I can’t believe I got 4 minuses...
Maybe the good folks here didn’t get my humor.
I said maybe Trump should be imPEACHed since he’s already imPEARed.
And he’s a “fruitcake”...
C’mon people.
some democrats are zealously pushing the impeachment route to get rid of trump.
even if you don’t like him, do you support impeachment proceedings?.
I can’t believe I got 4 minuses...
Maybe the good folks here didn’t get my humor.
I said maybe Trump should be imPEACHed since he’s already imPEARed.
And he’s a “fruitcake”...
C’mon people.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
The current “news” on JW.borg
Look closely at he picture of “Russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.
First, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.
The “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door. Oh please. A garden pic.
Next, it’s obvious that the door was already opened and the picture is staged.
This is obviously a trio of elders (actors) acting out their perceived scenario.
Good heavens.
So, as objective persons looking at this you might say “yeah.... so they play acted what they believed happened.”
Indeed they did. But that’s not the point.
The point is the length of deception they are going to.
Please look at the right hand side of the picture. It says the below.
“From the website of Ministry of Internal Affairs tomsk Region”
Ok, why include the attribution to the source? Is the Watchtower afraid that the Russians might do something to them if they use it without permission? HA! They are already under freaking BAN..!
Also, why would the Russians ‘persecutors’ give them permission to use it...?
This is how thoroughgoing the Watchtower deception goes. This is their rabbit hole.
And the gullidubs eat it up.
Here is the link to the Russian site. See if you can locate the fake news.
some democrats are zealously pushing the impeachment route to get rid of trump.
even if you don’t like him, do you support impeachment proceedings?.
Should Trump be impeached? Why not, he’s already impeared.
And we know he’s a fruitcake.
But seriously, I think they should try.
What a show it would be!
Oh American politics is so entertaining... watching the nation swirl in the bowl just before the vertical exit.
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
As I am writing this, I am communicating with several elders on the body who are dealing with a small issue that is twisting their guts. It doesn’t take much, mind you, they are all getting old and worn and burnt.
I look at them, their wives in tears, their kids are often a mess, they are still working, in some cases, when they should be long retired.
A few elders seem not to give a crap. They do whatever they want. Some have a sports car or a boat they don’t talk about... go on vacations, instead of sacrificing to the Borg.
Same demographic in the publishers. Fakers and do whateverer’s... It’s a big ritual and either they are wearing out, or bugging out.
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
Res bandi
I think you are correct. What’s coming will bee tooooo much for many. I already see ‘tooo much’ when I look at so many dubs. They are getting to the edge.
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
My own opinion, and I am not a lawyer, but if the judges have an ounce of grey matter, they will shake their collective heads and call the bailiff to throw Watchtower’s fat ass out the door.
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
Watchtower responds to Zalkin’s response to Watchtower petition. Think tennis.
Watchtower argues that political types expanded, think of the umbrella again, only since Watchtower umbrella was taken, they hope to scoot under the fairy godmother of California umbrella.
Then Watchtower goes on to complain that their own umbrella was taken away unfairly, when Watchtower tried to use the Clergy umbrella.
I. There are no procedural impediments barring review. California expanded a cause of action that is the subject of constitutional dispute in federal and state courts throughout this country. California also deprived Watchtower of a jury trial by issuing terminating sanctions because Petitioner endeavored to protect citizens’ religious confessional and secular privacy rights. Watchtower consistently asserted the violation of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ federal constitutional rights involved in these issues in the lower courts, the denial of which are properly before this Court.
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
So, Watchtower made their petition to the Supreme Court. And then Zalkin made an opposing position to the court as to why the court should not visit this case. And then Watchtower again responded to Zalkin.
From Zalkin response to Watchtower petition. (Below)
While the Constitutional positions taken in the petition [by Watchtower] are radical and overreaching, this Court need not delve into them before declining review because of the myriad infirmities with the petition itself, which is permeated with blatant misrepresentations and intentionally-deceptive omissions. [Liars] The petition makes no attempt to explain how any of its questions presented were properly preserved. (U.S. Sup. Ct. R. 14(1)(g).) Indeed, the Court of Appeal decision under review (“the Opinion”) did not address any of these allegedly “important” issues because none were presented to it. Nor does the petition explain why the Opinion meets any of the criteria for review identified in Rule 10. (See U.S. Sup. Ct. R. 10, 14(1)(h).) The failures to timely raise and preserve issues, and to comply with Rule 14, each present an independent and adequate basis for denial of the petition. (U.S. Sup. Ct. R. 14(4).) Given that Watchtower’s answer was stricken and its default entered, appellate review is limited to a consideration of whether the Complaint adequately alleges any cause of action. (Steven M. Garber & Associates v. Eskanderian, 150 Cal.App.4th 813, 822–823 (2007).) Watchtower refuses to accept this procedural posture. Instead, it asks this Court to resolve factual issues on a record devoid of facts and to accept factual representations that are either demonstrably false or lacking in evidentiary support because they were never litigated at the trial court level. Watchtower’s positions are inextricably fact based, and because of the default, the facts to adjudicate those claims are not before this Court. Given Watchtower’s disrespect for the legal system, penchant for violating court orders and habitual disregard for the rules of the court from which it is begging for mercy, it is not the litigant to champion any allegedly important issue before this Court. This is not a case that warrants this Court’s time.
Imagine that you have three arguments that you want the court to consider, and that these arguments are sugar cubes. Imagine the court system is a rainstorm.
You must preserve your sugar cubes. You have to get a big umbrella over them, else they wash away.
So, Watchtower made their sugar cubes, and then put an umbrella over them. The court said the umbrella was the wrong one, and they took it away. Then the court system rained on them.
,,, bye bye sugar.
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
Barb emailed me both submissions. I didn’t see them here, but I read them. I thought I’d mention them.
I have them in my inbox. I suppose I could upload them. Here? Somewheres else?
Else, I will do a few cut and pastes of the meaningful parts....
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
Watchtower has been so very arrogant, showing contempt for the lower courts, and now it bites them in the ass.
Watchtower’s attitude is ‘we don’t deal with peons of lower courts, WE are appointed by GOD, we deal with the top dogs only and even them we shit upon.’
So, they have thumbed their collective noses at the judiciary, as though THEY are the boss, THEY will dictate how it’s all going to go....
The Governing Buffoons are basically telling the court that THEY are higher than the court of this little world and that THEY will make the ruling and the Supreme Court will like it, their job is to just write down what the GBuffoons say and publish it.
My dream is that the Judges understand that and the words in their ruling reflect their disgust.