Posts by Perry
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
Yes, we live in a world that has evil in it. A lot of it. I hope you find personal peace. -
Creationist Should Dismiss Genesis Quickly
by Coded Logic inchris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
This scientist disagrees.
In fact, many scientists are very skeptical of materialists' explanations for the mind boggling complexity of organisms:
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
This was last publicly updated June, 2015.
Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position:
Philip Skell* Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences Lyle H. Jensen* Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS Maciej Giertych Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences Lev Beloussov Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Eugene Buff Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences Emil Palecek Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic K. Mosto Onuoha Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science Ferenc Jeszenszky Former Head of the Center of Research Groups Hungarian Academy of Sciences M.M. Ninan Former President Hindustan Academy of Science, Bangalore University (India) Denis Fesenko Junior Research Fellow, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) Sergey I. Vdovenko Senior Research Assistant, Department of Fine Organic Synthesis Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) Henry Schaefer Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia Paul Ashby Ph.D. Chemistry Harvard University Israel Hanukoglu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman The College of Judea and Samaria (Israel) Alan Linton Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol (UK) Dean Kenyon Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University David W. Forslund Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society Robert W. Bass Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University John Hey Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi Daniel W. Heinze Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University Richard Anderson Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Duke University David Chapman* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Giuseppe Sermonti Professor of Genetics, Ret. (Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy) Stanley Salthe Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York Marcos N. Eberlin Professor, The State University of Campinas (Brazil) Member, Brazilian Academy of Science A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—2 WWW.DISSENTFROMDARWIN.ORG Bernard d'Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History) John C. Walton Professor of Reactive Chemistry (Ph.D. & D.Sc.) University of St. Andrews (UK) Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh Mae-Wan Ho Ph.D. Biochemistry The University of Hong Kong Donald Ewert Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia Russell Carlson Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia Scott Minnich Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho Jeffrey Schwartz Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles Alexander F. Pugach Ph.D. Astrophysics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) Ralph Seelke Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior Annika Parantainen Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland) Fred Schroeder Ph.D. Marine Geology Columbia University David Snoke Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of Pittsburgh Frank Tipler Prof. of Mathematical Physics Tulane University John A. Davison Emeritus Associate Professor of Biology University of Vermont James Tour Chao Professor of Chemistry Rice University Pablo Yepes Research Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Rice University David Bolender Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin Leo Zacharski Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School Joel D. Hetzer Ph.D. Statistics Baylor University Michael Behe Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University Michael Atchison Professor of Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania, Vet School Thomas G. Guilliams Ph.D. Molecular Biology The Medical College of Wisconsin Arthur B. Robinson Professor of Chemistry Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine Joel Adams Professor of Computer Science Calvin College Abraham S. Feigenbaum Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Rutgers University Yasuo Yoshida Ph.D. Physics Kyushu University (Japan) Domingo Aerden Professor of Geology Universidad de Granada (Spain) Kevin Farmer Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Scientific Methodology) University of Oklahoma D.R. Eiras-Stofella Director, Electron Microscopy Center (Ph.D. Molecular Biology) Parana Federal University (Brazil) Neal Adrian Ph.D. Microbiology University of Oklahoma Kerry N. Jones Professor of Mathematical Sciences Ball State University Ge Wang Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa Moorad Alexanian Professor of Physics University of North Carolina, Wilmington Richard Spencer Professor (Ph.D. Stanford) University of California, Davis, Solid-State Circuits Research Laboratory Mark Krejchi Ph.D. Polymer Science & Engineering (Post-docs, Stanford & Caltech) University of Massachusetts Braxton Alfred Emeritus Professor, Anthropology University of British Columbia (Canada) R. Craig Henderson Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Tennessee Tech University Michael J. Kavaya Senior Scientist NASA Langley Research Center Wesley Allen Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia James Pierre Hauck Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of San Diego Olen R. Brown Former Professor of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology University of Missouri, Columbia Eshan Dias Ph.D. Chemical Engineering King’s College, Cambridge University (UK) A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—3 WWW.DISSENTFROMDARWIN.ORG Joseph Atkinson Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dennis Dean Rathman Staff Scientist MIT Lincoln Laboratory Richard Austin Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences Piedmont College Raymond C. Mjolsness Ph.D. Physics Princeton University John Baumgardner Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics University of California, Los Angeles Glenn R. Johnson Adjunct Professor of Medicine University of North Dakota School of Medicine George Bennett Associate Professor of Chemistry Millikin University Robert L. Waters Lecturer, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology David Berlinski Ph.D. Philosophy Princeton University James Robert Dickens Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University Phillip Bishop Professor of Kinesiology University of Alabama Jeffrey M. Jones Professor Emeritus in Medicine (Ph.D. Microbiology and M.D.) University of Wisconsin-Madison Donald R. Mull Ph.D. Physiology University of Pittsburgh John Bloom Ph.D. Physics Cornell University William Dembski Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago Ben J. Stuart Ph.D. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Rutgers University Raymond Bohlin Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of Texas, Dallas Christa R. Koval Ph.D. Chemistry University of Colorado at Boulder John Bordelon Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology David Richard Carta Ph.D. Bio-Engineering University of California, San Diego Lydia G. Thebeau Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Biology Saint Louis University David Bossard Ph. D. Mathematics Dartmouth College Robert W. Kelley Ph.D. Entomology Clemson University David Bourell Professor Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin Carlos M. Murillo Professor of Medicine (Neurosurgery) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico) Walter Bradley Distinguished Professor of Engineering Baylor University Sami Palonen Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Helsinki (Finland) John Brejda Ph.D. Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln Bradley R. Johnson Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Rudolf Brits Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) Gary Kastello Ph.D. Biology University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee Karen Rispin Assistant Professor of Biology LeTourneau University Frederick Brooks Kenan Professor of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Omer Faruk Noyan Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Paleontology) Celal Bayar University (Turkey) Neil Broom Associate Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering University of Auckland (New Zealand) Malcolm D. Chisholm Ph.D. Insect Ecology (M.A. Zoology, Oxford University) University of Bristol (UK) John Brown Research Meteorologist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Joseph A. Kunicki Associate Professor of Mathematics The University of Findlay John Brumbaugh Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska, Lincoln Thomas M. Stackhouse Ph.D. Biochemistry University of California, Davis Nancy Bryson Associate Professor of Chemistry Mississippi University for Women Walter L. Starkey Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University Donald Calbreath Professor, Department of Chemistry Whitworth College Pingnan Shi Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Artificial Neural Networks) University of British Columbia (Canada) John B. Cannon Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—4 WWW.DISSENTFROMDARWIN.ORG John L. Burba Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Baylor University Stephen J. Cheesman Ph.D. Geophysics University of Toronto Mike Forward Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (Chaos Theory) Imperial College, University of London (UK) Lowell D. White Industrial Hygiene Specialist (Ph.D. Epidemiology) University of New Mexico Brian Landrum Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville David Chambers Physicist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Michael T. Goodrich Professor of Computer Science University of California, Irvine T. Timothy Chen Ph.D. Statistics University of Chicago Sarah M. Williams Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (emphasis in microbiology) Stanford University Donald Clark Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry Louisiana State University John Frederick Zino Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Shing-Yan Chiu Professor of Physiology University of Wisconsin, Madison Todd A. Anderson Ph.D. Computer Science University of Kentucky John Cimbala Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University Chris Swanson Tutor (Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon) Gutenberg College Kieran Clements Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Toccoa Falls College John K. Herdklotz Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Rice University Jan Chatham Ph.D. Neurophysiology University of North Texas George A. Gates Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery University of Washington John Cogdell Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Texas, Austin David R. Beaucage Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook Leon Combs Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry Kennesaw State University Laraba P. Kendig Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan Nicholas Comninellis Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine University of Missouri-Kansas City William J. Arion Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Cornell University Stephen Crouse Professor of Kinesiology Texas A&M University Cham Dallas Professor, Pharmaceutics & Biomedical Science University of Georgia Charles N. Verheyden Professor of Surgery Texas A&M College of Medicine Melody Davis Ph.D. Chemistry Princeton University Thomas Deahl Ph.D. Radiation Biology The University of Iowa Shun Yan Cheung Associate Professor of Computer Science Emory University Robert DeHaan Ph.D. Human Development University of Chicago Gage Blackstone Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University Harold Delaney Professor of Psychology University of New Mexico Jonathan C. Boomgaarden Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin Greg Tate Ph.D. Plant Pathology University of California, Davis William Bordeaux Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science Huntington College Michael Delp Professor of Physiology Texas A&M University Keith F. Conner Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Clemson University David DeWitt Chair, Department of Biology & Chemistry Liberty University Aaron J. Miller Ph.D. Physics Stanford University Gary Dilts Ph.D. Mathematical Physics University of Colorado Gerald Chubb Associate Professor of Aviation Ohio State University Robert DiSilvestro Ph.D. Biochemistry Texas A & M University Daniel Dix Associate Professor of Mathematics University of South Carolina
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
Personal peace and personal victories are real tangible things. They are not imaginary. People can tell when they have peace in their life and when they are experiencing victory after victory. It is incredible freedom, not determined by circumstance, and not some philosophical kind either. The real deal. They are facts.
