A ban is only for the front door. The back door of a weapons manufacturer is another story.
The most dangerous segment of society will not be affected by any ban. Those who are responsible for the majority of killings using guns are not even in the gunsights of they who advance bans.
In Canada, the government doesn’t even take an interest in “gun ban” discussions. No need. Here, the government follows every round of ammunition within its borders.
What good is a gun without ammunition?
The US government could ban the automobile and that would save millions of lives. LOL
But as long as gasoline is available, people will find a tank to “load” it into.
What really is this gun discussion about? The US government doesn’t give a rats posterior about guns killing school kids. There could be a ban on assault rifles tomorrow, and crazies could still buy any of hundreds of small arms legally or otherwise that could be used in a mass shooting.
The reason assault rifles are the target of the governments actions is simple. These weapons are the ones that American militias will use against government controlled forces because of the specific kinds of ammunition that is available to fill their magazines, rounds that are designed to pierce personel armor. And the government is using the MSM and now children to advance their agenda.
Now, before you crawl all over me, personally I hate guns. All of them.
Maybe we should ban all guns for everyone.
But keep the nukes, keep ‘em hot and ready, prepared to fly on a moments notice. Keep a lunatic hovering over the big red button, shaking in a cold sweat. And make it mandatory that every city in the free world have a method of informing the public daily of the minutes to oblivion remaining on the clock of doom.