Posts by Perry
Can you ever see a time when Govt`s of this world will attempt to abolish all religions ?
by smiddy3 inwe are now in the 21st century of our common era with its insights into the potential of what can be achieved in the near future to benefit mankind for years to come .. the co-operation of governments around the world on so many levels has never been better than it is today and it is at least encouraging to see this .. whether it has to do with the climate , the environment ,food production ,safe water for all ,and the better health for all in the near future, and in the future space exploration.
however the problem today is still religion !
in its many extreme forms that divides us in no ways that politics divide us .. politicians learn how to compromise and work with their opponents for the greater good ,whereas religions don`t.. religions divide humans like no politicians ever did well not to the extremes religions will go anyway.. is their going to come a time in history when governments politicians say enough is enough and try attempt to abolish religion ?.
Abolish? No. Consolidate? Yes. -
Blondie's Thoughts 11/4/2018 WT article pages 3-7
by blondie inblondie’s first thoughts 11-4-2018 wt study (september 2018, pages 3-7 (happy if you do them). .
excellent general website: .
Tree of life = everlasting life =only by obeying GB can everlasting life be achieved.
That pretty much sums up the entire Watchtower message: Presenting "The Good News of the Governing Body". ....Uh, and Jesus also of course; because he saved them so that they could save you.
jw number plate for sale
by stan livedeath inhere we go--a uk registration plate for a dub named neville..
I like this one. -
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
Excellent comments by everyone.
The offer God makes to the whole world is called Substitutionary Atonement. It is denied to Jehovah’s Witnesses by their leadership.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him – 2 Cor. 5: 21
Jesus' contract states in so many words: “My unending LIFE for yours. I will take your punishment due you if you will take my life inside of you”….hence the significance of eating his “flesh” and drinking his “blood” (the indwelling of the Holy Spirit).... The key point is that an exchange takes place here.
“Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament [contract] in my blood: this do ye [all of you]”
This is a very real contract that is unto the death of both parties. It is a BLOOD COVENANT in the fullest possible meaning of the term. It is sealed by the death of BOTH signatories. In the case of Jesus – on Calvary Hill; and in the case of humans who accept the offer – they die as unto themselves. They give up the rights to themselves and invite God into their lives.
Christ substitutes in our place on the Cross for the wages of sin that is due us, and we become the “righteousness of God” due him, since we are made in his image. We cannot do it ourselves. The LAW proved that. It is simply impossible. So, God offers to do it for us. It is a very gracious offer.
The individual is no longer the Captain of his or her own life, God is; making you debt-free. This also means that any other person, creed, or religion is ALSO no longer the boss of your life.
"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed". - Jesus
It is a very simple offer and easy to understand.
Jesus ALONE paid our debt. The Watchtower didn't. Since no other contract is offered in the New Testament, if we try to make anyone (or any thing) else a party to the contract other than Jesus, the contract is null and void.
The enemy has done back flips for 2000 years trying to squeeze in another party to the contract..., Mary, the Pope, Infant Baptism, The Governing Body, the Mormon Priest hood, your good works etc. ..... anything except Christ Alone.
The contractual additions are nothing but idols and that is why they are so staunchly defended. The enemy knows that all of those false contracts are worthless. -
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
"Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their... loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah's universal organization." Watchtower 2006 May 15 p.22 "Are You Prepared for Survival?"
The Watchtower considers the Governing Body as the Mediator between God and members (as well as the rest of mankind). They act as the peoples' Savior. There is no Salvation for anyone outside of the Watchtower's pronouncement of "loyal association" or "good standing" in Watchtower theology.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
Exactly Snakeface.
The preeminent offer in the New Testament is called Justification. And it is officially ordained and ratified the moment a person puts their trust in Christ Alone... in this life.
Romans 8:1 - There is therefore NOW no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8: 30 - Moreover...them he also called...he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
Justification is an accounting term that compares your payables and assets to determine your debt or profit status. In theological terms, "being justified" means that you have no sin-debt to pay to God. And, because you have no debt, God is free to adopt you and care for you as his very own offspring. So, even though you are not actually righteous, you are legally "declared righteous" .
The Watchtower makes the status of their members before God shockingly clear if you look for it:1. You still carry your sin debt before God as a Jehovah's Witness. - "The...other sheep are in a different condition [than the Governing Body] ...They are still human creatures, not even justified." - WT 38 p.104, 105
2. God is not your Father as a Jehovah's Witness. - "he is not yet giving the 'other sheep' the standing of sons... they address him prospectively as 'Our Father'." - WT 8/15/45 p. 253
3. Jesus is not your Savior as a Jehovah's Witness - "...Jesus is the Mediator only for anointed Christians. WT 4/1/79 p.
