I would be comfortable in any number of bible believing churches. When we moved, we found a similar church, though not officially Baptist. Doctrine is identical. They have elders, which is a Presbyterian influence. Doesn't really matter, nice solid folks there.
I can’t say I am really much of a biblical scholar but man you would think if that was god’s plan for humanity, you would think the bible would be pretty consistent in this teaching.
The New Testament is perfectly consistent in its teaching that a person has to be a member of the new covenant in order to have forgiveness of sins. NOT ONE scripture shows how a person can get their sins forgiven while outside of the New Covenant.
BTW, as a side note, the English words: testament and covenant are from the same Greek word. They both just mean "contract". The bible has been divided by the old contract and the new contract.
The entire new testament describes how things should be when / after entering into the "new contract" with God.