Utterly mindless
Posts by Perry
new strategy to turn in your time in Japan
by yoko N injw.org stickers are passed around among publishers.one brother says "hey you can just turn in your time just driving around streets with this sticker on your car.
" the other side of this car ,(photo) there is a qr code sticker on it.. .
June 2017 Watchtower - Jehovah's Sovereignty is at stake if you disagree with us
by Listener infour years ago the watchtower made the following demand.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.
they are not content with obedience and in the upcoming june watchtower they have this to say -15. how does respect for theocratic headship reveal our love for jehovah’s way of ruling?15 what is our response to divinely authorized headship?
Jehovah's Sovereignty is at Stake | We Must Proclaim the Vindication of God's Holy Name | God is Settling the Question: Who Has the Right to Rule? | Jesus Paid Back What Adam Lost | The Bible is a Book of Government | We Must Preach the Good News of the Kingdom (interpreted as the WT) ... Blah, blah blah, Blah - blah, blah, blah
The above statements represent what Christianity is "all about" according to the Watchtower. These tenets were all shoved down my throat since I was old enough to read and understand. And, they are all LIES FROM HELL. Pretty ingenious how they made a cult out of God's own name.
My parents, older brothers, aunts & uncles harped on these topics to the point where they nearly were frothing at the mouth sometimes. Virtually every question I asked was met with one of the above "thought-stopping cliches". They are designed to shut the mind and the mouth. For some of us, that is very hard to do.
The bible is not a book of government, it is a book that is divided into two sections: an old testament and a new testament. The word "testament" means literally "CONTRACT". But a contract for what? They are contracts that guarantee avoiding judgment after you die.
....it is appointed unto man, once to die and then face judgment - Hebrews 9: 27
There was 1 covenant in the OT and 1 in the NT that guaranteed safe passage through this judgment. They WERE NOT formed for any of the silly reasons given by the WT above. They were for the purpose of forgiveness of sins....PERIOD. The sole purpose of the WT is to obscure the Salvation offered by the NT.
The ...“other sheep”, are in a different condition. The Jonadabs have fled to the Lord and there found refuge. They are still human creatures, not even justified, - w.38 p.104,105
Question for Jehovah's Witnesses: If you are not justified before God by the blood of Jesus, how do you become justified? And, Is justification necessary? The bible is clear:
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ - Romans 5:1
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved
from wrath through him. - Romans 5:9
As noted above, without being justified, you do not have "peace with God" and you will not be "saved from wrath". Can you justify yourself by being "in good standing" with the WT organization? You tell me:
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. - Galatians 2:16A few years ago I took out all the references in the NT referring to what the Good News really was. This is what I came up with:
New Testament occurrences of the term Gospel of _______:
Gospel of Jesus Christ (or Christ ) – 12 times
Gospel of God – 7 times
Gospel of the kingdom – 4 times
Gospel of peace – 2 times
Gospel of the grace of God – 1 time
Gospel of your salvation – 1 time
Gospel of the uncircumcision – 1 time
Gospel of the circumcision – 1 time
Gospel of his Son – 1 time
The Watchtower focuses MUCH OF their raison d'etre for preaching the “good news of the kingdom”. They try to make this the exclusive message of Christianity and interpret it as pertaining to themselves. That was not the main Good News.
The Good News refers to Jesus himself, the one we were denied communion with at each memorial - and NOT the Watchtower.
PERSONAL SALVATION is the message.
June 2017 Watchtower - Jehovah's Sovereignty is at stake if you disagree with us
by Listener infour years ago the watchtower made the following demand.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.
they are not content with obedience and in the upcoming june watchtower they have this to say -15. how does respect for theocratic headship reveal our love for jehovah’s way of ruling?15 what is our response to divinely authorized headship?
Sometimes it's helpful to take Watchtower writings and just delete all the "white noise" .
So, below is the 2nd quote on the OPENING POST with just the number of times they equate themselves with Jehovah; all the garbage is left out. Wow! Seven times in one paragraph.
