What does it look like when an “apostate” stands up at the kingdumb hall and tells it like it is?
Watch the opening scene of the original, black and white, Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde 1932
It tells the whole story,,,
what does it look like when an “apostate” stands up at the kingdumb hall and tells it like it is?.
watch the opening scene of the original, black and white, dr. jekyll & mr hyde 1932. it tells the whole story,,,.
What does it look like when an “apostate” stands up at the kingdumb hall and tells it like it is?
Watch the opening scene of the original, black and white, Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde 1932
It tells the whole story,,,
if you are a jw in the us or canada, you probably already know about "khconf".
it is a business that has been set up (presumably by some jws somewhere) that supplies call-in numbers and teleconferencing for shut-ins to listen to kingdom hall meetings.. they have their own website: www.khconf.com.. .
what i didn't know is how much they've spread!
I don’t see that as having taken place. I would have been informed.
i was ministered to by several different people at a jw funeral i attended today.
one older lady said to me, "you know the end is right around the corner, just look at the state of the world today".
i said, "well yes but that has been the mantra for decades, remember 'stay alive till '75'".
Remember the Alamos. Or in this case, Jerusalem 70AD.
Those hard headed Jews went down with the ship, and as Josephus tells it, it was brutal.
Expect nothing less from brain dead dubs.
let’s get a congress going and impeach the governing bastards..
This was of course a HA HA.
.... but wouldn’t it be nice.
let’s get a congress going and impeach the governing bastards..
Let’s get a congress going and impeach the governing bastards.
just heard from a friend who keeps in touch with the jw's.
a person who has been studying found out some things on line about the witnesses and decided to not get baptized and stopped attending the meetings.
she lives with a witness.
When the WT kicks you out, they say that you should be treated as “a person of the world”, a catch phrase for SHUN.
I would be completely pleased if WT were to treat “persons of the world...” as “persons of the world...”
big article.. https://www.inquirer.com/news/inq/jehovahs-witnesses-silent-history-child-sex-abuse-20180425.html.
Sorry, this came up on my news feed and today’s date was on the article. Not quite sure what happened there...
A good article in any case.
big article.. https://www.inquirer.com/news/inq/jehovahs-witnesses-silent-history-child-sex-abuse-20180425.html.
i have looked through all my bookmarks but i just can't seem to find it.
a while back i came across a site that discusses the blood topic.
does anyone know what link would get me there?.
reports indicate that many people are physically and emotionally getting sick because they are disturbed by political matters.
some require professional help!.
I find it all quite amusing and it’s cathartic to say so. I equate the problems within the world’s political sphere as equal to the mess of religion and big business.
Its quite rewarding to see Trump slump, Trudeau blow, Watchtower sour, Thomas Cook fry, and the repo market starve.
I just can’t find it in me to feel sorry for they who put their hopes in Peter Pan Politics, Rasputin Religion, or Bullshit Business and get crushed emotionally when their fantasies fold in on themselves like a house of cards in a black hole.