bohn, your false assumptions were already refuted pages ago. And you know it.
The universe had a beginning. You can't change that.
Beginnings have causes. You can't change that either.
Since our space/time universe was caused, the cause is outside of space & time, otherwise its own cause would precede it, placing it back in the space time universe, it is still yet to create... an illogical impossibility. So, the whole notion of what is "natural" is placed beyond our space/time universe, quite effectively destroying Materialism/Naturalism.
No one has ever seen something from nothing appear. As already addressed, a vacuum is far from "nothing" . Don't confuse the two. Additionally, when virtual particles momentarily appear within a vacuum, they are appearing in a space that already exists, because space itself is part of our universe.
Our understanding of the laws of physics is based on observation. We are in territory here well beyond observation.
Atheists speculate freely on yet unknown laws of physics that would allow a universe to pop into existence from nothing. Even if discovered, the atheist is still left with the serious question; Where did those laws came from? This is usually not included in their speculations.
Just another illustration of the many failures of Materialism / Naturalism to explain our existence.