I once briefly had the opportunity to assist in the criminal justice system. I saw with my own eyes a young black man who was offered 7 years for his crime as part of a deal his attorney worked out. He had a court appointed lawyer that cost him nothing. He would have paroled in only 2.3 years. He was very vocal, loud, arrogant and walked with a proud swagger.
He kept pacing & repeating : "I aint takin' nutin from dem. They gonna have to GIVE me my time.....I aint taking nutin."
He didn't want to be agreeable or make a deal in any way. He never once claimed he was innocent. He was angry at having to be accountable to JUSTICE, and outraged at the efforts of his attorney.
Given the stats of young black men from the ghetto, I imagine his mother babied him, let him do what he wanted and his father was never around to discipline him and teach him how to succeed. As a result, he was an emotional basket case.
The time came a couple hours later for him to face the judge WITHOUT the deal his attorney had worked out. He came back in only about ten minutes. He plopped himself down like a spoiled brat who was used to getting his way. He looked like a spoiled child trapped in a man's body, .... he just sat silently this time. I asked what the judge gave him. He said 22 years with a tear in his eye. I'll never forget that encounter.
God pleads with us to accept his Son as our Mediator. And after that, to be OK with accepting a permanently downloaded spirit program that will empower us to Love God and Love our Neighbor as ourselves. I found myself TOTALLY unable to do that on my own.
I was 40 years old, with failed marriages under my belt, a son that wanted nothing to do with me and a borderline addiction to alcohol when I accepted Jesus' offer of pardon. I was constantly mad at the Watchtower, harbored resentment, and couldn't move on.
After getting born again, I SLOWLY learned to trust and love God. Much damage to the ultimate authority figure had to be undone, I'm still dealing with some of that after 11 years. But that didn't stop the victories from coming my way by making peace with God.
I remarried (happily for 11 yrs. now), have two more beautiful sons, satisfying work, and I personally baptized all three sons last Spring. My oldest has accepted Christ at age 30. These are all victories in THIS life that are a direct result of making peace with God through the blood covenant. Something that was previously denied to me by the WT.
Many people are trapped in their hurt feelings from abuses by the WT and others. Our families reject us not because of us, but primarily because the WT has them believing that they need to reject us so that they can live forever. It is nothing personal, they just want to live. Can you blame them?
This is why my personal approach to JW's involves the Salvation issue. This is an easy subject to address with them, they are unprepared and wide open on this. Once they abandon the WT method of salvation, yours and mine relationship WILL BE RESTORED, regardless of where they move on to from there.
It is the SALVATION issue that binds all our former family members from enjoying companionship with us.