1. theocratic headship
2. Jehovah’s way of ruling
3. divinely authorized headship
4. Jehovah’s sovereignty.
5. theocratic order
6. Jehovah’s rulership
7. God has our interests at heart.
They are a far cry from scripture:
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
Notice how they twist the scripture that says Christ is the head of every man, into: "Christ - head of the Christian Congregation". Slippery, deceptive little reprobates they are.
Take a look over my shoulder
by Doug Mason ini have assigned myself a probably impossible task: i want to see if i can pick out the highlights of the evolution of judaeo/christian soteriology (doctrine of salvation).
i am making available the first draft very rough ideas of two chapters at:.
http://www.jwstudies.com/take_a_look_over_my_shoulder.pdf .
First of all, I don't make the rules. God is the one who has a zero tolerance for sin from a legal standpoint. When Jesus was murdered by Jew & Gentile - having never sinned, but only did what was good and right, he provided an alternative to personal death & judgement for the believer. From God's point of view, that death was good enough to be a substitute for the death legally required for each sinner, if received.
As for getting the gospels and the resurrection back to the time of the actual event, I found the video below to be quite convincing.
Was There ANYTHING Positive That You Experienced Because of Being a JW?
by minimus inwas there anything positive about your jehovah's witness experience?.
Learning to sell false religion door to door starting at age 5 in the #1 Christian country in the world helped me to make friends with rejection.
Once I master this, I found that I could outsell most others that never were afforded this excellent rejection-sensitivity-training.
JWs leaving the cult, here is a story of one family.
by Crazyguy inso a friend of mine will start with him.
he's a typical jw goes to meeting helps out a lot uses his truck to move stuff around for the cult etc.. his wife gets bored with life and goes on a fornication spree and then gets dfd.
he didn't like the way it was handled and himself during this time of emotional chaos has a minor indiscretion and gets privately reproved.
His wife gets bored with life and goes on a fornication spree
I was raised in the truth but rebelled during my teen years. I was in all the way for 8 years starting at age 23.
I attended 4 different Congregations during this time and saw rampant fornication & adultery at everyone I attended.
From what I saw, most congregations were just a trashy Jerry Springer show.
My Son's wish granted from Make A Wish
by azor inwe leave friday for his disney cruise wish.
he's also a big star wars fan, and they have a star wars day on one of the seafaring days.
to say we are all looking forward to this is an understatement.
Bon Voyage! Hope he has LOTS of fun.
My Introduction - An ex-elder's story of waking up later in life.
by doubtfull1799 inbackground:.
my parents got the “truth” while i was in primary school.
i was baptised at 14. i loved school and was extremely studious.
Thanks for sharing your story. Don't get despondent about the"lost years". There are plenty of success stories here of people who are catching up.
Just keep moving.
Take a look over my shoulder
by Doug Mason ini have assigned myself a probably impossible task: i want to see if i can pick out the highlights of the evolution of judaeo/christian soteriology (doctrine of salvation).
i am making available the first draft very rough ideas of two chapters at:.
http://www.jwstudies.com/take_a_look_over_my_shoulder.pdf .
Paul was the earliest chronologically. Neither he nor any of the Gospel writers had either seen or heard Jesus, and they wrote decades after the "Jesus-event", relying on oral tradition - not facts.
There are a couple of manuscripts that pre-date Paul's writings. Notice the large number of writings that are within the lifespans of the eyewitnesses. Where is the back-lash if this was all fake news?
