Whoo Haaaaw
Niw If we can just see something similar for WTS
”All Eight Members Of The Governing Body Of Jehovah’s Witnesses Resign After Being Caught With Young Male Prostitutes”
all of chile's 34 bishops resign over a sex abuse and cover-up scandal after crisis meeting with the pope.
may 18, 2018. pope francis has accused chile's bishops of destroying evidence of sex crimes .
Whoo Haaaaw
Niw If we can just see something similar for WTS
”All Eight Members Of The Governing Body Of Jehovah’s Witnesses Resign After Being Caught With Young Male Prostitutes”
i'm not sure if this was mentioned yet, but at this week's meeting they announced (or will announce for those who haven't had theirs yet) the availability of a new official statement on child abuse that can be downloaded in the legal section of jwdotorg.
(funny it's in the legal section, it just shows their mentality and how this is really damage control.
) here's the link:.
Excellent thread. Good points and nice breakdown one eye.
Its glaringly obvious to the seasoned JW pimo that there is wide flexibility built into this new legalistic wording from the tower. It’s says one thing (barely) and yet another thing is true.
Business as usual in JW town.
I would ask an elder, “If I see my neighbor grope a child in a sexual manner, should I call you?” The elder will gasp and say “NO” and “call Police!”, not wanting any involvement.
But if I add that my neighbor, it just so happens, is a “brother”... suddenly the tone will change. “Yes”, he will say, “you must call me immediately so that we can call the branch”.
So what changed? We all know, don’t we....
The Watchtower is a hypocrite. What happened to the hypocrites in 70ce will happen to these hypocrites today.
hi eveyone, my sis told me something like where will i be after that day.
i couldnt realize at first what she meant, but i found this on net donald-trump-kim-jong-un-meeting-singapore-june-12/.
i found her reaction so pathetic, but i think she is really sorry for me leaving.. so how to do you reply to jw family or generally when news about world peace comes out?.
Nobody picked it out, but I “wrote angry” and when I do that, I make mistakes. Like posting about Ephesians when it’s actually 1 Thessalonians. I was very angry at Watchtower. I’m like that a lot these days.
My bad.
But you have to give me a break, I just had a “major” procedure. Ouch...
The points are completely valid though. 1 Thess. 5:3 is NOT a prophecy, but an anti-prophecy.
hi eveyone, my sis told me something like where will i be after that day.
i couldnt realize at first what she meant, but i found this on net donald-trump-kim-jong-un-meeting-singapore-june-12/.
i found her reaction so pathetic, but i think she is really sorry for me leaving.. so how to do you reply to jw family or generally when news about world peace comes out?.
Peace & Security
It is an unfortunate fact that the leadership of the Watchtower Kingdom have misled their followers for what seems an eternity, and there is no exception when it comes to what they have taught on this topic.
Watchtower relies on two things to complete their conquest. One, JWs don’t read. Two, JWs are highly superstitious.
If any JW would but for a minute take a hard look at what was written to the Ephesians in full, the Watchtower’s superstitious bologna would crumble.
What are JWs taught ..that they will know right off when they see it, this P&S announcement... or rather that they will read about it in the Watchtower, or other GB newsletter of the day, where the GB will proclaim “this is it!!!”
JWs will look for something to be “written to” them. However, what was the counsel given to the Ephesians?
Let’s have a look at the message given to the Ephesians. We will use the NWT.
Ephesians 5
1 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you.
Have any JWs pondered that verse? Christians were told back then that nothing would be written to them. And why? Let’s read the next verse.
2 For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
What thief, coming in the night to rob, sends a written notice? Of course nothing will be written because nothing can be written as the “day” in question is coming without any notice whatsoever.
So, what does verse 3 really say?
3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.
The Christian Congregation at Ephesus was being told to STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT.
They were obviously looking to the political entities for some indication as to when the “day” would come.
But Paul made a point. You cannot tell anything about anything from what the politics of the world is saying, for WHENEVER, ANYTIME and EVERY TIME they say “peace and security”, anything but is the result.
This precedent has been true throughout history and is as true today as in the past.
