A chink in the amour.
I made my earlier post because I looked at the change in baptism questions through new eyes. My new eyes are the result of establishing a US patent.
In a US patent, there are several sections and it is very legalistic. The most important section is called the CLAIMS section. In this section, you must be extremely cautious in what you claim and the exact manner in which you claim it. There must be “limitations”in your Claims.
The Watchtower Society, as you all know, has made claims. They have claimed to be directed by the “spirit”, understood by JWs to mean the Holy Spirit of God Almighty.
Now, the next most important section of a US patent is the SPECIFICATION. In this section, much more detail is provided that backs up the Claims. As you know, watchtower has the equivalent of a Specification section, the rest of their literature.
Claims get challenged. I just read the details of a Microsoft patent challenge against an individual. Quite interesting actually.
Claims must be carefully written so as to “anticipate” (USPTO wording) and their “teaching” (also a USPTO wording) must be”examined carefully”.
“Anticipation” is the art of writing patent claims such that you “anticipate” the challenges others will launch at your Claims, in court.
They will look for a chink in your Armour. You must anticipate every thrust of their sword when you write your Claims. Leave no holes.
Obviously, Watchtower has has a challenge against its Claims.
From where did this challenge hail? Was it nothing more than that which I described in my earlier post?
Or was there some kind of legal challenge, “in court”.
Time will tell.