Year Document
30-60 Passion Narrative 40-80 Lost Sayings Gospel Q 50-60 1 Thessalonians 50-60 Philippians 50-60 Galatians 50-60 1 Corinthians 50-60 2 Corinthians 50-60 Romans 50-60 Philemon 50-80 Colossians 50-90 Signs Gospel 50-95 Book of Hebrews 50-120 Didache 50-140 Gospel of Thomas 50-140 Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel 50-150 Apocalypse of Adam 50-150 Eugnostos the Blessed 50-200 Sophia of Jesus Christ 65-80 Gospel of Mark 70-100 Epistle of James 70-120 Egerton Gospel 70-160 Gospel of Peter 70-160 Secret Mark 70-200 Fayyum Fragment 70-200 Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs 73-200 Mara Bar Serapion 80-100 2 Thessalonians 80-100 Ephesians 80-100 Gospel of Matthew 80-110 1 Peter 80-120 Epistle of Barnabas 80-130 Gospel of Luke 80-130 Acts of the Apostles 80-140 1 Clement 80-150 Gospel of the Egyptians 80-150 Gospel of the Hebrews 80-250 Christian Sibyllines 90-95 Revelation 90-120 Gospel of John 90-120 1 John 90-120 2 John 90-120 3 John 90-120 Epistle of Jude -
Take a look over my shoulder
by Doug Mason ini have assigned myself a probably impossible task: i want to see if i can pick out the highlights of the evolution of judaeo/christian soteriology (doctrine of salvation).
i am making available the first draft very rough ideas of two chapters at:.
http://www.jwstudies.com/take_a_look_over_my_shoulder.pdf .
Good questions Doug.
If as you say Jesus said that a person only needed to believe in him, he is not saying "Believe that I am going to be killed and raised from the dead". Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that the synoptists speak of obtaining salvation and eternal life in terms of obedience and good works (sheep-goats, etc.). Do the Gospel writers relate salvation to Jesus' resurrection?
Jesus death & resurrection are inseparable. One is the price, the other is the proof. Right from the introduction we see the issue of Salvation. Matt 1:21 states that Mary “will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
The Jewish people, with fifteen centuries of history lessons on how to wash away sins ( animal blood), knew that the wages of sin was death. To save a person from their sins was synonymous with saving someone from judgement in their minds.
The name Jesus is not just spoken but interpreted: it means YHWH saves. That is the proverbial "very definition" of the man Jesus and his purpose. John the Baptist introduced him as "the [sacrificial] lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He was born for the purpose of sacrificial death.... Born to die a death he didn't deserve to pay a debt he didn't owe.
In 20:28, he says “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” This echos Hosea 13: 14 - I WILL RANSOM THEM FROM THE POWER OF THE GRAVE; I WILL REDEEM THEM FROM DEATH
In John 6 Jesus is clear about the role of belief AND his death.
said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.... And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day....Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.... I am the living bread which came down from heaven... and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
Clearly Jesus related Salvation to his death and links to the proof of the resurrection
John 10: 17 - I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
You wrote:
Paul was the earliest chronologically. Neither he nor any of the Gospel writers had either seen or heard Jesus, and they wrote decades after the "Jesus-event", relying on oral tradition - not facts.
Acts 10:
even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.
Eye-Witness Testimony isn't facts? It is some of the strongest evidence allowed in court.
There is no need for a Creator for reason and logic to exist
Perhaps it is more accurate to say that if God doesn't exist, you would have no earthly idea if your reason and logic was reasonable or logical at all. This the ultimate betrayal of materialism.
For instance, a person may invite you to a picnic next Thursday and say that they "know" that it will be good weather. When you arrive on Thursday, the same person declares, "see I told you that I knew that the weather would be nice today".
Just because the materialist's logic "worked" on that day, there is no reason to believe that the logic would work on any other given day, time or place, like the weather. Why, because supposedly chance and randomness birthed it. Randomness, like the weather is constantly changing. But this is not how the materialists speaks about his logic.
Instead , they rely on the biblical model of stable, reliable unchanging logic and practicality, even while claiming randomness to be its author. This is illogical. You expect logic to be the same in China the same as it is in Europe or Antarctica. This is the ultimate tattle-tale of the "unbelievers" logic. Even if you were to find truth or logic, you would not be able to "know" for certain because of the self-imposed idolatry of chance. The most you could say is that it worked on this day or that.
Christians don't have this problem. We have sound reason to claim that logic should or ought to be the same everywhere, regardless of circumstance (weather) because God is its author.
Knowledge ultimately suffers the same fate as morals in a materialistic worldview that I described in an earlier post on this thread.
Hope I didn't step on any toes.
Anyone up for a picnic next Thursday? I "know" that it won't rain that day.