Look at the roaring twenties. It’s all good, they said, peace and security for everyone.
Look at the titanic. “Not even God could sink this ship”. SLAM!
I am sure the readers here can fill the page with examples. It’s too easy.
Paul was right, WHENEVER they say one thing, the opposite is the case.
So, the very warning against looking to the world for a tell tale sign, Watchtower turned into yet another false prophecy to use as a lever in manipulating the superstitious masses under their control.
Well, what about the counsel to keep awake? Does this surely not demonstrate that JWs are right in their feeble minded ideas? Let’s examine.
4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves,
Does this verse say that the “day” would not “overtake” or surprise Christians? NO! It clearly says that they would not be overtaken in the same way or manner as “thieves”.
Let me illustrate. You are on the job with Bob the slacker. Now, Bob didn’t pay attention when you were all told that the boss was going to show up to the job site out of the blue. So, Bob did his usual thing. He laid back thinking he could calculate the Boss’s arrival.
So, the Boss man shows up, like a thief in the night. Are you, the Christian worker surprised? You surely are, because you knew he was coming, but suddenly here he is in real-time and you had no idea that he would arrive when he did. SURPRISE!!
What about Bob the slacker. Not so good for Bob. He was caught sleeping on the job. Bob is screwed.
So, the Boss caught you working? Bad thing? No, certainly not. The Boss’s arrival “did not overtake you as it” did Slacker Bob. It overtook you while doing exactly what you were supposed to be doing. You are somewhat shocked, but happy.
Bob got tossed.
So the counsel was...
5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness. 6 So, then, let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses.
Don’t be sleeping like Slacker Bob. Stay awake, be found doing what you are supposed to be doing. And stop looking at the world leaders for some sign.
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
Are the 8 boobs who run the tower being used by the Almighty God?
That’s the question the op wants answered.
Here’s another question that will certainly shed light on a answer.
Would men who are being used by Almighty God so thoroughly betray all the sheep under their care by secretly affiliating with an institution that they had prior condemned and vilified for a century, as they did when they sent two “brothers” across town (NYC) to the office of the UN DPI to table “AWAKE” magazines that were printed for the specific purpose of advertising the UN and its principles???????
One more question.
Would God directed men persecute sheep who discover their rot?
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
The op says “appreciate the unity in understanding“ at JW town.
yes, they all believe falsehood in unison.
how quaint.
i remember when that came out, my mother didn't catch it in the original article in the wt.
it was in one of the review "do you remember" thingies that she caught it.
she asked me if it means what she thought it meant.
It used to be the case that dubs stayed or left based on scriptural reasoning.
The scriptures no longer matter.
Now it’s a full blown cult, and the cult figures that are followed are the dynamic 8.
Dubs are told what to do and they do what they are told out of fear.
The Watchtower organization could dispense with the Bible altogether now. Just keep repeating “we are the chosen... follow us”.
look at the dogs face, i can't stop laughing at this!!
and he's peeing right into the holder part of the literature, so they are going to have manually wash that out haha.
I guess we now know what “life’s water flow” that JWs offer.
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT whoo whoo whoo whoo
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
...and the Devil hid behind a serpent.
"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
So many saved nothing for old age. My old PO, is apparently suffering all the way to the grave.
He saved nothing. He sold his house to burn the equity. He had to have a major surgery that he was sure he wouldn’t survive, but unfortunately for him, he did. He has had to go back to work as an old man, now, after major surgery. He looks like crap.
Just prior to his surgery, he gave a talk in our hall. During the talk, which included some stuff about the last days yada yada, he said that there would be those, like himself, who wouldn’t make it till Armageddon.
What a sad little man, up there on the stage, looking old and beaten and poor and sick, convinced he was going to die. He had himself half imbombed, ready for the box.
But he lived. But he’s sad, so sad. He has to drag his post-operative sick ass out of bed every day till he dies so he can get his meager portion of dog food and pay the rent on the hole he lives in. My wife says he “looked yellow”.
There are others who are just as much a pitiable slog, dragging themselves along the gutter in their groveling existence. It must be horrible, absolutely horrible, to be in that state.