Topics Started by Perry
Creed - A Satirical Poem
by Perry in“creed” on the world.
by steve turner.
we believe in marxfreudanddarwin.
The "Fellowship of Sufferings"
by Perry ini came across this title phrase while reading a daily devotional one morning and it reminded me of this discussion board.
there really is a fellowship of sufferings here.
never since adolph hitler has an organization done so much to destroy families as the watchtower has done.
Born Twice - Die Once .... Born Once - Die Twice
by Perry injesus taught that we must die unto ourselves, and allow the holy spirit to take up residence within us.
some people get saved by simply inviting jesus into their hearts, to be the lord of their life.
this serves as a countering force within the born-again christian to counterbalance the will of the flesh, which is still unsaved in this life and destined for destruction in imitation of our lord himself.. attempting to live the christian life without having this spirit within you is a waste of time at the minimum, and dangerous on the downside.
Happy Memorial Day!
by Perry incheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!.
when you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
god bless freedom!.
Questions for JW's from Christians
by Perry ini'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
"508 Million Year Old" Exceptionally Preserved Embryos Found
by Perry inactually, they we found over 100 years ago.
but because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, dna fragments etc.
, many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that many more similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside.
Prophecy vs. Profits ...See
by Perry inwhile we had our eyes fixated on our "one-time" idol the watchtower and their false prophecies like the generation of 1914 that wouldn't pass away, 1975 etc.
; a number of real prophecies were unfolding.
we just weren't taught to look for them.