The process that creates stalactites and stalagmites is well understood
Then it should be easy for you to explain why they take "millions of years" to form in caves and just a few decades in basements.
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The process that creates stalactites and stalagmites is well understood
Then it should be easy for you to explain why they take "millions of years" to form in caves and just a few decades in basements.
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Limestone caves dissolve at a very slow, consistent rate that can be measured.
Millions of years is pretty slow!
It is amazing how the mineral deposits know how to grow slowly in caves but quickly in environments that contradict the naturalism ideology.
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The caption claims the environment is virtually identical to a nearby famous cave.
George Rogers Clark Memorial is built on the bank of the Wabash River at Vincennes, Indiana. The limestone came from Bedford Quarry, near Bedford, Indiana, just six miles from the entrance of Blue Springs Cave, one of the most beautifully decorated caves in the nation. Water percolates down through cracks in the memorial building into the basement as it does in the cave and the result is the same kind of formations as found in the cave.
It certainly looks identical to cave formations claimed to be millions of years old. A better explanation is not that the chemical make up might be different, but that the rate of mineral deposit varied from what ever testing was originally done to determine the rate of mineral flow.
This huge mineral mound was cause by a farmer's field pipe that was left flowing for 100 years and formed this mineral rich deposit. It is called the Teepee Formation in Thermopolis, Wyoming.
Here's some beautiful formations in a manmade tunnel. Notice the sign.
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Over the weekend I saw a stalagmite that was about 2 million years old, and it is still alive and growing. The science currently will not give you exact year the first deposit was made, but through statistical measure they can present with a degree of confidence that the stalagmite is old 2 million years.
Stalagmites are a perfect example of this discussion. How many millions of years did this take to form?
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Anyway, the article you linked to is research into the field of medicine. Do you have similar research that actually applies to the fields of biology, genetics, archeology and geology?
Anders Anderson,
Scientific American calls the problem"epidemic" and "rampant" in the "natural sciences" - Quote:
"False positives and exaggerated results in peer-reviewed scientific studies have reached epidemic proportions in recent years. The problem is rampant in economics, the social sciences and even the natural sciences"
Relevant reports from Scientific American isn't spam. Results oriented reporting (aka confirmation bias) is a problem with humans of every background and ideology.... evolutionists, creationists, bicyclists, drama students as well as politicians and engineers. I work closely with engineers at times and am licensed to perform certain field tests. They then can apply their stamp to my data collection reports because of my training.
My forensic evidence doesn't change, but the interpretation sure does. When you know the client, you can peg about 80% of the time how the analysis will lean. I am amused to see the reports when engineers face off. Same data, opposite conclusions. And, the attorneys have a field day with it.
No one is exempt from this phenomenon.
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i'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
Well said Greybeard!
About the only door I remember was when a lady pointed out to me that Christians believe in the paradise earth, they just call it the Millennium Reign.
I walked away wondering why I was out in field service that morning. Looking back, that was the first crack in the edifice for me.
I will work on simplification. Thanks for the rest in peace line on the 1914 generation. I think I will work that in somehow.
cheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!.
when you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
god bless freedom!.
it's really a pathetic world. We should be much further along as a race.
True. But, freedom isn't free, and never will be. Sadly, many have no idea of this concept, much less what Memorial Day is even for.
one of the things i could never understand is people handing over absolute control to these charlatans.
i know over the years they have bashed owning pets for various reasons.
complete stupidity.
Your story reminded me of this song:
cheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!.
when you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
god bless freedom!.
i'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
That's what Ima thinkin Vanderhoven.
JW's come to Christians homes preaching a teaching that Christians already believe, dismissing a contract from God to get us there, ignoring the fact that the "great crowd" are wearing white robes signifying their righteous standing by means of the covenant they refuse.
(Rev. 7:14 - These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood [covenant] of the Lamb.)
Every Christian on this planet should be able to point out this nonsensicalness.