So, Babylon the Great fell in 1914... hmmm.
So, up until 1913, the Pope was God’s peep. Sure, they was tight, the Pope and God.
The Spanish Inquisition, that was just a bump in the road. A non-event. God wasn’t going to bust up a happy friendship over a trifle.
But, in the fall of 1913 God phoned up the Pope and said, “hey peep, ya know that Russel guy on the other side of the pond got it goin’ on. I’m thinkin’ he’s my man now.”
Then God sailed for NYC and Russel was God’s new peep. Russel was in and da Pope was out. Babylon had fallen.
And all because Russel was so warm and fuzzy. Russel preached that the German military was “providential”, God’s tool to “shape young men”, it’s right there in the Watchtower.
Well, God Almighty couldn’t pass on such a grand opportunity, to hang with a class dude like CT.