Your story reminded me of this song:
Posts by Perry
A Man about a Dawg!!!
by Defianttruth inone of the things i could never understand is people handing over absolute control to these charlatans.
i know over the years they have bashed owning pets for various reasons.
complete stupidity.
Happy Memorial Day!
by Perry incheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!.
when you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
god bless freedom!.
Questions for JW's from Christians
by Perry ini'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
That's what Ima thinkin Vanderhoven.
JW's come to Christians homes preaching a teaching that Christians already believe, dismissing a contract from God to get us there, ignoring the fact that the "great crowd" are wearing white robes signifying their righteous standing by means of the covenant they refuse.
(Rev. 7:14 - These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood [covenant] of the Lamb.)
Every Christian on this planet should be able to point out this nonsensicalness.
Happy Memorial Day!
by Perry incheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!.
when you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
god bless freedom!.
Cheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!
When you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
God bless freedom!
Questions for JW's from Christians
by Perry ini'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
Excellent suggestions. The topics could be numerous. But, since Christians are a special target of Witnesses, I thought that salvation would be good topic to limit it to.... from the very group they are seeking to convert.
If we are not saved, we are not going to be around to discover the answers to the peripheral questions. I wished more Christians had asked me questions like these when I was at their doors once upon a time.
Questions for JW's from Christians
by Perry ini'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
I'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when JW's come to their doors.
Questions from Christians
Bible-believing Christians appreciate the moral values of Jehovah’s Witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors. This pamphlet is designed to encourage Christians to ask Jehovah’s Witnesses questions about their beliefs so that a better understanding of the bible may emerge.
Question # 1: Bible-believing Christians believe in a “paradise earth”. However, since this term is not found in the bible, most people simply refer to this future condition of earth as the “Millennium Reign” of Jesus Christ. Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses still seek to witness to Christians about the Millennium Reign when it is already believed upon?
Question # 2: In the New World Translation, Matthew 26: 27-27 reads: “And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, saying: “Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.”
If the emblems of the Lords Supper are partaken of to represent the forgiveness of sins that is offered in a covenant with God as stated above, how do Jehovah’s Witness get their sins forgiven since they do not partake of the bread and wine at the Lord’s Supper and are largely not professing to be a member of the New Covenant?
Question # 3: Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that the New Covenant is for government positions instead of “for forgiveness of sins” as stated in the New World Translation?
Question # 4: Ephesians 1: 13 in the New World translation reads: “But you also hoped in him after you heard the word of truth, the good news about your salvation.”
Since the New Covenant was open to anyone who wanted their sins forgiven since the time of the apostles, how can this “good news about your salvation” offered by Jesus in the New Covenant now be closed to new believers without incurring the curse found in Galatians 1: 8 - “However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond the good news we declared to you, let him be accursed”? (NWT)
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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Cofty, you seem to rely on the peer review process as your ultimate litmus test. If you do not personally have any peer reviewed articles published, then you are simple relying on others peer reviewed articles. There is also another inherent flaw in your litmus test:
Bogus Peer Reviewed articles abound and as a student of sociology, I study the effects of confirmation bias. I think everyone should be aware of this phenomenon.
Take this example for instance:
How is the average person supposed to know which half is true and which half isn't ?
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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Cofty, I found more than you! That makes my view correct, right?
Here are 44 reasons why the standard evolutionary tale is false.
The bottom line is not one of us was there to witness the birth of the earth/universe. No one has witnessed evolution either. Real science produces facts. People interpret those facts differently, plain and simple. The tendency is to attack anothers interpretation of the facts and call that interpretation not science, psuedo science, fairy tale etc., when in fact many times interpretation, especially theoretical interpretation, is a process of the mind and not a falsifiable conclusion.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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Many scientists are skeptical of evolution and a number publicly believe in a literal 6-Day Creation. Many more likely do dissent from the standard Materialistic paradigm, but suppress it due to job discrimination.
I would be surprised if the Watchtower promoted the 49K theory as late as 1987. But, that might be the case. I remember it being jettisoned before then, at least verbally. By late 80's, I think "millions of years" was pretty entrenched in the witness community.
I wonder if the Watchtower ever taught a literal 6 day creation?
Had that book for years V. I. Do you think it adequately addresses these issues?
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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I'm not sure if the Watchtower ever held a Young-Earth view.... at least not as young as the plain reading of Genesis.
My earliest recollection of the WT teaching on this subject was the 7 x 7000 years theory for a total of 49,000 years. The theory was that each creative day was 7000 years long. I'm not sure where that came from. But, I remember that being abandoned in the late 70's to early 80's. That's when the "millions of Years" were quietly adopted. I remember others more "advanced" than I in the organization explaining that we didn't know how long each creative day was. They adopted the concept that a 'day' could have been just a figure of speech, and not literal. However, that never really seemed like a fair description of the plain-reading of Genesis to me.
The Gap Theory is a Christian taught theory that allows for millions of years, prior to the creation of man. It pre-dates Darwin:
The Young Earth Creationists would raise these problems with the Gap Theorists though.
Some things look old. But, many things look young and are just simply out of place and don't fit in the standard naturalistic paradigm being sold to the public.