4. You are not officially declared righteous as a Jehovah's Witness. "These have not received the free gift of righteousness"... WT 6/15/2011 p. 15
Imagine if Jehovah's Witnesses actually told the truth when they went to people's doors about what they teach:
Knock, Knock. "Good morning. Would you like to hear about a religion where God is not your father, Jesus is not your Savior and you keep your sin-debt before God?"
1975—Were You Affected By What 1975 Was Supposed to Bring?
by minimus infor years , we were told to wait until 1975!.
the end was coming and we better be ready—or else!.
were you around during this “momentous “ time??
I was 12 years old in 1975. Starting around age 7 or 8, I started keeping track of how many years I had left to live. For some reason, I (and other kids as well) identified with the destroyed, and not the survivors.
The older I get, the more I realize the effects that this false prophecy had on me as a young man. I entered my teenage years in 1976 when it became apparent that we were lied to. I trusted no one after this, and became very jaded. When I saw the elder's lips moving, I assumed they were telling more lies. 13 years of age is a rough age to "wake up" since there is no place to go.
In general, I think my particular age group was hit pretty hard. We saw the hype, lived with the "sure expectation" of an early death, and then saw the utter hypocrisy when everyone swept it all under the rug.
We all tried to make peace with our loved ones, to no avail if we didn't go along in worshiping their WT idol. The adults couldn't figure out "what was wrong" with us kids. Why weren't we more spiritual? A great percentage of us became pretty hard core dope smokers just to numb to pain of 1. Having our faith in God stolen; 2. Having our trust in authority figures robbed; & 3. living under the condemnation of our loved ones for not jumping on the band wagon with them.
My friend, who was one of the elders kids, held deep resentment toward his parents until their death over this. He has continued his drug use until this very day as far as I'm aware of. He informed me a few years ago that he is officially Wiccan in his belief system... which he describes as "non-belief" just an appreciation of sex and nature.
We were in the same class in the 4th grade. He and I were made to stand in the hall every single day for not saluting the flag. The teacher would yell out his name and mine every morning and would gesture with her thumb for us to go stand in the Hall while the rest of the class recited the pledge of alliegence. She utterly hated us. Someone once told me that she lost a son in the Vietnam War.
Andy laughingly once told me what he did to his mother when she died. He said that when she was on her death bed that she told him that she only had one final wish before she died. He asked her what it was. He probably hoped for some sort of apology or expression of love for him.
Rather, she told him that her final wish was for him to get baptized as a JW. His mother professed to be of the "anointed".I remember her being very abrasive as a parent. I did not like visiting their house, which was only a few streets over.
Anyway, He told me that he waited until the very moment that she was slipping off into death to whisper into her ear, "I don't believe a word of it".
He wanted that to be the last words that she heard in this life.
Sorry to ramble on.... 1975 just triggers so many unpleasant memories for me. Fred Franz and the whole Hee Haw gang has Hell to pay for what they did to us kids. -
There is something I don't understand about the selling off of Kingdom Halls
by Tameria2001 ini have been reading where the watchtower is closing down kingdom halls.
there is something that i don't understand, or maybe i am just misunderstanding it.
can someone clear this up for me?
I believe there was an incident in Bonham, TX where the elders tried to separate from the WT. I believe they were successful in keeping the property. The WT then paid for a new KH down the street.
It was in 1986 or '87 I believe. I had recently moved to Dallas and was invited to help with the retaliatory "Quick-Build". Hundreds showed up to work. Everyone wanted to show the evil apostates that their resistance against the WT was futile. -
question about the go bags.
by goingthruthemotions inits been a minute since posting, have been trying to put this cult in my review mirror and just live life.
but you know this beast rears it's evil head.
my wife found my crisis of conscience book and out came the horns plus i guess what she is hearing at the meetings isn't helping either.
This JW family has embraced the new kind of Witnessing.
Put your neighbor in your trunk and tell the to say "Jehovah" ten times while you drive them into the New System.
Has Robert Ciranko replaced Don Adams as president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ?
by EdenOne inrobert ciranko has been a "helper" of the governing body in the writing department.. don adams (born 1925, presumably 91 years old now) has been president of the wtbts since 2000. .
however, in recent official posts (april 2016), robert ciranko is identified as "president of the watch tower".
does anybody know what happened and if this is an official change?.
If we hold on tightly to the skirt of a spiritual Jew they will lead us to the New World.”
Here are a few scriptures to show just how wrong this man is when characterizing his hope:
Jeremiah 17:5 - Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Psalms 118:9 - better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.
Psalms 118:8-9 - better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Galatians 6:3 - For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
Romans 13:8 - Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
John 15:4 - Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me....for without me ye can do nothing.