I was ministered to by several different people at a JW funeral I attended today. One older lady said to me, "you know the end is right around the corner, just look at the state of the world today". I said, "well yes but that has been the mantra for decades, remember 'Stay Alive till '75'". She then says, "well that never came from the governing body, that was local ones saying that". My response was "I distinctly remember hearing it at the summer assembly, so it wasn't just murmurs or local ones". She quickly changed the subject LOL.
Murmurs from the locals
by Moster 22 Replies latest jw friends
Remember the Alamos. Or in this case, Jerusalem 70AD.
Those hard headed Jews went down with the ship, and as Josephus tells it, it was brutal.
Expect nothing less from brain dead dubs.
Moster, you totally nailed it! AND it was totally official, pre-1975, that the world was ending soon!
Carl Olaf Jonson's book "Last Days, When?" really analyzes whether things are getting worse.
Steven Pinker's book Better Angels of our Nature (despite the title, non-religious) uses statistics to show that as a whole, society has been improving and getting better. Nothing moves in a smooth line, and society has it's occasional issues. But overall, statistically things are getting better.
The numbers are astounding. If I recall the right numbers, it's estimated that early man had a 1 in 3 chance of dying by violence. I forget the numbers, but the wealthy didn't fare so well a few hundred years ago. Between duels and political coups, lots of aristocrats met violent ends. Whereas today, these people stay safe behind various forms of protection. Obviously disease and such is not claiming as many lives as a percentage. Heart attacks with clogged arteries can be fixed with minor surgery as opposed to the chest-cracking some relatives have endured.
Just think of the plague. I think it was one of three in Europe died. The WTBS likes to quote figures for disease after WW1, proving things got worse. A few million was NOT 1 in 3. Think of 3 people. One of them would have been dead from plague.
Things have improved. Despite television news trying to scare you into thinking otherwise. More can still be done, but things are way better than a few hundred years ago. Or even a few decades ago.
I HATE the claim by religions that things are getting so bad, Jesus will have to step in. -
Go to our good friend Google and look up "Stay alive till '75." Its there.
Pete Zahut
She then says, "well that never came from the governing body, that was local ones saying that".
Moster: ....and today, the "local ones" are approaching people at funerals and repeating the new mantra,
"the end is right around the corner".
If the funeral was for a 102 year old, it was one of those that the society in 1918 said, Millions now living will never die, and remember only jws in good standing will survive..
Will there be at least 2 million approved jws over 102 this year, age 1o3 next year 104 year olds 2022?
oh, I forgot the overlap, the anointed generation, even rarer.
just remember to give your riches as says today's daily text and last week's wt study.
wt: we give you good for repetition for emphasis. so: all together now:
give your unrighteous riches.
I once asked a very devote JW, 'when would you have liked to live that was better than today' He mentioned a particular time about 3000 years ago lol
The über jw is just peddling what they absorb from the GB, reminds me of the democrats today calling for impeachment, just repeating what they hear on TV from their leaders. Monkey see, monkey do.
It ends when the Noahide Laws are fully enforced worldwide, and we all have to get brain chips to enforce it. I cannot guarantee with any reasonable certainty when that will happen, but all they need is one of those Beersheet Bibles on Mercury to use Mercury's energy to that end. And, with Saturn conjunct Pluto at 22CP45 this coming January 13, that bears watching for major events that could lead to Noahide Law or a major world war with that end. No guarantee that it will be then, nor any that it won't happen sooner--just that, the more people using that stupid bible, the sooner it will be.