If you can wait till later, I’ll make photos and scans...
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
Searching for 1980's articles
by Doug Mason ini have received the following request and as i am unable to help, i am turning to you.
apparently they relate to the 1925 prediction.. thanks, doug.
could you provide me with a photocopy of the following publications of the watchtower society?.
New Resolution
by label licker inwas anyone told today that there will be a new resolution coming in two weeks about tax receipts and donations?
there will be new changes to how these are handled.
we had a phone call tonight and our friend stated that it wouldn't be mentioned until another two weeks.
I’m suspecting that there will be several congregations in Ontario that will have a bank account, unbeknownst to them, containing tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars.
The Watchtower, through their yes-man the CO, will manage the money for “a return”.
The money will still be under the control of the g-boobs, but any legal victory against Watchtower will not touch these now separated funds.
Same spiritual control that began in 2000yr.
That year, the g-boobs recused themselves as the legal controllers of the Watchtower. They were the board of directors and would have been legal targets.
Now, the new board of directors, the new legal targets, are nobodies. The new BOD is under the full spiritual control of the g-boobs.
So, the g-boobs are behind a protective wall, yet firmly in control.
Same thing can now be done in Ontario with the loot. Individual Congo’s will be in control of the loot by means of the CO, and the CO is under spiritual control by the g-boobs.
The money is there, right there... but so far away from any lawsuit.
And now, that loot is earning income legally.
From enemies to friends: Did it really happen?
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, they showed the story “from enemies to friends” at the kingdom hall.
my mother in law told me about it as she was touched by the story.
so then, later in the evening, i searched for the video and found it in the january 1st 2017 broadcast.
The story is bogus.
The picture is painted of two men hating on each other. Bologna.
First, the one man was a wanton crimer. The other was a law enforcement officer. It was not a matter of men hating on each other, it was a case of a crimer being punished for his crimes, the result of the hard work of the law officer.
It is said that the officer hated the crimer so much, that he was going to make his life hell in the slammer by means of his friends, and that the crimer would die in prison.
This never happened.
If the law officer hated the crimer, that’s ormal. Law officers don’t typically like crimers, ya think...
And the crimer hated on the law man, because that’s what crimers do for gods sake. Do crimers WANT to go to jail. Of course the crimer is going to threaten the law man.
But the picture is painted quite otherwise.
The crimer got religion in the slammer. Big deal. Old story. How many movies have you seen...
And an old retired law man happens to join the tower. Big deal. Both these men are living in Butslap Crackvaria where there’s no internet and they are poor and backwards.
New Resolution
by label licker inwas anyone told today that there will be a new resolution coming in two weeks about tax receipts and donations?
there will be new changes to how these are handled.
we had a phone call tonight and our friend stated that it wouldn't be mentioned until another two weeks.
Specific congregations in Ontario will vote on a new constitution.
By law, the congregations must be able to view the constitution before voting on it.
The Watchtower intends that no JW have a look before voting.
Make sure to record the proceedings and provide them to Canada Revenue Agency.
CT Russell, he loved and supported genocidal militants.
by lastmanstanding ini have the first volumes of the watchtower from the 1800's to the 1900's.. .
i will highlight vol.
2 january 15, 1892 to help the reader understand the truth regarding russell and his supposed appointment as, what the watchtower this year referred to, "he certainly was that minister" ...making vague reference to his being called "the laodicean minister" (found on his tombstone).
Is that Sandy MiniME
MS meeting highlights
by lastmanstanding inthere are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed.
not just one talk... several.
the last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn.
Ah, Flowden is a helper. Correct. The day was a circus. I’m confusing the clowns with the chimps.
The CO, according to my son, is “an asshole”. I saw that firsthand in spades.
He said, and I believe I have that recorded, the Society is “not looking for idea men” but rather “do what you’re told”. He looked angry as he said it. Sneering down for the platform. What a jackass.
Whole families leaving the Org has increased
by pomo6780 ini have noticed in the uk a few families i used to know while in the borg have exited together.
some include former elders and ministerial servants.
i observed on social media pages that the kids have 'worldly' boyfriends and girlfriends and they look so much happier than they did in the org.
I helped one family leave. Does that count? There was a brother in another hall that I had a decent friendship with and I told him stuff slowly. Eventually I introduced him to CofC.
He left, and his family went with.
MS meeting highlights
by lastmanstanding inthere are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed.
not just one talk... several.
the last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn.
Governing boob Flowden had a video where he said his piece and basically demanded loyalty to him.
His last words, just before the video ended abruptly was “so that you can be pleasing the governing body”
It would be easy to cut off these words and not even notice, if say they wanted to reuse the video for another purpose.
Say after the lunatic is dead and opposers publicize his words and they then show the video with the end cut off.
MS meeting highlights
by lastmanstanding inthere are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed.
not just one talk... several.
the last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn.
There are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed. Not just one talk... several.
The last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn. I thought that at any second, he was going to flip his computer around and say "here's an example, what should we do?"
There was also considerable time spent on booze and violence.
It was also highlighted that there is a growing increase in the number of elders who are being disfellowshipped for adultery.
To spend this much effort and give this much attention to this is quite interesting indeed.
The CO also had a brother come to the platform to discuss how he and his wife spend their time and fit in "family worship". What this brother confessed and what the CO said is of interest.
The young brother told about how they do their secular work and then gave details about how they do service. He said they do Wednesday and Friday as their big days, and that's how they have to do to "get their time in for service". He seemed flustered and didn't seem happy to tell it. What he said next will kill ya.
He said that he'd rather do secular work than service as "service is draining, not just physically (as in secular work) but mentally, emotionally and spiritually"
He blew me away! But better than that, the CO stopped him, turned his face to the audience of men and said "yes, it is very draining". Imagine, he concurred!
I thought service was refreshing and charged you up!?!?!?!? LOL Ah how the truth can slip out.
There was a video of GB Flowden. The last word he spoke as the video ended was that "so that you can please the governing body". Is the gb not "men".
So, you should be "men pleasers"
Ephesians 6:6-8New King James Version (NKJV)
6 not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, 7 with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, 8 knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.It would be easy to cut off the last sentence as the video didn't end well anyway, and then deniability kicks in.
There was also a video of j jackson and I couldn't help but hear him saying "that would be presumptuous"