Jehovah's Sovereignty is at Stake | We Must Proclaim the Vindication of God's Holy Name | God is Settling the Question: Who Has the Right to Rule? | Jesus Paid Back What Adam Lost | The Bible is a Book of Government | We Must Preach the Good News of the Kingdom (interpreted as the WT) ... Blah, blah blah, Blah - blah, blah, blah
The above statements represent what Christianity is "all about" according to the Watchtower. These tenets were all shoved down my throat since I was old enough to read and understand. And, they are all LIES FROM HELL. Pretty ingenious how they made a cult out of God's own name.
My parents, older brothers, aunts & uncles harped on these topics to the point where they nearly were frothing at the mouth sometimes. Virtually every question I asked was met with one of the above "thought-stopping cliches". They are designed to shut the mind and the mouth. For some of us, that is very hard to do.
The bible is not a book of government, it is a book that is divided into two sections: an old testament and a new testament. The word "testament" means literally "CONTRACT". But a contract for what? They are contracts that guarantee avoiding judgment after you die. is appointed unto man, once to die and then face judgment - Hebrews 9: 27
There was 1 covenant in the OT and 1 in the NT that guaranteed safe passage through this judgment. They WERE NOT formed for any of the silly reasons given by the WT above. They were for the purpose of forgiveness of sins....PERIOD. The sole purpose of the WT is to obscure the Salvation offered by the NT.
The ...“other sheep”, are in a different condition. The Jonadabs have fled to the Lord and there found refuge. They are still human creatures, not even justified, - w.38 p.104,105
Question for Jehovah's Witnesses: If you are not justified before God by the blood of Jesus, how do you become justified? And, Is justification necessary? The bible is clear:
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ - Romans 5:1
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved
from wrath through him. - Romans 5:9
As noted above, without being justified, you do not have "peace with God" and you will not be "saved from wrath". Can you justify yourself by being "in good standing" with the WT organization? You tell me:
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. - Galatians 2:16
A few years ago I took out all the references in the NT referring to what the Good News really was. This is what I came up with:
New Testament occurrences of the term Gospel of _______: |
| |
| Gospel of Jesus Christ (or Christ ) – 12 times
| Gospel of God – 7 times |
| Gospel of the kingdom – 4 times |
| Gospel of peace – 2 times |
| Gospel of the grace of God – 1 time |
| Gospel of your salvation – 1 time |
| Gospel of the uncircumcision – 1 time |
| Gospel of the circumcision – 1 time |
| Gospel of his Son – 1 time |
The Watchtower focuses MUCH OF their raison d'etre for preaching the “good news of the kingdom”. They try to make this the exclusive message of Christianity and interpret it as pertaining to themselves. That was not the main Good News.
The Good News refers to Jesus himself, the one we were denied communion with at each memorial - and NOT the Watchtower.
PERSONAL SALVATION is the message.