Don't worry designs. All three of my sons placed their guilt on the cross. They carry none of it now. I had the privilege to baptize all three of them at the same time a few months ago.... ages 31, 8, & 7.
Posts by Perry
Materialists, Jehovah's Witnesses & Biblical Christianity
by Perry inmaterialist.
jehovahs witness.
biblical christian.
Materialists, Jehovah's Witnesses & Biblical Christianity
by Perry inmaterialist.
jehovahs witness.
biblical christian.
Jehovah’s Witness
Biblical Christian
Life started millions of years ago
Life started millions of years ago
Life started a few thousand years ago
You can redeem yourself by
your works
You can redeem yourself by
your works
Your works cannot redeem you
There is no judgment after death
There is no judgment after death
It is appointed unto man once to die, then judgment - Heb. 9:27
Jesus didn’t die for me personally
Jesus didn’t die for me personally
Jesus died for me personally
as a scapegaot
There is no consciousness after death
There is no consciousness after death
Dead souls are conscious
(Rev. 6: 9-11)
Jesus is not our Mediator
Jesus is not our Mediator
Jesus is our sole Mediator
Jesus is not in Control
Jesus is not in Control
“All Authority in heaven and earth” are given to Jesus
The New Covenant isn’t for them
The New Covenant isn’t for them
The New Covenant is for “all of you”
A triune God doesn’t exist
A triune God doesn’t exist
God is triune
We are not a tri-partite being
We are not a tri-partite being
We are a tri-partite being “in God’s image” Body-Soul-Spirit
Men are Final Authority
Men are Final Authority
New Testament is Final Authority
I am good
I am good
None is good except God
I finally figured out why I feel like I'm at the Kngdom Hall sometimes on this discussion board.
The Creation of Eve
by jws infor those of you who believe in the bible, have you ever seriously thought about the events that led up to the creation of eve?.
genesis 2 - 18 the lord god said, it is not good for the man to be alone.
i will make a helper suitable for him.. .
You wouldn't get anything but a second Adam.
XX can come from XY. XY cannot come from XX. The biblical narrative is consistent with this.
The XY sex-determination system is the sex-determination system found in humans, In this system, the sex of an individual is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes (gonosomes). Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex.
Christianity (including Jehovahs Witnesses) is the rejection of Christ
by exWTslave inchristianity (including jehovahs witnesses) is the rejection of christ.
take one of the most important teachings of jesus:.
1) he says one can even love his enemies and do good to them, and can tolerate anything (luke 6:27-32).
I agree with what djeggnog says. Thoughtful post.
That all mankind has been set free from the law of sin and death is the good news that Jesus' apostles preached, but the fact that we have obtained a pardon from any culpability with regard to Adam's sins didn't make anyone a saint. We became sinners through no fault of our own, but we're still "convicts," as it were, being thoroughly convicted of our sins, so until we are healed of our sinful condition, we will all need to demonstrate a willingness to obey the law of Christ as we seek God's forgiveness of our sins with a view to our becoming reconciled to God.
I would only add the vital role of continued belief in Jesus blood alone to that statement. Belief in Jesus' blood plus our works, or plus our church, or plus anything nullifies the New Testament contract of imputed rightreousness.
If God is real?
by suavojr inif after you die you find yourself in front a god ready to judge you.
what will you say in your defense for not believing?
Hi perry by your reasoning god must be like a father who allows his child to do something wicked for the gratification of punishing him.
Gratification? God is not gratified by punishing. He claims just the opposite. He even goes so far as to punish his own Son who bears his own omnipresent being to suffer and die as a scapegoat in place of those who would accept it. I don't know where you get your notions about judgment and punishment; but it is not from the bible or western culture in general. Judgment is generally characterized as an obligation or duty of government. Tyrants may get some sort of twisted gratification from their judgments. But honorable judges do not. God is honorable and makes this clear when he literally pleads with people to accept his pardon so that he isn't forced to condemn:
"Say to them, 'As I live!' declares the Lord GOD, 'I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die? - Ez. 33:11
God is placing the bar really low to avoid condemnation. All he is really asking is that if we lie or steal etc., to admit the sin, turn from it and believe that God WILL forgive on the basis of Jesus' blood.
What is so terrible about that?
