They hurl insults. They throw pseudoscience BS in your face. They write posts that fold in on themselves and then when you question their spin they tell you that you are stupid and act like babies.
That is true. But to be fair, we all used to engage in that kind of behavior to one degree or another when we were Witnesses. Some people are just "evolving" more slowly than others.
We had absolutely ZERO education in sound biblical doctrine, yet we went to people's doors and acted so cock sure of ourselves. When they said anything about heaven, we railed on them about the "paradise earth" and regarded them as ignorant, uneducated, sappy silly-headed buffoons.
We never even paused for a moment to consider that ALL CHRISTIANS already believed in a paradise earth.....they just call it the Millennium Reign instead.
We all signed on to someone else' research and bought it hook line and sinker because it "had the ring of truth" as my father used to say.
Cofty has simply drilled out of one prison cell into another one. He miscalculated and bored through the wrong wall. He is inside of another illusion based on someone else's research, Why? Because he has no formal scientific education himself to perform his own tests. It is a familiar environment for him. It just feels right to him.
But Cofty has deeper issues than the average parroting ideologue. Virtually everyone including Bill Gates likens DNA to a code. The DNA code even has another code on top on the four letter one. Years ago I asked Cofty where did the code come from. He simply stated that it really wasn't a code, it just acted like one and looked like one. I guess that had the "ring of truth" to him. For Cofty, truth is not a concern, it is all about the semantics. Mind numbing.
Anyway, my offer still stands.
Cofty, if you change your mind, just IM me and I will call the professor and see if he is willing to make good on his offer to be educated by someone regarding evolution. This could be your chance to really make a name for yourself. (Not to mention get a free vacation out of the deal.)
I suspect that you wont mind a little audio/video right? Looks like some of your friends here are counting on you.
P. S. Are you going to tell us what you do for a living, or are you unemployed ?