I don't mind the hot jets, burns the fuel more efficiently than on idle. I'm leaving for Europe shorty, so this will be my last post for a little bit. Just some from-the-hip thoughts to your comments:
Would you say Jesus had access to hidden knowledge?
I say that Jesus was unique. He was flesh and blood like you and me as the son of Mary. But I believe his spirit was the substance of God himself. That is why he could both truthfully say that the Father was greater than he, and at other times equate himself with God. He willingly made his human animal (flesh) subservient to his own Spirit, the essence of God himself. He was fully man and fully God.
With us it is different. We are not the Source, he was.
To be honest with you, I would trust a person who practices Yoga, classified as occult by many, more than I trust most people who claim to be Christian.
God says we are fools and cursed if we put trust in ANY men, that includes ourselves, since we are men.
"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm"
Did he not say, let them become one as we are one?
Yes. Unification with God comes when we abandon our self to him, through Christ and to Christ.
- "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."
This is the kind of trust or faith that produces oneness with God. It is also the path to the power source.
As far as the Bible goes, who put those 66 books together? The Roman Catholic Church. ....Can you imagine what must have happened in the first century?
We have a very good record of Pre-Catholic 1st, 2nd & 3rd century writings of Christians.
Highly recommend :
Ancient Church Fathers: What the Disciples of the Apostles Taught by Ken Johnson
The Ancient Church Fathers reveals the disciples of the twelve apostles, and what they taught, from their own writings. It documents that the same doctrine was faithfully transmitted to their descendants in the first few centuries. It also describes where, when, and by whom, the doctrines began to change. The ancient church fathers make it very easy to know for sure what the complete teachings of Jesus and the twelve apostles were. You will learn, from their own writings, what the first century disciples taught about the various doctrines that divide our church today. You will learn what was discussed at the Seven General Councils and why. You will learn about the cults and cult leaders who began to change doctrine and spread their heresy. And you will learn how those heresies became the standard teaching in the medieval church.
All but a handful of verses in the New Testament are quoted in the writings of the disciples of the apostles, establishing the continuity of what the apostles taught.
The law of Karma taught by Yoga makes more logical since to me then the book of law that says as you quoted, ""if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
The dispensation of Law ended in the utter failure of Man to be good (enough), there was a judgment at that time and a new beginning....just like the prior dispensations. Doing good more and more is important, it is just not good enough for oneness with God and for salvation from sin and death. God didn't do away with our works in the age of Grace, he just cast off the source of that goodness and posited it with himself. This is offensive to our pride, but was demonstrably necessary.
For that to be true, the word "confess" must mean more than simply giving lip service to Jesus. You must act like Jesus and Jesus was all about NOT judging others, he was all about unconditional love. He even prayed for and forgave those who killed him.
And no one can do that without trusting in Jesus, and abandoning themselves to him ALONE....that is the key. Real Christian faith allows for trusting others, just not trusting in them. It also calls for going to a gathering of believers, but not trusting in that particular association.
We didn't do that with the WT. We put trust in them, and true to Gods word that I quoted earlier, we were cursed in many ways because of it.
Time for a new direction.
Peace, Favor & Blessing to you.