‘Troo kristians oughta obay Seezer’s law, sept’n wennit git’s agaynst what’s weez reely wantz two do’
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
It’s an art form, selectively speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
Mosaic Law?
Chapter 17
Conventions Proof of Our Brotherhood
CONVENTIONShave become a regular feature of the modern-day organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.But national and international gatherings of worshipers of Jehovah took place long before the 20th century.
Jehovah required all the males in ancient Israel to assembleat Jerusalem for three seasonal festivals each year. Some of the men brought their entire family along. In fact, the Mosaic Law required that every family member—men, women, and little ones—be present on certain occasions. (Ex. 23:14-17;Deut. 31:10-13;Luke 2:41-43)
In like manner, the conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times center on spiritual interests.
The Early Christians and the Mosaic Law
4 The Mosaic Law was to be a temporary arrangement ..... the Mosaic Law was designed to lead God-fearing Jews to Christ... Once the Christian congregation was formed, therefore, the “tutor” —the Law— served no further purpose. (Romans 10:4;Galatians 3:25) But some Jewish Christians were slow to grasp this vital truth.As a result, they continued observing features of the Law even after Jesus’ resurrection. Others, though, adjusted their thinking. In doing so, they set a fine example for us today.
Choosing the One Right Religion
13. What scriptures prove we are not now under the Law?
13 ... the purpose of the Law was accomplished with the coming of Christ: “Consequently, the Law has become our tutor leading to Christ, that we might be declared righteous due to faith.But now that this faith has arrived, we are no longer under a tutor.” Other scriptures state: “By works of law no flesh will be declared righteous before him.” “You are not under law but under undeserved kindness.” “Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law.” “If you are being led by spirit, you are not under law.”“By means of his flesh he abolished the hatred, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees.” “...For the Law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in besides office a better hope did, through which we are drawing near to God.” Jehovah God “blotted out the handwritten document against us which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us, and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.”—Gal. 3:24, 25;Rom. 3:20;6:14;Gal. 3:13;5:18;Eph. 2:15;Heb. 7:18, 19;Col. 2:14, NW.
14. (a) How do some argue concerning the Law, but what texts blast their argument? (b) How does the elimination now stand?
14 ...Two verses after it speaks of Jehovah blotting out the Law “by nailing it to the torture stake,” we read: “Therefore let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a feast day or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath.” ...After saying “now we have been discharged from the Law,” the apostle Paul quotes as an example of that nullified Law: “You must not covet.” That was the Tenth of the Ten Commandments. Also, Paul explains that Christians are under a new covenant, no longer under the law “which was engraved in letters in stones.” They are under the spirit, the guiding principles of which are inscribed, “not on stone tablets, but on fleshly tablets, on hearts.” (Rom. 7:6, 7;2 Cor. 3:7,3, NW) So Christians are not under the law written “on stone tablets.” What was written on stone tablets? A so-called ceremonial law? Or all the Law? No, only the Ten Commandments! Though Christians are not under any of the Mosaic law, they are under the guidance of the holy spirit, and its standards and requirements are higher. The 6 of our remaining 19 religions that are erected on the belief that we are under all or part of the Law are built on sand and must collapse.
U.K. Judge rules five year old JW (not baptized) can get blood transfusion
by Tenacious ingirl, 5, from jehovah's witness family can have blood transfusion, judge says.
by michael black.
a high court judge has ruled that doctors can give a sick five-year-old girl from a jehovah’s witness family a blood transfusion.. the little girl’s parents said their religious beliefs would not allow them to consent to a blood transfusion.. but they said they would not object to a judge making the decision.. mr justice hayden was told that the little girl was in a “grave” situation and could die or suffer a stroke if she did not have a transfusion.. the judge analysed evidence at a public hearing in the family division of the high court (pictured) in london on wednesday after hospital bosses asked him to make a decision as a matter of urgency.. he said bosses at the leeds teaching hospitals nhs trust had responsibility for the girl’s care and had made the application.. he said the girl was being treated at leeds children’s hospital.. the judge heard evidence via a telephone link to the hospital.. a specialist told mr justice hayden that the little girl was suffering from sickle cell disease, an inherited blood disorder, and that her condition had deteriorated.. .
