Were not these enemies of God?
Posts by Perry
Had a major blow out
by freemindfade inmy mom was emailing a group thread of rhetoric about isis and armageddon, and i finally got sick of it and said some pretty intense harsh things about ideals, and wishing for armageddon.
then it went back and forth like some debate, all the while i am holding back unloading serious ttatt on my family.
i put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful yahweh committed infanticide.
Had a major blow out
by freemindfade inmy mom was emailing a group thread of rhetoric about isis and armageddon, and i finally got sick of it and said some pretty intense harsh things about ideals, and wishing for armageddon.
then it went back and forth like some debate, all the while i am holding back unloading serious ttatt on my family.
i put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful yahweh committed infanticide.
I put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful Yahweh committed infanticide.
Which ones were those?
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
At this point I feel like shouting "Go Neanderthals"!
Would someone like to tell this man he is not human to his face, but only a cousin to a human because his head happens to be shaped very much like a "neanderthal"? If so, Don King would like to talk to you.
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
I personally agree with the professor of anthropology that the Watchtower quoted above.
Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
As cranial capacity gets smaller the tools get simpler.
And apparently other skills increase.
They seem to have better visual memory than other populations, having a much larger visual cortext.
Australian Aborigines have long been famous for their ability to navigate the trackless wastes, to find water holes and locate animal lairs. Modern testing has shown that this is because they excel in what is called "visual memory." On average, they perform about 50 percent better than whites when asked to recall what they saw in a room or picture.
Now Clive Harper, a professor of pathology in Sidney, Australia, reports that the visual cortex, which processes visual information, is about 25 percent larger in Aborigines than in whites and has more nerve cells. He points out that no one really knows how the visual cortex works, but the difference in size suggests inherently superior spatial ability. However, racial differences in brain structure are a very unfashionable area of study, and Prof. Harper has been unable to publish his work in any scientific journal. Editors are "anxious that this was going to be seen as some form of discrimination," says Prof. Harper. The organizers of a conference in the United States also refused to let him present his work. [Alasdair Palmer, The Difference, Sunday Telegraph (London), Nov. 19, 2000.]
It is easy to scorn the unwillingness of editors to deal with scientific fact, but their terror is easy to understand. Overall, the Aborigine brain is only about 85 percent the size of the European brain, and the skull is about twice as thick as in other races.....If, given their generally smaller brains, the Aborigine visual cortex is exceptionally large, this would mean other areas of the brain are correspondingly smaller. This would conform entirely with the low performance levels Aborigines show in other mental abilities.How do you think you would fare against an aborigine in a visual recall test or memory mapping spatial pathways? Different populations have different areas of strength.
It seems to me that tool formulation (and technology in general) is affected by environment, weather, population differences, competition, access to previous acquired knowledge etc. and probably many other factors that I haven't mentioned.
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
Their tools get simpler and simpler with the passage of time
Viliage Idiot,
There is a scripture that describes what I do on Sunday mornings:
Ps. 100: 1 reads - Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
I couldn't carry a note if my life depended upon it. However, according to National Geographic, humans (or Neanderthals) were making bone flutes 40,000 years ago in caves in Germany, which is where this specimen in the below image was found.
Seems like Neanderthal (ancient) man was farther advanced from at least this modern man.
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
Aborigine and Eastern European Skull
Bottle-neckng of genes can more than account for skeletal variations. Think of the muzzle differences between a Pug and a Collie:
This is from a recent National Geographic article:
Many scientists had long doubted whether Neanderthals were capable of producing symbolic art.
But that's begun to change in recent years, thanks in part to the discovery of pigments, tiny art objects, and what might be body paint at Neanderthal sites, according to Paul Bahn, a cave art expert and a member of the Archaeological Institute of America.
"There remains a rump of blinkered scholars who still consider Neanderthals to be brutish savages, little better than animals, but fortunately they are a dwindling minority," Bahn, who was not involved in the study, said in an email.
"I think almost all objective scholars now fully accept Neanderthal art."
Study co-author João Zilhão goes a step further, suggesting that, if Neanderthals were responsible for some of the Spanish cave art, then perhaps there's no real distinction between them and modern humans.
"It adds to the evidence ... that Neanderthals were a European racial variant of Homo sapiens, not a distinct species," said Zilhão, of the University of Barcelona.
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
Researchers at the Anthropological Institute, University of Zürich, used computer-assisted paleoanthropology (CAP) to reconstruct what a Neandertal child would have looked like, based on skull remains (Gibraltar 2 specimen) and comparison with modern human bone and soft tissue morphology.http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/staff/zolli/CAP/Main_face.htm(Image de.wikipedia.org)
Looks well within human limits to me.
In addition to morphological and physiological evidence for the vocal tract, including the modern hyoid bone,5 molecular biology is now providing support that Neandertals were fully equipped for speaking complex languages. TheFOXP2 genes found in Neandertals therefore show that they were Homo sapiens.
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
This guy looks pretty close
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .