Child murder, Sodomy & corrupting the Human Genome are not new sins, they are old ones. What is new is their institutionalization. But even that isn't totally new. It's all happened before..... before the flood and in Sodom & Gomorrah.
With the SCOTUS ruling on Friday, there is going to be a lot of professional victims out of a purpose. Where does a PV go to from here?
What's on the Horizon?

This legally married homosexual couple in Massachusetts added another woman to their marriage and had lawyers draw up a legal agreement since three-way homo marriage is still coming down the court house pike. This is exactly how homosexual unions/marriage got started.
This of course will lead to three (or more) parent babies, which is already legal in the UK:

And there is still the horizon of transhumanism with animals and machines and then boldly forward onto posthumanism.
The below paragraph was copied from an opening post on another thread:
To be blunt, you shouldn't listen to me, except when I make appeal to common sense, logic, reason, science, and Scripture which you agree with in your heart and in your mind. After all, you don't need to be a rocket scientist or have a college degree in order to know what is right and wrong, and to have good morals and ethics. In fact, you don't even need to be religious to be a good, moral person.
I see a lot of Christians making similar arguments. The problem is when you appeal to authority other than scripture there is no difference from your opinion than anyone else.
I am against practicing homosexuality for one reason only, God says no. I am certainly against the institutionalization of it for the same reason, and no other. God also says no to adultery and a number of other things that some people find pleasurable.
When I left the Watchtower I trusted no one, most of all God. I placed my trust fully in myself for many years. It solved some issues, but on balance it created more problems than it solved. I came to realize that it was not within my constitution to be the final arbiter of right and wrong. I just couldn't see far enough down the road and I couldn't trust the things that I thought I did see.

Things looked clear enough, but I would find out the hard way that A & B really are the same shade like God said they were, even though they appeared so different to me.
Eventually, after accepting Christ's New Covenant, I found out that God's Yesses far outnumbered his No's. I have found God to be a very kind and patient gentleman after making friends with him through the blood of Jesus.
But my testimony, scripture and even morals or ethics are not the ultimate reason to believe God. The ultimate reason to believe God is because you were created in his image, in his likeness. The eternal God made man with an eternal consciousness so that no matter what... they could enjoy each other's company forever.
Just because we disagree with God from time to time doesn't create a work order for God to destroy our eternal soul/consciousness. Whether we choose to enjoy God's fellowship through the blood of Christ and the rebirth or not; it doesn't change our "eternalness" that is fundamental to our nature and construction. It does however change where we will spend eternity and with whom.
Imagine being in an uncomfortable situation void of all comforts for ever and ever and ever and ever.... unable to cease being conscious - for eternity.
God, in his wisdom gives people what they want..... complete freedom in him, or from him.