But Perry God can't be detected, observed, measured or proved.
As previously discussed, the fact that the universe is expanding, is strong evidence (with much scientific support) that not only did the universe have a beginning, but that an Agent or first cause existing outside of the space time universe must have acted upon our universe.
Otherwise, we are left with a scenario far worse than magic - Something begins from nothing. At least with magic, you start with a magician. Materialism ignores an assumption WAY worse off than magic.
The quantum vacuum that pop philosophers try to prove that things do indeed pop up out of nothing, is in reality "a seething sea of activity that pervades the entire Universe". If is far from "no thing"
This state (of timelessness) that this First Cause must exist in can be predicted by mathematics, but I can't see how anything in this inferred state could be observed, tested, or measured .... unless something from that realm penetrated ours FIRST. Test tube style devices do not work beyond our space time universe.... for any object, let alone God. But the effects can certainly be measured, tested , etc.
If you seek Him, He will be found by you - 1 Chron. 28: 9
I can say that I have personally found this to be true. Unless God penetrates (or transcends) our space/time universe and manifests himself to us; finding, testing, & observing him is impossible, but not his effects.... those are "clearly seen"... so that "we are without excuse" when positing credit for our existence within our space time universe..... without excuse.
Heb. 11: 6 - he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder