And then Caleb prays and gets the idea to pimp his sister out, kingdom prostitution.
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
The new Caleb and Sophia Video is a shameless plug for money
by HiddenPimo infor helping with relief work.
maybe am the iii was sending the scotch to hurricane ravaged lands to help comfort them?.
The new Caleb and Sophia Video is a shameless plug for money
by HiddenPimo infor helping with relief work.
maybe am the iii was sending the scotch to hurricane ravaged lands to help comfort them?.
First they have Sophia, her coin in hand, ready for ice cream, give it up for da gb.
Now they go back further up the chain, to the source, THE PIGGY BANK.
Next, Sophia will ask a worldly neighbor kid for a loan, and go into debt to give it up for da gb.
Then, Sophia will get a paper route and a lemonade stand to earn more for da gb. Between meetings and service and study and assembly and cleaning khs and helping the elderly to go in service and...
And Sophia doesn’t need to think about honoring her credit, because the end is so close and she won’t have to pay it back.
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
The existing question (1) as is found in the current “Organized” book has no mention of “salvation”.
The question (1) from 1966,1970,1973 up until the current version, I haven’t checked when it last changed, does mention “salvation”.
They put “salvation” back.
Glory be.
So, “advancing light” has directed the governing blabber mouths to go backwards.
Beautiful New "Kingdom Hall"
by Sea Breeze inthese images were posted on one of my fb news feeds.
they are legit.
looks like an upscale commercial bldg.
I understand that the new building committees have the mandate to install a hydraulic For Sale sign that pops out of the front lawn and is triggered by an internet connection to Warwick.
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
I just updated my ap. The questions have not changed in the electronic version of the organized book.
I must say though that getting to page 209 where the questions are found is next to impossible. You cannot scroll to them, but have to hit the one and only link to the page as it is found buried at the very bottom of page 165 where it says that
[Note to congregation elders: Instructions for handling discussions with baptism candidates appear on pages 211-214.]
It’s like... they don’t want you to be able to read them in the electronic version.
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
No, I don’t think it’s fake news, it smells about right. In any case we will know for sure shortly as the convention season gets underway.
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
I looked at the Watchtower ap. and I post below what it says. I don’t think the “change” is fake news, but it is not changed in the ap. This leads me to believe that the change was made in haste as they have not had time to update the ap. That said, I have not updated my own ap in a while.
CONCLUDING DISCUSSION WITH BAPTISM CANDIDATESBaptisms are usually held at assemblies and conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses. At the conclusion of the baptism talk, the speaker will ask the baptism candidates to stand and answer the following two questions in a loud voice:1. On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?2. Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?Affirmative answers to these questions constitute a “public declaration” by the baptism candidates that they have put faith in the ransom and have unreservedly dedicated themselves to Jehovah. (Rom. 10:9, 10) Baptism candidates will want to give prayerful thought to these questions in advance so that they can answer in harmony with their personal convictions.What is appropriate attire for baptism? (John 15:19
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
A chink in the amour.
I made my earlier post because I looked at the change in baptism questions through new eyes. My new eyes are the result of establishing a US patent.
In a US patent, there are several sections and it is very legalistic. The most important section is called the CLAIMS section. In this section, you must be extremely cautious in what you claim and the exact manner in which you claim it. There must be “limitations”in your Claims.
The Watchtower Society, as you all know, has made claims. They have claimed to be directed by the “spirit”, understood by JWs to mean the Holy Spirit of God Almighty.
Now, the next most important section of a US patent is the SPECIFICATION. In this section, much more detail is provided that backs up the Claims. As you know, watchtower has the equivalent of a Specification section, the rest of their literature.
Claims get challenged. I just read the details of a Microsoft patent challenge against an individual. Quite interesting actually.
Claims must be carefully written so as to “anticipate” (USPTO wording) and their “teaching” (also a USPTO wording) must be”examined carefully”.
“Anticipation” is the art of writing patent claims such that you “anticipate” the challenges others will launch at your Claims, in court.
They will look for a chink in your Armour. You must anticipate every thrust of their sword when you write your Claims. Leave no holes.
Obviously, Watchtower has has a challenge against its Claims.
From where did this challenge hail? Was it nothing more than that which I described in my earlier post?
Or was there some kind of legal challenge, “in court”.
Time will tell.
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
Has anyone noticed the inherent plurality of “spirit” in the outbound baptism question?
To clarify, put yourself in the position of a non-JW who is attending the convention.
When you hear “spirit-directed organization” as an outsider, you quickly surmise that the word “spirit” refers not to the “Holy Spirit” (singular) of the biblical context, but rather to ‘spirits’ in general.
The organization never said “Holy Spirit-directed”, just an unidentifiable “spirit”, thus making the “spirit” plural in nature as it could be any “spirit”, thus all ’spirits’.
Further, if an organization forthrightly claimed that it was in communication with and guided by “spirits” (plural) in nature, not precluding any spirit or spirits, even evil ‘spirits’, or demonic ‘spirits’, then it would word it’s claim similarly to the outbound question.
For example, the ‘high church of the devil’ teaches that it is guided by the demons (plural). Thus, it would claim that it is “spirit-directed”. It would not say that it is “spirits directed” as the plurality of the word “spirit” would be assumed, it would refer to not one spirit in particular, but many spirits (plural).
So, as an outsider, listening to the questions for baptism, but not exposed to clarifying information that defined the “spirit” in “spirit-directed” as the “Holy Spirit” of Christianity, it could, and I further would, be assumed that the JW organization is practicing divination.
Australian ABC News article on JW incest victim
by shepherdless ini am surprised nobody else has posted this yet.
a lot of people in aust will read this.. “incest victim turned lawyer speaks out on reporting violence and sexual abuse”.
Comment on the journalist’s twitter.