It really stands out in contrast with the "you are all gonna die" dogma of the wits.
Looking back, the phobia over dying seems so weird. I mean we are all going to die right? It is astonishing to me that the Watchtower could hold something as normal and commonplace as death over its members like they did. Jesus warned about judgment after we die. But death is everywhere, always has been.
Who knows? Maybe I'll convert. At least if I ever disagree with the Pope, I won't lose every relationship that I ever had.
The Catholic Church wasn't always like this. For nearly a thousand years, the RCC would confiscate your wealth or worse burn you at the stake if you denied the "real presence" , salvation at infant baptism, Grace PLUS works, and a number of other things.
Dozens of Popes in a row organized and murdered over 50 Million people throughout Europe. Many non-Catholic bible-believing groups were the primary focus of their murderous rampage.
In only one crusade, two million Albigenses were killed. How many must there have been altogether, and how many millions more must have been killed during the entire Middle Ages! Another source writes The Catholic crusade against the Albigenses in Southern France (from 1209-1229), under Popes Innocent III., Honorius III. and Gregory IX., was one of the bloodiest tragedies in human history. … The number of Albigenses that perished in the twenty years’ war is estimated at from one to two million. -- Cushing B. Hassell, History of the Church of God, Chapter XIV.
The Albigenses were peaceful Christians trying to love God and their neighbor as themselves. They were a REMARKABLE PEOPLE. - Wiped out by the Popes. Gone yes, but not forgotten.
The world should never forget.