Posts by Perry
Newspaper article: Why JWs Don't Celebrate Easter
by Sugar Shane insaw this article in the google news.
it seems like the comments section is being overrun by jw apologists.
would be nice if some of us leveled the playing field.
Here's an interesting article in defense of using the word "Easter", as the historical day of Jesus' resurrection. -
Religion, a part of the American way of Life.
by Gorbatchov infound this picture on the twitter account and it makes a wider perspective to me.. the jw religion is so part of the american way of life, just like the other religions in the us.. in the jw growth rate country's there is a market for this "better" life.
the religion makes it possible.. western europe had that marketing mix need after world war 2 and maybe a part of the cold war.. see the picture, and you know, the similarities with the jw religion, the change will be in details and not fundamental.. gorby.
The JW religion is so part of the American way of Life, just like the other religions in the US.
I was raised to NOT BE a part of the American way of life. No, participation in govt., armed forces, holidays, friends who were not JW's etc. I can hardly imagine a more Un-American ideology.
I quit the Goodwill :(
by Joliette ini couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.
you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.
i couldnt take it.
Goodwill serves a valuable niche. I have picked up a few things there, I regularly donate stuff there and take the tax deduction. -
Kingdom Hall Built on Site of Former Slave Market
by Wild_Thing inin mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
Edited to read "most of us". However, even though I was a 4th gen born in; I reached a point where: It was my own choice. I MUST deal with that fact.
Symbolism duly noted nonetheless.
Kingdom Hall Built on Site of Former Slave Market
by Wild_Thing inin mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
"Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey"
The former slaves, were not such by choice. Most of us willingly submitted to our slavery from our own volition.
Happy Resurrection Sunday
by Perry in.
wishing everyone a happy resurrection sunday.... from my family to yours!.
I rarely wear a tie to church. I think this was the first time the boys did. That's one of the reasons I wanted to grab photo yesterday.
Steve, thank you. My avatar hasn't been changed since I started posting here some 15 years ago.
Best wishes to all.
- Perry
Happy Resurrection Sunday
by Perry in.
wishing everyone a happy resurrection sunday.... from my family to yours!.
Wages of sin is death Cofty.
But, the gift God gives is everlasting life. That's the way the universe is set up..... all based on choice.
Eve had a choice. She was told beforehand the price. Essentially, she chose to not believe God is what really happened. Her real problem was lack of belief of the consequences, while at the same time believing that he was withholding something good. Both, false beliefs as the last several thousand years has borne out.
Belief is what moves the hand of God, and triggers blessings. It gets results when done through the office of Christ alone. Sometimes God takes something from us, sometimes he gives gifts. All based on trust. I was a fool to put my trust in men.
"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man"
After I did that with the WT, I did little better trusting in my own devices.
"He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool"
God honors our choices. That was perhaps the hardest lesson I had to learn. The whole free moral agency system of governance is set up on choice. We can do one of three things in life, and get one of three results.
1. We can put our trust in others. If we do, then they are responsible for the results.
2. We can put our trust in ourselves. Then, we are responsible for the results.
3. We can put our trust in Christ alone, then God is responsible for the results.
I am 53. I have spent a considerable amount of time in each of those categories. My experience is that option three gets FAR more relatively immediate positive results, not to mention the eternal ones that go with inheriting the things that go along with being a member of God's family.
Out of everything I have learned so far in life, the role of belief is by far the most valuable fact I've discovered.
Happy Resurrection Sunday
by Perry in.
wishing everyone a happy resurrection sunday.... from my family to yours!.
Wife was an atheist.... or at least strong agnostic. We both came to Christ at approximately the same time.... within a few months of each other.
The lack of love, the moral failings of congregation leaders, and my own powerlessness in dealing with sin is what woke me up to the uselessness of working for righteousness.
"There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his."
Jesus paid it ALL.
Happy Resurrection Sunday
by Perry in.
wishing everyone a happy resurrection sunday.... from my family to yours!.
Hi Sparky,
It's not luck. I spent 10 years after leaving the org trying to get my life together. It never happened. Just ended up still single, depressed, & with more baggage than I had as a witness. After I accepted Christ, he did it for me, as a gift.
The Watchtower is a thief.
Jesus said:
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
He is risen indeed! The John Ankerberg show had an excellent piece on the parts of the resurrection that believers and non-believer alike are agreed upon. Worth a watch. Here's the teaser:
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
In this continuing series with Dr. William Lane Craig, we will examine the question, “Did Jesus rise from the dead?” Dr. Craig shares four historical facts accepted by the majority of New Testament and secular scholars today, including the honorable burial of Jesus, His empty tomb, His post-mortem appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief in God.
Happy Resurrection Sunday
by Perry in.
wishing everyone a happy resurrection sunday.... from my family to yours!.
Thank you. I am enjoying it ....beard and all!