Similar views as those presented here are gaining in popularity in Christian circles.
Posts by Perry
Babylon the Great and the Anti Christ
by Perry insimilar views as those presented here are gaining in popularity in christian circles.
Family Reuinion and Being Disfellowshipped (sorry...but it's long)
by babygirl30 init has been a long looong time since i posted on here, but never ceased reading all the posts and keeping up on the changes that have been going on!
but it just seems that now i have a need to get something off my chest, and this is the one place that will most definitely understand the topic at hand.
i have been disfellowshipped for about 8yrs now, and have dealt with the 'consequences' of that decision: all my so-called friends in the org left and i was also abandoned by my own family.
I enjoyed your story very much. I was feeling down several years ago about the practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have long likened the Watchtower to the Sicilian mafia, where you can join but can't later leave without consequences.
A friend of mine changed my perspective.
My friend is an ex-Detroit SWAT Team cop. He also served in the armed forces during the Vietnam conflict. He was also raised in an Islamic family, but later became a bible-believing Christian when he was well into adulthood.
He explained to me that when he became a Christian, his father looked him in the eye and told him that he was lucky to live in America, because if they were back in Pakistan he would be required to kill him.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not required to kill us for leaving the Watchtower printing company. I began to see myself as being in relatively pretty good shape compared to hundreds of millions of Muslims. Many are not as fortunate.
From the Hadith:
The reason why executing apostates has always been well-ensconced in Islamic law is that there is an indisputable record of Muhammad and his companions doing exactly that according to the reliable Hadith.
According to verse 4:80 of the Quran: "Whoso obeyeth the Messenger obeyeth Allah."
Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "
Note that there is no distinction as to how that Muslim came to be a Muslim.
There is always someone who has it worse.
If you could do anything publicly to get JWs out
by cognac inand money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
Yearly ex-jw pride parade
How about EX-JW humility parades where people claiming to be Christian actually submit to the direct authority and Mediatorship of Jesus Christ, and him alone.
exJW Billboard is up.
by cappytan inwaiting on higher resolution photos from wifibandit.. but here is the (redacted) notification from the company.
apparently they take photos with a potato.. (the billboard directs folks to ).
I just drove past this site and back again yesterday on trip to Dallas, didn't notice it. I have to go next week again and will definitely look for it next time. -
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
That was the last straw for me. I knew they were just making stuff up as they went along after that WT article. I moved off to college shortly thereafter. -
Hi all, the prodigal daughter returns to JWD.
by cattails init's been four years (has it really been that long) that i haven't been on jwd.. i was back out west for a long while and i came back to new england.
just got an appartment with another sister and things are looking up.
i'm keeping under the radar and avoiding elder visits--not fully out of the kingdom hall yet.
Welcome back. What would you say is the biggest difference between east coast and west coast JW's is?
Just curious on your take.
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
Can you expand on that last statement Finklestein? Don't quite get you on that. -
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
I suggest people who are interested in the biblical treatment of
slavery, rape, polygamy etc. look the subject up on :
All these subjects have been thoroughly researched.
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
Village Idiot,
The separation of the soul and body is identical to what the Watchtower calls death. It is also identical to what materialists and naturalists call death. I simply used the biblical definition of death. At that moment of separation, the body will appear as if it is sleeping and start to decay rapidly. You however will be as much, or more conscious as you have ever been in your life. I have personally experienced something similar to this on 5 nearly consecutive days. As a result, I simply cannot be deceived by Watchtower nonsense or any other ideology in this particular regard. I have seen it for myself.
There is a biblical account in 1 Cor. 12: 2 that shows that things like this do occur from time to time:
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— how he was caught up into Paradise
This man (probably Paul himself) experienced the rare occurrence of being in two places at the same time.
You and every single person reading this thread will be conscious forever. And, there is nothing you or anyone else in the universe can do to stop it. It is your destiny.
Now, getting back to the topic:
The reason I post things like I do is certainly not because I think they are popular. I post things like this because after a person is born again, your eyes open and you see what God would really like to do for you. He really, really does not not want to separate from you for eternity, unless you really and truly desire that.
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
It is just a fact of our existence that eternity is ours for keeps. It's just part of the design. The Watchtower brainwashed us into believing that consciousness stops at the separation of the soul and body. Other secular ideologies try to dumb down humans into believing the same thing like materialism and naturalism.
All three of those ideologies believe that the worst thing that can happen to a person is non-existence at death. God says consciousness is forever. What we believe has a big effect on how we view ourselves and others.
If a person views things from the point of view of God who says that you will be conscious forever, even if dead; then the outlook will be very different than someone who believes that they are here briefly and then are unconscious forever.
This is part of the Christian message that Jesus asked to be preached in Acts 10. Christians are against sin (and the institutionalization of it) not because it is particularly relevant to their own lives in many cases, but because if not dealt with properly, will separate people from all that can be characterized as "good" for eternity. It is certainly nothing personal. Love of neighbor causes me to speak my mind at times, as it should for everyone.
Existence is forever.