Anyway, the article you linked to is research into the field of medicine. Do you have similar research that actually applies to the fields of biology, genetics, archeology and geology?
Anders Anderson,
Scientific American calls the problem"epidemic" and "rampant" in the "natural sciences" - Quote:
"False positives and exaggerated results in peer-reviewed scientific studies have reached epidemic proportions in recent years. The problem is rampant in economics, the social sciences and even the natural sciences"
Relevant reports from Scientific American isn't spam. Results oriented reporting (aka confirmation bias) is a problem with humans of every background and ideology.... evolutionists, creationists, bicyclists, drama students as well as politicians and engineers. I work closely with engineers at times and am licensed to perform certain field tests. They then can apply their stamp to my data collection reports because of my training.
My forensic evidence doesn't change, but the interpretation sure does. When you know the client, you can peg about 80% of the time how the analysis will lean. I am amused to see the reports when engineers face off. Same data, opposite conclusions. And, the attorneys have a field day with it.
No one is exempt from this phenomenon.
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