are told what to do and they do what they are told out of fear.
The Watchtower organization could dispense with the Bible altogether now. Just keep repeating “we are the chosen... follow us”.
look at the dogs face, i can't stop laughing at this!!
and he's peeing right into the holder part of the literature, so they are going to have manually wash that out haha.
I guess we now know what “life’s water flow” that JWs offer.
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT whoo whoo whoo whoo
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
...and the Devil hid behind a serpent.
"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
So many saved nothing for old age. My old PO, is apparently suffering all the way to the grave.
He saved nothing. He sold his house to burn the equity. He had to have a major surgery that he was sure he wouldn’t survive, but unfortunately for him, he did. He has had to go back to work as an old man, now, after major surgery. He looks like crap.
Just prior to his surgery, he gave a talk in our hall. During the talk, which included some stuff about the last days yada yada, he said that there would be those, like himself, who wouldn’t make it till Armageddon.
What a sad little man, up there on the stage, looking old and beaten and poor and sick, convinced he was going to die. He had himself half imbombed, ready for the box.
But he lived. But he’s sad, so sad. He has to drag his post-operative sick ass out of bed every day till he dies so he can get his meager portion of dog food and pay the rent on the hole he lives in. My wife says he “looked yellow”.
There are others who are just as much a pitiable slog, dragging themselves along the gutter in their groveling existence. It must be horrible, absolutely horrible, to be in that state.
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
The Watchtower doesn’t have any clergy....
The Watchtower doesn’t have any prophets either...
The Watchtower is “profit-like”...
I guess the elders are “clergy-like”...
And they are not at all honest, perhaps they are “honest-like”...
... and this time it was mine.. mrs. eden decided to part ways and leave home, and so our 25 year long partnership is now dissolving.
just another colateral damage in a long list of colateral damages from being raised in the "truth".
It is usually the case that adult children figure out what has happened and go on to reject one parent or the other. More than half the fellas I work with are divorced, and I have heard it time and again that adult children want nothing to do with one or the other ...based on who did what. I truly hope your ex is sick. No, not that I want anyone to be sick, but that if her actions can truly be blamed on illness, that’s the only way she will get any sympathy from junior.
avon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
I think that instead of a de-dedication ceremony the elders should just profane the sanctuary at closing.
Sure... they can gather for an elder’s meeting and after giving prayers they can urinate on the platform in unison.
i had the meeting yesterday and there it was announced that there will be a new law passed in spain regarding personal data.
that law makes it compulsory for the wt spanish branch to collect a signed permission from the publishers to keep and utilize personal data.
no choice was given to us, we were just told to make sure we hand in our signed permissions before may 18th.
I think the Watchtower’s push for data etc revolves around the newest change within the org.
The Blood Card evolved from just a card dubs carry that says “no blood” into a full blown Durable Power of Attorney DPA. And the newest Watchtower law is for elders not only to sign them but to make a copy and keep on file.
The Watchtower has sojourned into the realm of the legal. They want to replace your lawyer.
A Durable Power of Attorney is something that your lawyer prepares, not your priest. Watchtower knows how it goes on Hospital Day. Everyone shows up including non dub kids who might make a Blood Card disappear....
Watchtower wants to enforce. To do so they need to put on the lawer’s shoes. To do that, they have to have legal permission. I am surprised it has taken this long for the authorities and the powers that be to catch on to what is going on at OZdomhall.
oh, deary me........this is quite a sad story.. make of it what you will..
Were these sisters going door to door with a contribution box?
haha I can imagine a Witness propaganda cart with a cardboard box duct taped to it