The parents will be shunned, sooner than later.
Eventually, the family will leave the Watchtology cult as the harsh, unloving treatment will make them see Watchtology for what it is.
Your mother will be told to change her number. You won’t know it has happened until somebody who has your moms old number call you back.
OCT 2019 Watchtower - Survival dependant on loyalty to JW Leaders
by Listener inthere is so much wrong with the newly released october, 2019 but that's not unusual.
what stands out is there statement claiming that survival through armageddon depends on loyalty to those 'taking the lead'.
since they claim there will be a point during the gt that they (the gb) won't be physically around, jws must still be loyal to jw leaders.. whats interesting in this article is that they make it clear that they, the governing body are going to take part, from heaven, in the war of armageddon.
The 2020 “Divine Vengeance” regional convention. Here seen is a Governing Body member preparing to embark on his journey to the right hand of Jehovah Almighty.
Conventioneers excitedly gather. They know beyond a doubt that the end is near.
OCT 2019 Watchtower - Survival dependant on loyalty to JW Leaders
by Listener inthere is so much wrong with the newly released october, 2019 but that's not unusual.
what stands out is there statement claiming that survival through armageddon depends on loyalty to those 'taking the lead'.
since they claim there will be a point during the gt that they (the gb) won't be physically around, jws must still be loyal to jw leaders.. whats interesting in this article is that they make it clear that they, the governing body are going to take part, from heaven, in the war of armageddon.
OCT 2019 Watchtower - Survival dependant on loyalty to JW Leaders
by Listener inthere is so much wrong with the newly released october, 2019 but that's not unusual.
what stands out is there statement claiming that survival through armageddon depends on loyalty to those 'taking the lead'.
since they claim there will be a point during the gt that they (the gb) won't be physically around, jws must still be loyal to jw leaders.. whats interesting in this article is that they make it clear that they, the governing body are going to take part, from heaven, in the war of armageddon.
I’m so looking forward to the day that the governing boobs are taken away.
In straight jackets.
Funny, I always kinda thought of them swinging on the end of ropes.
What is the biggest doctrinal mistake made by the Watchtower /JWorg. ?
by Finkelstein inpersonally i think it is 1914 and the following " this generation " doctrine.. this particular doctrine went right against jesus's own words of " no one knows of the time not even he " .
he also admonished his true followers to not set a time upon god's own sacred time .. the leaders of the wts even back to the late 1800's set a time calculated on their own theology 1874 being the first time set and proclaimed by c t russell, also proclaiming 1914 would likely be the year of the final day of judgment armageddon.
all throughout the 20th century the wts held to this doctrine but was eventually revised of course when it was realized this generation had passed away who saw the events of 1914. .
I imagine that if you were really to ask a dub the question, and then tell them that answer, they would say.. “oh ...yeah... but we teach Jesus”.
Of course you could then reply, “but teaching Jesus and being Jesus are quite different”
To that they would hum, haw and come up with “well, only in the WTS can you get the truth”..
To which you could add, “So Jesus is the mediator between God and who?”
...”and the WTS is the mediator between who and who?”
At which point the dubster wants to get away as fast as they can.
What is the biggest doctrinal mistake made by the Watchtower /JWorg. ?
by Finkelstein inpersonally i think it is 1914 and the following " this generation " doctrine.. this particular doctrine went right against jesus's own words of " no one knows of the time not even he " .
he also admonished his true followers to not set a time upon god's own sacred time .. the leaders of the wts even back to the late 1800's set a time calculated on their own theology 1874 being the first time set and proclaimed by c t russell, also proclaiming 1914 would likely be the year of the final day of judgment armageddon.
all throughout the 20th century the wts held to this doctrine but was eventually revised of course when it was realized this generation had passed away who saw the events of 1914. .
The biggest mistake? Hmmm.
Ask any JW, “is the Watchtower Society ‘the truth’..?”
They will say YES.
But Jesus said He was “the truth” .... and “the way”... and “the life”.