Posts by Perry
Pick your belief system
by Giordano ini think we've all noticed a ton of newbe's these past months.
one part of escaping or thinking about escaping the jw's is coming to terms with what you believe now and/or what direction you are leaning towards.. here is a site that has a quick quiz that may be of some worth or just for fun.
i took it when i first signed on here and the results surprised me because it was pretty accurate.. you don't have to sign up for anything and when you finish you will get a percentage answer on 20 major belief systems.
- Unknown -
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
One scientific publication makes this statement:
Monkeys live all over the world and come in various shapes, sizes and colors.....Monkeys are as varied in shape and size as humans.
I suspect that Peking Man will one day go the way of the other "men" snake oil salesmen paraded before us. Piltdown man had over 500 scholarly papers written about it by "smart" men before it was trashed as a hoax. - (Nature vol. 274, #4419 (10 July 1954) pp. 61-62)
This little fellow might one day be named "Pinocchio Man".
...the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness” and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.” - 1 Cor. 3: 18
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
"Knowing that scientists are highly motivated by status and rewards, that they are no more objective than professionals in other fields, that they can dogmatically defend an idea no less vehemently than ideologues and that they can fall sway to the pull of authority allows us to understand that, in Goodstein’s assessment, “injecting falsehoods into the body of science is rarely, if ever, the purpose of those who perpetrate fraud. They almost always believe that they are injecting a truth into the scientific record.” - Scientific American
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Vivane, I have researched all of your issues and come to different conclusion.
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
This is not about you. It's about a jawbone. Make up your own mind. I'm unconvinced.
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Believe what you want Vivane. I'm unconvinced. It looks identical to my molars. That's my qualifications.....common sense. -
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Juvenile jaw bone without the wisdom teeth seems more likely than Village Idiot's assessment.
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Scientists lying? Gasp!!!!
"Knowing that scientists are highly motivated by status and rewards, that they are no more objective than professionals in other fields, that they can dogmatically defend an idea no less vehemently than ideologues and that they can fall sway to the pull of authority allows us to understand that, in Goodstein’s assessment, “injecting falsehoods into the body of science is rarely, if ever, the purpose of those who perpetrate fraud. They almost always believe that they are injecting a truth into the scientific record.” - Scientific American
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Amazing how these "3 million" year old molars look identical to "modern" molars.
God was the cause of the evil
by opusdei1972 inbart ehrman noticed, in his book "god's problem", the fact that god was responsible for job's pain.
to show it, bart quoted the following verse:.
and they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the lord had brought upon him.
Satan sold ALL of Adams children into slavery of sin and then death.