Abiogenesis takes another step forward.....
by snare&racket inspark of life: metabolism appears in lab without cells19:42 25 april 2014 by linda geddesfor similar stories, visit the evolution and human evolution topic guidesmetabolic processes that underpin life on earth have arisen spontaneously outside of cells.
the serendipitous finding that metabolism the cascade of reactions in all cells that provides them with the raw materials they need to survive can happen in such simple conditions provides fresh insights into how the first life formed.
it also suggests that the complex processes needed for life may have surprisingly humble origins.. "people have said that these pathways look so complex they couldn't form by environmental chemistry alone," says markus ralser at the university of cambridge who supervised the research.. but his findings suggest that many of these reactions could have occurred spontaneously in earth's early oceans, catalysed by metal ions rather than the enzymes that drive them in cells today.. the origin of metabolism is a major gap in our understanding of theemergence of life.
It's misleading to point to a modern cell as evidence of how complex the first cells were.
What would cause you to characterize a cell as modern?
Here's what experts say about the cell:
Dr. Denton, who has a Ph. D. in biochemistry, asserts that the basic design of the cell system is essentially the same in all living systems, from the humblest bacterium to the largest mammal. (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1985). As a consequence, according to Denton, there is no such thing as a primitive cell that is ancestral to any other cell system. He argues, then, that there is not the lightest empirical hint of an evolutionary sequence from one form of life to another. Nobel Prize laureate Jacques Monod agrees with Denton’s findings. “The simplest living system, the bacterial cell,” he writes, “in its overall chemical plan is the same as that of all other living beings. It employs the same genetic code and the same mechanism of translation as do, for example, human cells.”
A single living cell contains something in the order of 100 million proteins of 20,000 different types. Despite this fantastic degree of complexity and diversity, a few hundred of the cells could fit on the dot of this letter “i”. And there is no scientific evidence that the living cell “evolved”. And yet, it is the prototype, the common factor of all the cells contained in the the broad spectrum of the plant and animal kingdoms. How did self-replicating organisms come into being in the first place? On this question, science draws a blank, though scientists themselves are prodigal with "just so" theories.
The idea of a modern cell or a primitive cell is not supported by science. It is however supported by your own confirmation bias.
If God is real?
by suavojr inif after you die you find yourself in front a god ready to judge you.
what will you say in your defense for not believing?
The bottom line for some people is: in their mind judgment and separation from the guilty is OK for them to do and for society to do and for our apointed judges to do; but for some reason known only to them, it is not Ok for God to do. And, especially reprehensible is the part about providing a scapegoat where the guilty can, not only be set free, but can be adopted and lavished upon by God.
So, some will continue to ask themselves ad infinitum why would a good God allow evil without ever accepting the fact that it is precisely because he intends to judge it, defeat it and transform it into good.
New Atlanta Assembly Hall Has raised 3.4 million Dollars... GONE
by James Jackson inthey announced last week that the new atanta assembly hall has thus far raised 3.4 million dollars.
my local told that will become the society's come may 1. i wonder how that will go over with the ones who have been contributing to this fund..
Are they still planning on building the Assembly Hall?
If God is real?
by suavojr inif after you die you find yourself in front a god ready to judge you.
what will you say in your defense for not believing?
When you see that the Eastern Orthodox view Hell as a seperation from God (eternal sorrow)
Separation from God is torture since God is good and the Giver of every good gift. What exactly is the obsession with trying to make the punishment for sin more tolerable?
Imagine a cold dark existence for eternity. Imagine no heat, no touch, no smiles, no water, no one to hear your voice, for eons. This is likely a best-case scenario for those that don't want a pardon, and who seek to justify themselves. All completely unnecessary. God wills that he lavish his gifts upon us, in this life ....and the next .
If God is real?
by suavojr inif after you die you find yourself in front a god ready to judge you.
what will you say in your defense for not believing?
Bottom line: You are in favor of eternal torture
Neither me nor God is in favor of such a thing. Eternity is simply part of our constitution. God says that you cannot will yourself to cease to exist at death. If this is true, then how to spend eternity takes on serious significance. At great cost to himself, God gave us options.
The real bottom line is this:
God can only 1.) make it impossible to sin, or 2.) he can judge sin. He cannot do nothing since that would make him evil, something contrary to his nature. I have not heard any other explantion offered for the problem of evil. Ever.
So, since we live in a world where evil and sin is indeed possible, then it is likely that he will judge sin......which is exactly what he says he'll do over and over in the bible.
We have a conscience. We sin with knowledge of it. Yet, God offers a pardon. God is good.