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
Jesus does Vivane. He defeated the works of darkness which include anger and revenge with patience, love and real POWER.
Real Power, not the kind that is manufactured.
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
I have pointed out many times that the idea of junk DNA was destroyed years ago. Yet, posters like Cofty still state from time to time that our DNA is filled mostly with junk. This is simply false. No matter how badly the materialists wish it to be true, it just isn't.
Materialists make wild claims that we came from rocks. This is no different from the gods of stone that the ancients made. History repeats itself.
No one can change the fact that if our dna was printed and stacked it would reach halfway to the moon.
You cannot change the fact that People like Bill Gates has said, “Human DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.”
You cannot change the fact that the cell has thousands of irreducibly complex interdependent parts. Mocking, ridicule, personal assaults, and even the FSM that gets mercilessly thrown around cannot account for this.
the cell has thousands of irreducibly complex interdependent parts.
No one can change the fact that the DNA molecule is specially designed to contain, manipulate, process, duplicate and otherwise accommodate this digital data.
It is EASY to PROVE we were designed. God has also stated that we were designed in his image, unable to cease consciousness even if we wanted to. Atheists greatest desire is to cease consciousness when their body perishes. Unfortunately for those that want this, it is is simply not possible.
Richard Dawkins espouses Militant Atheism: "Mock them, Ridicule them." Attack Religious People with Insults!
by MagicMItchJensen inrichard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
Hi Mitch,
Just saw this thread. I have researched the sociology of atheists quite a bit. They are a diverse group. Dawkins represents the New Atheists.
Though the New Atheists don't represent all atheists; their rude, mocking and smug comportment could possibly explain why atheists are trusted about as much as rapists in certain circumstances.
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
I think the church brought all this on it's self when they asked the government to be the ones who grants the license for marriage (for taxing purposes) in the first place. As long as the government gets to define marriage, the church has no say in to matter.The church had nothing to do with this. The institution of marriage by God predates ANY form of government, and certainly predates the christian church by many thousands of years.
Governments have historically simply recognized a stable and beneficial edifice erected by God, for the first pair. Now, 5 unelected people, not representing the majority of the populace, have decided that this new definition is worth making criminals out of men, women and children who hold this most ancient of rites as unconscionable to redefine.
Like most issues, it gets down to words. God says he owns the word "marriage", since he invented it. The godless say that they do because no one is big enough to stop them from stealing it. It has nothing whatsoever to do with money, rights, inheritance, taxes, etc. That is just subterfuge.
These wicked judges and their supporters believe that they have power over God. But, instead of crushing their pride, he will fuel it to fruition. He will hand them over to their own desires and bring them into battle against him that their wicked, false confidence has pressed for. He will grant them what they most desire; full governance of their pride.
Mesmerized under the spell of their conceit, they imagine a vain thing, victory over God. This is what this is all about.
Babylon the Great and the Anti Christ
by Perry insimilar views as those presented here are gaining in popularity in christian circles.
it all sounds SO delusional.
Punk of Nice,
Which seems more delusional?
1. That Iran, who right now operates a huge nuclear reactor will one day attack one or both of it's two greatest enemies:
2. Or, that information contained in human DNA that if printed and stacked would reach halfway to the moon, created itself from rocks bumping into each other in the ocean.
This is what the materialists on this discussion board ask us to believe and mock and ride anyone who dissents from their doctrine of delusion.
I am not saying that I believe this view presented here. It is not necessary for salvation. I post because I find it interesting; and it is gaining wider acceptance in Christian circles, such as here.
Babylon the Great and the Anti Christ
by Perry insimilar views as those presented here are gaining in popularity in christian circles.
The Local KH is really going to hate me for this (Verses included, LONG.)
by Zone ini'm launching a out out blitzkreg on these people, for two reasons only.. 1. to get them saved.. 2, and if they want to, get them holy ghost filled.. 3 years of research, and it's pretty sad that most of these people won't even see the promise land, because alot of them deny being saved, and refsue to recieve salvation when offered.
it's also pretty sad that these people the church is apart of false religion (conderticts ephisians 4:11 and really would put ezekiel 38-39 null invoid), the holy spirit is god's active force (multiple verses).
most of them will evenrefuse to talk to you, if you ask a question that bad mouthes the watchtower society.