That'll teach them to offer up Jewish burnt sacrifices on the stage.
You'd think they'd take the cue from the news reports of the people that burn their house down deep frying a thanksgiving turkey in the garage.
olympia, wash. -- authorities are investigating the second fire in a matter of months at a jehovah's witness kingdom hall in olympia.. the fire started just after 3:00 a.m. at cain rd se and 22nd se, according to the olympia fire department.
nobody was inside at the time.. roads near the building were shut down as firefighters investigated.
That'll teach them to offer up Jewish burnt sacrifices on the stage.
You'd think they'd take the cue from the news reports of the people that burn their house down deep frying a thanksgiving turkey in the garage.
do witnesses fulfill matthew 24:14?.
do witnesses fulfill matthew 24:14?.
(youtube video link above).
Matthew 24:14 was fulfilled in the first century. Col. 1:23
And besides, the watchtower baptizes nobody in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I've been to many baptisms at conventions over the past half-century. I've never heard it.
Oh yeah... they baptize in the name of the Watchtower organization, that is the second and most important question all candidates are asked publicly.
But no mention of Matthew 28:19 & 20 is ever made during the baptism talk at ANY convention EVER.
Even though this is supposed to be the mandate, no mention is made of it.
olympia, wash. -- authorities are investigating the second fire in a matter of months at a jehovah's witness kingdom hall in olympia.. the fire started just after 3:00 a.m. at cain rd se and 22nd se, according to the olympia fire department.
nobody was inside at the time.. roads near the building were shut down as firefighters investigated.
What kind of talk do you hear around the Kingdom Hall when a "church of Christendom" burns?
Let that be the kind of talk here.
money was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
Wake me up...
i gave you a dozen likes. I know, only 1 will stick, but it felt good.
“In a victory for the Catholic Church, Archbishop Philip Wilson was exonerated and given a home rest sabbatical of one year to recover from his trials and persecutions. The prosecution was pushing for the death sentence for the charges trumped up against him. But the lawrd was with Father Wilson who now rests at home, attended to hand and foot by his flock.
We wish the good Father a speedy recovery so that he can get back to his job as soon as possible.
Because ‘noooobody does it better...’
money was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
The WTS now practices tithing on a congregational level.
Average US income $51,914
Ten percent $5191
Divide into 12 months $432
Seems this is about the amount the Congo’s are commanded to pay Warwick.
In Canada, that’s about $575
Note. When the exchange rate USD to CDN went in favor of the USD, the “defecit” at the one day convention grew proportionally.
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
These GB idiots are getting easier to predict.
Here is my prediction.
1) They will remove all “WATCHTOWER” references, logo’s etc from Kingdom Halls and in the case of a lawn sign that just so happens to have a “watchtower look” by means of its style of construction (read; it looks like a damned mini watchtower) this too will be removed.
Ok, that sounds like an easy one to make, as it has already happened and is in progress of happening. But when I was preaching it, I only got opposition. I said it ad-nauseum to my family who thought I was nuts.
Not so nuts anymore here at home.
2) They will thin out the watchtower until it is gone completely. I preached this around town, and got the apostate eye. But ‘gawwwwly’ its happening.
3) There will be NO WATCHTOWER logos at Warwick. If you looked, there is one little one, up top on the front of the building. You’d hardly notice its there. IT WILL VANISH IN THE NIGHT.
4) The GB will become increasingly nervous of their perilous financial situation. They will demonstrate their fear by way of more, and still greater, egregious decisions. This will involve sales of Kingdom Halls and assembly halls in places where there is no rhyme nor reason except that they are fleecing the flock in their attempt to shield themselves from the inevitable. It will become apparent that they are like the terrorist holding a baby as a shield over their ass as they flee.
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
Doctrinal shift.
For those who do not see this as a doctrinal shift, please note what the Watchtower taught with regard to Proverbs 19:17 up till this point. As late as last year, this verse, in WT dogma, meant something entirely different.
w17 April p. 29
4. To what does Jehovah liken our kindly giving to others?
4 Jehovah considers acts of loyal love expressed toward his servants as being rendered to him ... Proverbs 19:17. Is this scripture implying that Jehovah takes note of every act of kindness performed in behalf of lowly ones? Can we conclude that the Creator of the universe considers himself to be indebted to mere humans who perform deeds of mercy ...
5. What questions will we now consider?
5 Jehovah invited the prophet Isaiah to speak on His behalf, revealing His pleasure in having faithful humans take part in the outworking of His purpose ...Today, thousands are demonstrating that same “Here I am! Send me!” spirit in taking up challenging assignments in Jehovah’s service. Still, one might ask: ‘Does my individual effort really matter? While it is gracious of Jehovah to allow me to volunteer and participate, will he not provide whatever is needed to fulfill his Word no matter how much I personally choose to do in his service?’
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
I think Longhairgirl said it best. The Governing Butchers know that they are throwing their helpers, DO’s, CO’s, pioneers, Bethel workers, TO THE STREET.
And they want congregations, rank & filers, to take care of them, else some of the “abandoned amharets” decide to sue the Groveling Bastards.
One thing is again for sure, the Watchtower Agenda rears its ugly head.
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
2018 Regional Convention Program
Friday Afternoon
3:20 SYMPOSIUM: What They Risked; How They Were Rewarded
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Daniel 1:11-13; 3:27-29)
Aquila and Priscilla (Romans 16:3, 4)
Stephen (Acts 6:11, 12)
““Jehovah appreciates very much, those sacrifices that you make. How do we know? Well, turn with me to Proverbs chapter 19, verse 17. (Pause) It reads “The one showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, And He will repay him for what he does.” Imagine, what a beautiful thought. Jehovah views the self-sacrificing efforts that we put forth on behalf of our brothers and sisters as actually being done to him. He says, “he will reply him.””
The Scripture at Proverbs does NOT say “actually being done to Him”. It doesn’t even suggest that a good deed done to a needy recipient is the same good deed done to God. They have to really bend that verse to make it say what they really want to say. It only says that when you do a good to a needy that it’s a plus toward God.
The principle of doing a good to a needy being looked upon as the same deed done to God is only found in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 where Jesus says “40 In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
So, in the Watchtower last week.
6. How does the parable of the talents provide encouragement? 6 Jesus imitated his Father’s example. The parable of the talents, given in Jesus’ prophecy about the conclusion of the system of things, encourages faithfulness. The master honored each of the faithful slaves with the words: “Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matt. 25:21, 23) What strong encouragement to continue serving Jehovah faithfully!
I say again, “There is no encouragement value to rank & file members unless this applies to them.”
Unless rank & file members are viewed as a “good and faithful slave” with the hope that they will be “appointed” and “enter the joy” because of their positive deeds done to the lowly -viewed as equal to Jesus- then there is no way the final sentence has any application.
What strong encouragement to continue serving Jehovah faithfully!