make the effort to be a better person.
That's the same 'ole Watchtower line, (run faster, try harder, jump higher) ...been there done that.
Oh I tried for 40 years to be the man that I imagined. At best, I experienced bits and pieces of the ideal. When situational and other people interactions are factored in, it became even more of a remote possibility. My ideas about how I myself should be and what I wanted to experience in this life just became more and more remote.
When I totally trusted in Jesus alone about 9 years ago, things started to change, steadily gaining momentum.. The change was in proportion to the amount of trust backed up by deeds of trust that I willed myself to believe and do. My active belief in Christ is what triggered the new reality. It is a completely different way of living. Even though I have experienced TREMENDOUS success in Christ, I still am uncomfortable fully trusting him and not myself. It is utterly counter-intuitive to my flesh, but my spirit, my real will, is always there.
"For all the promises of God in him [Jesus] are yea, and in him Amen,"
Jesus is the greatest gift imaginable, because everything good imaginable is "so be it" by him. He has wisdom and truly AWESOME power and authority to make anythng so.
"Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest", said Jesus.
It's true. The prince of peace carries rest in his left hand and might in his right hand. And now, I have access to both.