Corney, since you wish to use the word “obviously”, we’ll use it with you.
You are ‘obviously’ working for Watchtower. You spend all your time defending it here, as if...
And you ‘obviously’ twist just like Watchtower.
If someone ‘outs’ the Watchtower, you attack the person. And you twist.
You try to blend individual dubs in with the tower. As if they are the same entity.
Dubs are deceived by the tower. they are not the tower.
I hate the tower, because the tower is BAD.
and you should to since you are a lover of Jehovah.
I quote from the NWT since it is ‘obviously’ your favorite bible
Psalm 97:10 O you who love Jehovah, hate what is bad...
As for dubs, the poor dubs that I do NOT hate are suffering in Russia because of the tower that we hate.
As far as the video, why are they blanking out faces?
It still looks fake.
On the brighter side, maybe some of the dubs there will wake up, and find Jesus.